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Winter's Teeth Volume 1 is a Graphic Novel collection of five issues of a Vampire: The Masquerade comic produced by Vault Comics.


From DriveThruComics:

When Cecily Bain, an enforcer for the Twin Cities' vampiric elite, takes a mysterious new vampire under her wing, she's dragged into an insidious conspiracy. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the cities, a rebellious found-family of vampire cast-outs investigates a vicious killing.

As the unlives of the Kindred twine together and betrayals are unearthed, will Cecily be able to escape and save what's left of her family, or will she be yet another pawn sacrificed to maintain the age-old secret: that vampires exist among the living?

Born from the world of the internationally best-selling role playing game, Vampire: The Masquerade's critically acclaimed comics debut spins a gripping and tragic tale about the Beast within us all.

Collects #1-5.

Intended for readers 15+



This Graphic Novel collects reprinted issues: Winter's Teeth No. 1, Winter's Teeth No. 2, Winter's Teeth No. 3, Winter's Teeth No. 4, and Winter's Teeth No. 5.



Previous release:
VTM: Winter's Teeth No. 6 Buy it from DriveThruRPG! }
Game Books
Vampire: The Masquerade books
Next release:
VTM: Winter's Teeth No. 7 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!