Willerton is a town in Illinois that is home to 665 souls and home to a mysterious cult worshiping an unknown entity.
First detailed in Let the Streets Run Red, Willerton is technically under the rule of Prince Kevin Jackson and is a place where disobedient Kindred are exiled. Unknown to the majority of individuals in the World of Darkness, once vampires enter the town they cannot exit due to a curse related to the Goblin Roads.
The locals are aware of the existence of Kindred and offer themselves up as vessels to satisfy their hunger willingly. The predominate religion in the region is the Church of the Harvest God that reveres the titular deity. Its current religious leader is the ghoul known as Starchild who has begun providing the Harvest God human and Kindred sacrifices in place of animals.
Willerton is home to two separate groups of Kindred, the Loyalists led by Nazeera and the Nomads led by Robert Warrington.
- VTM: Let the Streets Run Red, p. 48-50