Xian Quan, "DziDzat155" is a Hunter of the Defender Creed.
Quan is the heir to a sizable business in Hong Kong. While his family is wealthy, they are newly rich. Quan's grandfather started his family along the golden path. His father quadrupled the wealth that he received, and no less is expected of Quan.
The transfer of political power back to Mainland China has increased the pressure on Quan to guide his grandfather's company. Like many Chinese family businesses, it is a diverse lot: chicken farms on the mainland; CD factories near Shanghai; and the foundation of its prosperity, a small import business in the New Territories dealing in opals and jade. The company is the pride of Quan's beloved grandfather, the hope of his immediate family, and the sustenance and security for over a thousand workers. He takes this charge and his responsibility for it very seriously.
Quan grew up between East and West. Educated by traditional tutors and English public schools in Hong King, he attended collage at George Washington University in the United States. Once he returned home, he worked middle management for five years. Only recently has he been invited to come to the headquarters and join his father at the head of the company.
Quan's substantial burden has doubled since he was imbued. His grandfather has told him stories of gods and unquiet spirits haunting the living. Then, one day, he found himself seated across from one of those very things at a business meeting. Quan drove away the ghost masquerading as a Chinese businessman, but not without a cost. A week later, a walking corpse attacked him as he traveled between Kowloon and the New Territories. The pragmatic Quan immediately contact the "businessman" and apologized for his rudeness. But rather than do business with the creature, Quan pointed him to a competitor, even though he knew he would lose money as a result. Quan subtly took over this father's calendar thereafter and started "screening" all appointments, searching for a pattern among the creatures he saw, and looking for a means to protect his family business.
Indeed, when Quean was imbued, his eyes opened to streets filled with supernatural creatures. A business trip to Beijing proved that the beings were not confined to Hong Kong. He will long remember the sights of the Forbidden City, a city of the dead.
The pervasiveness of creatures has made Quan's hunt subtle, so as not to draw their attention to him or his loved ones. For now, protecting the business is his primary duty, but he understands even that his battle is a losing one. Something more - something proactive - must be done.
- HTR: Hunter Book: Defender, p. 24, 26, 31, 53, 93-94
- HTR: Hunter Storytellers Handbook, p. 39
- HTR: Hunter Book: Avenger, p. 58
- HTR: Hunter Book: Redeemer, p. 58
- HTR: Hunter Book: Wayward, p. 40
- VTES: Nights of Reckoning