White Wolf Wiki

White Wolf: Featured Articles

This page is for the nomination and discussion of articles that may be potentially included in WWWiki's list of featured articles. Featured articles are also displayed on the main page of the wiki. A featured article is an especially well-written, informative, and comprehensive article that covers all available information on a subject.

Anyone may nominate any article for inclusion in the list of featured articles. When you nominate an article, include a short description of why you think that the article should be featured. If you are nominating an article that you have worked on, please note that fact in your description. The nomination is then open to discussion, and anyone may comment in support of or against the inclusion of the article in the list. (As always, please sign your nominations and comments with "~~~~")

When you are commenting on a nomination, please take the time to read the entire article before you decide whether to support or oppose the nomination. If there are no objections posted after seven days of being listed on this page, and at least one member has seconded the nomination, then the article may be added to the list of featured articles. If there are objections, and no consensus is reached within ten days of the original nomination's posting, then the article is removed from the list of candidates. Optionally, a notice that the article has been nominated as a featured article candidate may be added to the article by inserting {{fac}} at the top of the article.

See also: Nomination policy, Nominations archive, Removal candidates

Nominations without objections[]

Nominating Michael Daemon Donighal for featured article status. It's a pretty big article, and fairly full of detail. Maybe not as full as I'd like it to be in the fullness of time, but for now it's an outstanding example. Anyone want to second the motion? IanWatson 13:23, 25 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Sorry I'm late; equally sorry nobody else has been here. As the main author of the article, it's probably almost as gauche for me to second the nomination as it would've been for me to first it, 8-) but we make a good team. AberrantEyes 11:55, 31 Aug 2005 (UTC)
I third it. There is it offical now? Whispering 03:15, 18 March 2006 (UTC)

Nominations with objections[]
