White Wolf Wiki

Wong Ho (黃何) is an honorable and successful businessman in Los Angeles' Chinatown, who owns and operates the Red Dragon out of its hidden second floor offices. He spent a lot of time and effort clearing out the local Tongs, and deeply respects Ming Xiao as a community leader. He has a daughter named Kiki.

When not otherwise engaged, she would hang out in the bar area and talk on the phone.

See this article on the VTM Bloodlines Wiki:
Wong Ho


  • Kikinapped
  • Original Gangster
  • Come Into My Parlor

Background Information[]

  • In Chinese, both "Wong" and "Ho" often appear as family names. Generally the family name comes first and the individual given name comes second. Sometimes Chinese families will switch around the order of their names once they emigrate to the West, which lent some uncertainty to which of Wong Ho's names were which. The Nightly News @ 9 mentions his daughter's name is Kiki Ho, indicating Ho is the family name and his family switched their name ordering once they moved to America.


