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World of Future Darkness

The World of Future Darkness is an alternate setting, combining Vampire: The Masquerade (2nd Edition) and Cyberpunk 2020. It was written by long-time White Wolf contributor Elizabeth D. Brooks.

The setting was presented in three parts, found in WW: White Wolf Magazine 36, p. 14-24 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! (June 1993), WW: White Wolf Magazine 37, p. 48-59 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! (August 1993), and WW: White Wolf Magazine 38, p. 14-26 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! (October 1993).


Cyberpunk Kindred

A Cyberpunk Kindred (White Wolf Magazine 36, pg. 14. World of Future Darkness cover)

Rippers. Vampires. Skin grafts. Sometimes I think we’ve got a population explosion of Werewolves on our hands...
  — Lt. Strawberry Morressey, NCPD

Cyberpunk and Gothic-punk are a natural crossbreed; the Vampire naturally slips into the mean streets of 2020 with a vengeance. There are many themes that are common in both games: humanity and the loss of it, alienation, and a feeling of fighting the inevitable. Is there really much difference between a Netrunner, a pair of Solos, and a Medtech out to make money and flout the corporations and a group of Anarchs attempting to destroy the Establishment?

The times are changing. In the old days, you only had to worry about the other Kindred and the occasional ambitious Witch Hunter. Now, you not only have the Elders and Anarchs hunting you for your Blood, but you also have the Megacorps and Edgerunners to worry about. With the addition of Cybernetics, the humans are no longer the pushovers they’ve been over the centuries. Technological advances are now being placed in the body, providing many humans with the ability to match Kindred in physical combat. Modern weaponry has also reached a peak; a Kindred with 5 dice in Firearms and a Perception of 5 will not stand up well to a Cyberpunk with 5 dice in Firearms, a Perception of 5, and a Smartgun Link.

As if all this wasn’t bad enough, many of the youngest Anarchs were Embraced with Cyberware. They have not only Disciplines, but also Cybernetic boosts. Who wants to meet a pissed-off Brujah Solo with Reflex Boost, Muscle & Bone Lace, a Smartgun Link, and Potence and Celerity in a dark Combat Zone alley?

On the other hand, Cyber won’t stop Dominate.

The Masquerade in 2020[]

Cyberpunk Kindred 2

Another Cyberpunk Kindred dodging bullets.

You don’t understand; the Masquerade will be outdated inside the next thirty years. Technology has advanced to the point that nearly anyone who cares to spend the cash can identify Kindred. We must be prepared for the inevitable exposure of our ‘lifestyle. The Canaille possess the means to destroy us now! What will they have in five years? Ten? Twenty? Adapt, die, or get the hell out of the way.
  — Margali, 4th Generation Ravnos, in a letter to the Camarilla, 1994

With changing times come changing customs. When anyone who has the cash can afford to buy hearing boosts that can pick up a heartbeat or the lack of it, or perhaps a set of Thermographics that allow sight reading of skin temperature, the Kindred’s life becomes that much riskier. Many Elders simply don’t deal with mortals on any kind of basis. They stay in their Elysium, as always, and leave the humans for their retainers to deal with. Some Ancillae are so fortunate as to be able to take this stance in relation to mortals. Most Ancillae and Neonates do not. A Childe has the benefit of his Sire’s resources, but only until he is released bv his Sire.

This leaves the Neonates and many Ancillae in the same position they've always held: at the bottom of the heap and going down fast. The ability to simulate normal heartbeat, breathing, and temperature is much valued in this strata.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t always do the trick. How do you deal with the olfactory boosts? Masquerade doesn’t simulate odor. Add to this that even those with an extremely high Humanity can’t fool a person with Image Enhancement, Thermographics, or Sound Editing as often as they would like.

This means that the Cyberpunk strata—Edgerunners, Gangs, and the like—are, to some extent, aware that there is something unusual out there. More than a few even know what. Many of the executives in the Megacorps are quite aware that something is out there. While most of them are pawns of Ventrue, Giovanni, Tremere, or Magi, not all will be. The precise extent to which this is known is up to the Storyteller. The basic idea in any event should be that, like everything else in the world, the Masquerade is fraying to tatters rapidly. Very rapidly—by 2024-2025 at the latest; in the playtest Chronicle it fell apart in 2021. Against this backdrop you have the Elders, trying to maintain the Traditions against all odds; the Anarchs, who are simply not concerned; and the Lupines, whose packs form some of the Nomad gangs responsible for hit-and-run terrorist attacks on many Corp installations.

When the Masquerade finally falls to tattered pieces, the Elders will throw the younger generations to the wolves to save their own Vitae. If the Neonates are careful, they will be capable of surviving this assault of paranoid religions, jealous millionaires, and open warfare from the Inquisition.

