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World of Darkness: Paranormal Investigator's Handbook is a 2022 release for the World of Darkness (more specifically, for Wraith: The Oblivion).


From the seller's page:

You think that because you’ve spent the night in a haunted house, seen a ghost or two, and participated in an exorcism, that makes you a bona fide paranormal investigator? Mere ghost hunting is for amateurs, buddy.
We’re going to teach you how to hunt real, tangible, unrepentantly murderous monsters.
We’re going to show you how to bind and control the spirits of the dead.
We’re going to give you access to a collection of tools and weapons you didn’t know existed.
You want to investigate the paranormal? Now’s your final chance to turn away, before things get scary.
The Paranormal Investigator’s Handbook includes:
  • A toolkit of weapons and devices for use against all agents of the paranormal.
  • Merits, Flaws, Numina, and Rituals for you to apply to your characters in the World of Darkness.
  • A bestiary of monsters, cryptids, and supernatural threats, to add to your World of Darkness games.
  • A selection of new orders and societies to which your characters might belong, or whom they might oppose.


Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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WOD/WTO: The Longest Night: A Ghost Hunters Jumpstart Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print! Wraith: The Oblivion books N/A