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Wyld Fetishes are a type of fetish influenced by the Wyld.


The Wyld can occasionally be generous. There are many and various gifts that it can bestow on its erstwhile allies, the Garou; gifts of varying potency and use in the war to preserve the Wyld itself.

That being said, the Wyld is also extremely fickle about where it bestows its favor and in what fashion it does do. The following Wyld fetishes are "true" Wyld fetishes - they are not reproducible by the Garou, and attempts to fabricate them always end in failure. Instead, they are simply found. Sometimes they appear, sometimes they are transmogrifications of perfectly mundane items, and sometimes an emissary of the Wyld delivers them by hand (or claw, or tentacle, or so forth). Some last for centuries and are handed down within a sept; others crumble to dust after a single use. The only guarantee is that there are no guarantees with gifts from the Wyld.

Most Wyld fetishes are either animal-shaped or somehow related to animal or plant life. Often, they are effigies of some sort of living creature.

Curiously enough, all Wyld fetishes are automatically attuned to the Garou who finds them, but can't be passed to another, It would seem that the Wyld likes to personalize its gifts.

List of Wyld Fetishes[]

  • Glass Mites - Level 1, Gnosis 5 - Glass mites aren't alive in any strict sense of the word. They simply mimic that state remarkably well. Glass beads no more than a half-inch in diameter, a handful of mites will sit comfortably in a leather pouch for days or even years until needed. However, once they are activated it is both time-consuming and difficult to recapture them. Once triggered, glass mites animate into a frenzy of sound and motion. Spread out on the ground and infused with Gnosis, they swirl into a hovering cloud of multifaceted annoyance. While they don't actually attack a particular target, they will torment a chosen victim through distraction, getting underfoot, high-pitched chittering and so forth.
  • Green Leaper - Level 2, Gnosis 4 - A Green Leaper is nothing more than a roughly frog-shaped lump of moss. It's quite fragile, and must be kept moist lest it crumble to dust. However, when a Garou concentrates and turns the Leaper loose, it suddenly looks much more frog-like and indeed becomes animate, leaping from surface to surface in a random pattern. This includes living creatures, and more than one Pentex goon has been unnerved by the sight of verdant growth emerging from his gun hand as he watches.
  • Swarmbags - Level 2, Gnosis 4 - Simple cloth pouches, tied and knotted with leather things - swarmbags don't look like much. True, they do have something of an unpleasant consistency to them, but until thrown they are inert lumps and nothing more. The shapeshifter lucky enough to be granted these talens usually finds between four and a dozen. Once they are tossed at an enemy, however, swarmbags become an entirely different proposition. On contact (a Dexterity + Athletics roll, difficulty 5 is required to score a direct hit), the bag bursts open as a swarm of crawling, biting creatures erupts and frantically scurries about whatever - or whomever - the bag has hit.
  • The Bent Vine - Level 3, Gnosis 5 - The Bent Vine is nothing more than a withered and dried piece of kudzu with a glyph scratched painstakingly into it. No more than three inches long, it's utterly unremarkable to look at. However, when dropped on soil of any sort, the Bent Vine springs to life as a positive hydra of greenery. If it's brought in contact with vines that already exist, it stirs them into a frenzy of explosive growth. The resultant wave of vines is aggressive, dangerous and inclined towards grabbing anything nearby for purposes of pulling bits of it in multiple directions. As a result, Bent Vines make excellent cover for a Garou looking to beat a hasty retreat in the face of aggressive pursuit.
  • Cold Ichor - Level 3, Gnosis 6 - Cold Ichor, occasionally manifests itself in the dew off certain species of three found near Wyld places. The fluid is an iridescent, almost glowing green that easily catches the eye, and it collects in just a few leaves at a time. Garou who recognize the liquid for what it is harvest it very carefully, or else give the tree producing it a wide berth. Cold Ichor can be stored very easily in glass or ceramic, and it is neither caustic nor acidic. Until used, it will sit quiescently in whatever container holds it, perhaps glowing faintly in the proper lights. Garou who harvest Cold Ichor, however, are very careful with it, and will wash themselves thoroughly after even coming near the stuff. It's simply too dangerous to treat with anything other than extreme caution. (Cold Ichor causes anything it touches to accelerate uncontrolled cell growth, such as tumors and cancer.)