The Vampiric Society in Cyberpunk 2020[]

You know I’m going to lose
And gambling’s for fools
But that’s the way I like it baby
I don’t wanna live forever
. . . And don’t forget the Joker!
  — Motorhead, “Ace of Spades”

The Camarilla[]

The last major Conclave was held in Venice in 2009. The Inner Circle decided at that time to enforce harsher restrictions on the Neonates and Anarchs to keep them under control and lessen the risk to the Masquerade. It was also decided to bring North America under tighter control, specifically the West Coast. The advent of cybernetic enhancements has many of the Elders worried about their future.

One major effect this meeting had, although it was unknown to the Camarilla at the time, was the formation of a new faction. This faction is primarily composed of Brujah Individualists, Gangrel, Malkavians, Nosferatu, and Toreador. They call themselves the “Children of Carthagos.” Their ultimate goal is to bring about a world in which Kindred can live openly and freely. Since that time they have been working their way into the Anarch and Camarilla power structure.

The Camarilla has become aware of this group and executes any it finds for breaching the Masquerade. Blood Hunts have been declared on suspicion of membership. Many of the Anarchs view humans as their cattle and see the Children as hopeless idealists.


The Assamites have more business now than they have had in centuries. Many possess contacts with the Megacorps; this is in fact their major source of monetary income. On the other hand, with the constant increase in tensions between the Elders and the Anarchs, there is rich business to be had for elder Vitae.


The moden world has even more place for rebels than the late 20th century. Iconoclasts are found leading street gangs, and a few are at the cutting edge of music. You won’t find them on major labels, however. The Idealists are losing support for their tactics; with the world changing so fast, the Iconoclasts insist there is no time to plan ahead so far. The Individualists are gaining the most ground; most of them can be found in music or as street ops, although a few can be found pulling strings on the few Corps they could get into without attracting Ventrue or Giovanni interest.

Followers of Set[]

The Followers of Set are rising rapidly. Their Clan’s wares are bought and sold nearly everywhere. In fact, some pride themselves on purchasing these items or services. Many can be found dealing the latest and greatest in designer drugs, running the nastier gangs, and otherwise being frustratingly annoying, but always from behind the scenes and in the shadows.


Travel has become much more difficult in the last thirty years. Most Gangrel find a Nomad family to run with, occasionally the Ravnos’s caravans. If they run with a human pack, they don’t do so for very long. In the city they stay to themselves, maintaining their loner image, often becoming Solos or Medics.


This Clan still continues to operate from the family stronghold in Venice, reaching out to gain control of as much of the wealth they can manage to grab. In the last few decades, they have come into indirect conflict with the Ventrue numerous times. The Camarilla is beginning to see them as a greater danger than ever before as their plans bloom.


Members of this Clan still congregate where madness and insanity are common. Naturally, this means they could be anywhere in most modern American cities.


The Nosferatu remain separated from Mortal and Kindred society for the most part, although their information network has expanded to even greater levels. Members of this Clan are likely to know anything about anyone.


The American members of this Clan travel about as Nomads, wandering from city to city, trying to find what enjoyment they can in their particular form of unlife.


This Clan continues to be a powerful influence in the Camarilla. Several influential Toreador own several Entertainment Corps specializing in every medium available in the world of 2020.


Many of the Tremere have puppets in the middle to upper levels of several Corps, including those controlled by Ventrue and Giovanni. The Tremere are still interested in gaining influence in the mortal world, and the balance of power is shifting from national governments to Megacorporations. During the last pilgrimage to Transylvania to meet with Tremere, it was noticed that he was behaving strangely.


The Ventrue possess much influence since many of the more powerful shareholders in many corporations are in their pockets. Money, favors, Dominate, and Blood Bonds ensure their status in the human world. Ever wonder why cybernetics are unpopular in Europe?


In a time when individuality is becoming a rare resource, the Caitiff are having even more difficulty keeping theirs. Many are currently found in gangs or simply trying to survive on their own or in small groups. Quite a few have joined Anarch or Sabbat packs in the last few years.


These Kindred are even more strict about noninterference than ever before. They have also become even more ferocious in enforcing it. In latter years, fewer Kindred have been accepted into the Inconnu. Perhaps the members of this group have completely lost interest in bringing new members into the fold, or are they focusing their efforts on the Tremere?


The Sabbat have continued to expand operations across the continent, taking control of a few cities to the south and west of their primary holdings. Several packs now operate as Nomads, traveling from city to city. Those who have taken to violent action are generally considered dangerous Boostergangs and are occasionally hunted by Cyberpsycho squads.

