Zagovny is a form of sanguinary witchcraft practiced wholly by the Vedma. It is a collection of different strange powers that can be mistaken for other disciplines. Thus the Vedma have a reputation for knowing a whole host of other disciplines; a reputation they are loathe to correct.
This Discipline is described in detail in VTR: Ordo Dracul (book)
Eye of Blood - Allows the caster to see through the target's eyes until next sunset; she may activate and disable this power as often as she wishes while in effect.
Witch-Cloak - Alters the perceptions of an onlooker to make them think that the Vedma has changed shape in some way.
Witch's Gaze - Inflicts a curse with a single look, causing fear, bad luck, injury, and/or disease upon the victim.
Blood Minions - Transmutes the witch's blood into a number of dreadful animals, which will serve the witch as she pleases until vanishing.
Flight of the Warlock - Travels a great distance in an instant by displacing one of her Blood Minions, and appearing wherever it once stood.
- VTR: Ordo Dracul (book)
, pp. 195-198