  • Ded Bugz - Level 3, Gnosis 6 - While it's not necessarily the most attentive member of the Triat, the Wyld does keep up with the times. It also, if this fetish is any indication, possess a mediocre-to-poor sense of humor. Ded Bugz are almost exactly what their name would suggest, insect cadavers tucked into grass-and-straw versions of themselves. (Purists suggest that this is related to the custom of the wicker man; cynics note that it's difficult to carry around dead bugs without squashing them beyond recognition. The Wyld itself is mum on the matter.) No more than an inch or two long, these fragile contraptions nonetheless can be quite effective. (Ded Bugz randomizes numbers and fries computer systems).
  • Wyldflute - Level 3, Gnosis 6 - A Wyldflute is a variation on the panpipes, and looks about as threatening. A non-Garou playing one is liable to get a series of toots and whistles, nothing more. A Garou who's in the know, however, can get something far more impressive. (The tune instills a random emotion in listener to listener.)
  • Stone Kettle - Level 4, Gnosis Variable - Contrary to its name, the Stone Kettle is not, in fact, made of stone. Usually, it blackened iron, sometimes wood, but always deceptively rough-hewn. There's only the vaguest glimmer of anything supernatural about the kettle (which, in truth, looks exactly like a cheap piece of cookware), and only those looking hard will notice that the battered pot is more than it seems. For while a Stone Kettle can be used as simply that, it also can perform a few other, more interesting functions. With just some boiled water and a stone, a Garou who knows what he's doing can use the Kettle to boil up vapors, stenches, clouds and suchlike to suit his purposes. If he doesn't know what he's doing, however, he just might brew something with unexpected - and dangerous - consequences. (The Kettle summons a random weather effect, such as, Fog, cold wind, icy winds, Clouds, etc.)
  • Primordial Slime - Level 4, Gnosis 5 - Primordial Slime is possibly the Wyld's ugliest creation, and there's plenty of competition for that title. A dull greenish-black in color, it has the consistency of vomit and a stench to match. Only glazed ceramic jars will hold the stuff safely, though Glass Walkers swear by Pyrex lab glassware. In any case, it's vicious stuff, but thankfully not at all common. Where the stuff comes from is unknown, and very few Garou are at all eager to find out. Even the name is something of a mystery. According to lore, a young Glass Walker Theurge saw it for the first time and commented derisively that it looked like the primordial slime back before life had dragged itself into existence. The story was passed around and the name stuck, but the laughter at the tale has always been just a little bit uneasy. (This fetish is capable of transmogrification, brushing it onto any non-living surface changes that surface into another substance).
  • Venomous Swarmbags - Level 4, Gnosis 6 - These are identical to regular Swarmbags, except that the creatures released are all venomous to a greater or lesser degree. While it is unlikely that any given bite will be deadly, there is always that chance....
  • Birnam Sands - Level 4, Gnosis 7 - Birnam sands don't look like anything spectacular. Indeed, they resemble nothing so much as a handful of yellowish dust, marred with occasional sparkles that the untrained eye might take for flakes of mica or quartz. Close examination, however, reveals that the shimmers actually move throughout the sand at a pace just short of a blur. What the Birnam sands do is quite remarkable. A pinch of the dust, properly activated and sprinkled in a circle around the base of a tree, is enough to convince the tree to pick up its roots (temporarily) and go walking in a random direction. Needless to say, a hundred-year old oak tree gallivanting about using its roots for legs can do quite a bit of damage, and when a particularly crafty werewolf gets a whole grove up and stomping around at once, the results are usually quite impressive. The effect of the sands lasts up to a half an hour, and while the tress seem to be utterly chaotic in their motion, they always somehow mange to avoid colliding with one another or with the Garou who turned them loose. Said Garou's companions, however, may not be quite so lucky. When the effect of the sands wears off, the trees re-root themselves comfortably and stably in their current positions. Left behind are gaping holes in the earth and torn-up sod where they once stood, but anyone looking at the trees' new positions would have sworn they're been there for years.
  • Willowhip - Level 5, Gnosis 5 - Appearing as nothing more than a green, leafy coil of willow branch, a Willowhip is surprisingly deadly for something so innocuous-looking. Extending up to 18 feet in length, the Willpwhip is used exactly like a bullwhip, though to much greater effect.


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