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Who's Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition is a supplement book for Vampire: The Masquerade. This book offers descriptions and background information on thirteen elder Kindred who can be inserted into any Chronicle.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Prepare yourself for for a shocking journey into the depths of immortal evil.
The living dead have walked among us for centuries. Their feuds firing humanity's bloodiest wars. Now learn the secrets of the most powerful vampires, and the origins of their ancient hatred.



Vlad Țepeș, Dracula[]

The infamous Dracula.


Tyler, Brujah elder of the Camarilla.


Karsh, Gangrel Warlord of the Camarilla.


Vasantasena, Malkavian antitribu of the Sabbat.

Rafael de Corazón[]

Rafael de Corazón, Toreador and one of the Founders of the Camarilla.


Gratiano de Veronese, Lasombra elder of the Sabbat and last childe of the Lasombra Antediluvian.


Lambach, Tzimisce elder of the Sabbat.


Montano, Lasombra antitribu and first childe of [Lasombra]


Etrius, Tremere of the Inner Circle.

Durga Syn[]

Durga Syn, independent Ravnos elder and implacable foe of Baba Yaga.


Genevra, Giovanni ally of the Sabbat.


Jalan-Aajav, Black Hand Seraph of the Sabbat.


Dominique, Ventrue antitribu and conscience of the Sabbat.


Background Information[]

  • The back of the book has an ad for MET's The Masquerade (May 1993).
  • The back cover of the book has biographies for Tony Harris, Daniel Greenberg, D. Alexander Gregory and Timothy Bradstreet.
  • Listed in the Credits are the models Brad and Doug used as references for the art pieces in the book: Dan Ryan, Matt Casali, Cindy Fliege, Alex Colby, Kristen Lee, Eyvette, Raoul, Pietre, Karma, Ben Jody, Craig, Molly, Pipa, Malcolm, April, Tracy, Mark, Pail, Lauren, Jason and Cam.

Memorable Quotes[]

"There are no such things as vampires. They're myths.
Lie: That's what they want you to think."



Lexicon: Anarch, Antediluvian, Archon, Assamite, The Beast, Blood Bond (Blood Oath), Brujah, Camarilla, Caine, Caitiff, Clan, Diablerie, Elder, Embrace, Frenzy, Followers of Set, Gangrel, Gehenna, Generation, Ghoul, Giovanni, Golconda, Harpy, Haven, Inconnu, Inquisition, Justicar, Jyhad, Kindred, Kine, Lasombra, Lupine, Malkavian, Masquerade, Neonate (Childe, Fledgling), Nosferatu, Prince, Ravnos, Sabbat, Sire, Toreador, Torpor, Tremere, Tzimisce, Vaulderie, Ventrue, Vitae,

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