Other Groups[]


Those who become involved in human politics are ruthless about using their abilities to gain influence over those they consider major players. So long as it doesn't risk their Masquerade, they will use all of the powers at their disposal.

While it might be nice to think that the Corps will discover and control the Magi, remember that the Order of Hermes has been around for over a thousand years. These are not amateurs; they may not fully understand firearms, but, really, what is the difference between a hail of bullets and a ball of fire? The condition of the corpse, Choomba. Remember that.

Most Magi, however, consider themselves above such manipulations. At least those of the Order of Hermes.


These immortals have changed little, no more than necessary to adjust to the modern world. Perhaps a few of them have taken to adding Cyberware to their bodies. It is unlikely more than a few of them would, however.


Stories about ghosts haunting mainframes, while not common, are being circulated through the Net.


Several packs of Garou now wander the country with Nomad Families, nearly always Relatives, often making "terrorist" attacks upon Corporate installations. They generally spend enough time in a city to resupply and no more.

Vampire Hunters[]

Witch-Hunter Cyberpunk

A witch-hunter holding the severed head of his vampire quary.

The Society of Leopold currently has the ear of the Pope, along with enough evidence to prove that Vampires exist. The hunters associated are now more of a paramilitary organization. Expect them all to possess any cybernetic enhancements they can get, specifically anything that will put them on fairly even footing with an enraged Garou or a Frenzying Vampire.

The FBI Special Affairs Division has had its funding reduced and has nearly ground to a halt. The current director, William T. Burroughs, suspects Vampire interference and is working through shadier channels to locate the precise source of the interference; specifically, he is hiring Edgerunners.

The NSA is currently split into three factions and only one is aware of it. The Sabbat and Camarilla each control one of the factions, with the third working to locate the Vampires behind the first two. It is generally engaged in TSSI-level internecine warfare.

The Center for Disease Control has not discovered the cause for the mysterious spread of AIDS. Petrondon, the Nosferatu Justicar, called a Conclave in Atlanta in 1994 with the intent to solve the problem. Currently, a small group of Vampires are responsible for insuring that CDC research into the problem goes nowhere. Unfortunately, this manipulation will not last much longer.

The Arcanum is still studying the supernatural in every form in which they can find it. Jonathan Kelvin, the former head of the American Order, disappeared from the Georgetown Chapter House in 1993. The only clue was found by the Psychometrists in the order: there were traces of an ancient, powerful presence having been in his room the night he disappeared. The man who replaced him is Thomas Yardley, who is becoming bored and frustrated with the restrictions placed on his fieldwork.


WOD Cyberware

Cyberware in Kindred bodies.

Hard as iron
Sharp as steel
Stop for no man
You better beg and kneel
  — Judas Priest, “Hard as Iron’

Cyberware is what makes the genre different. You don’t play Cyberpunk just to shoot people; you play Cyberpunk to shoot people with your smartchipped Minami 10 Submachinegun and shoot first with your Kerenzikov Reflex Boosts. Meat doesn’t cut it on the streets, Choomba. If you have the Euro, buy the toys. It’ll save your worthless butt someday. Besides, the chrome looks so cryo!

One of the ideas that Vampire The Masquerade and Cyberpunk 2020 have in common is the concept of diminishing Humanity. In Vampire, you can lose it to various heinous acts. In Cyberpunk, you lose Humanity to Cyberware. The normal Kindred is always in danger of losing Humanity due to Frenzies and Rotschreck. With the advent of cyberware and its affect on the psyche, the flame of Humanitas burns even lower, the Beast edging closer to the surface. Yes, a Vampire can become even more powerful than other Vampires, let alone Solos with these devices, but think of the mice!

Cyberware in Kindred Bodies[]

Cyberware will generally be present in those Cainites who were Embraced within the last fifteen years. Most people in the modern world have, at the minimum, a pair of interface plugs and a neuralware processor.

Awakening The Flesh (Level 4 Thaumaturgy Ritual)[]

This two-hour ritual allows surgical modifications to be performed upon the Kindred’s body. To begin, the caster must expend three points of his own Blood in a circle around the patient and a piece of amber must be placed under the patient’s tongue. When the surgery is over, the Kindred heals the damage done to her, making a Wits + Medicine roll to avoid healing the modified areas. If she fails, the Cyberware is healed out of the body. Each botch means she also takes one level of Aggravated wounds. Once she is finished spending Blood (all wound boxes are unfilled), the Cyberware or biosculpt is permanent.

The Magi also have a version of this Ritual, although it does not require Blood Points. Neither Tremere nor Magi accept money as payment for this sort of work; they accept favors.


