White Wolf Quarterly Winter 2006 Volume 4.1 was an e-zine available for free download by White Wolf on their website in December 7, 2005.
The issue can be found on White Wolf's website by using Way Back Machine.
White Wolf Quarterly Contents[]
Jan-Jun Releases[]
January 2006
February 2006
- Exalted Second Edition Dice ISBN: 1-58846-577-2 WW 80702 $6.99
March 2006
April 2006
- Carthian Shot Glass WW 25717 $4.99
- Lancea Sanctum Goblet WW 25716 $9.99
May 2006
- Invictus Wine Glass WW 25718 $8.99
June 2006
- Circle of the Crone Tankard WW 25719 $7.99
- Ordo Dracul Snifter WW 25720 $11.99
Howlings: News and Notes from White Wolf Game Studio[]
Accolades for the WOD[]
World of Darkness Rulebook wins an Origins Award for Gamer's Choice for Best Roleplaying Game, EN World RPG Award: Best Game (silver), EN World RPG Award: Best Writing (silver) and EN World RPG Award: Best Rules (honorable mention),
Vampire: The Requiem wins an InQuest Gamer Fan Award for Best Roleplaying Game, EN World RPG Award: Best Supplement (gold), EN World RPG Award: Best Interior Art (silver) and was nominated for an Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game Supplement.
World of Darkness: Time of Judgment received the InQuest Gamer Fan Award for Best RPG Supplement. Danse de la Mort received a silver EN World RPG Award for Best Free Product or Web Enhancement (along with an honorable mention for Best Adventure). Werewolf: The Forsaken was also nominated for Best Production Values and got an honorable mention for Best Supplement.
Also this Quarter[]
- World of Darkness: Armory (February)
- Legacies: The Sublime (January)
Upcoming White Wolf Fiction[]
Coworker Haiku by the White Wolf Staff[]
Wasting Precious Working Time.
Recently Overheard at White Wolf HQ[]
"If there was a movie called Knife Jaguar, I would totally go see that."
Calendar of Events[]
Where are we going to be this winter? We've got events scheduled all quarter, here in the States and abroad, where we'd love to see you.
Epic Fantasy Reimagined[]
New Developer John Chambers gives us a first look inside Exalted Second Edition.
The Carnival[]
Vampire: The Requiem writer Christopher Kobar introduces the freakish Carnival from Bloodlines: The Legendary.
In The Telling[]
Vampire developer Will Hindmarch introduces a sundry crew of authors’ very different views on Vampire as presented in the Requiem Chronicler's Guide.
Heresy, Sedition, and, of course, Blasphemy[]
Werewolf: The Forsaken developer Ethan Skemp draws the line between Blasphemies and the average, generic “Big Book of Eeeevil.”
Secrecy and Sacrifice[]
Bill Bridges, developer of Mage: The Awakening, risks life and limb to spill some beans about the Guardians of the Veil.
The Madness of Mind’s Eye Theatre[]
Alex Teodorescu-Badia, the Master Storyteller of the Camarilla, reveals the trials and tribulations one must weather as a Master Storyteller and a developer of Mind’s Eye Theatre material.
"Looking ahead, our next challenges as playtesters and the developer are to integrate Mind's Eye Theatre: The Forsaken with the existing mechanics, and to later enable Mind's Eye Theatre: The Awakening to fulfill its role within the paradigm. Each must emphasize the strengths of their individual genre within the World of Darkness, and while making sure they do so wont be easy, our success with Mind's Eye Theatre and The Requiem makes us believe we can handle it." - Alex Teodorescu-Badia
Products for January[]
- Bloodlines: The Legendary
- Legacies: The Sublime
- Blasphemies
- Wild Blood
- Exalted Second Edition T-Shirt
- Chicago: Three Shades of Night
Products for February[]
- World of Darkness: Armory
- Exalted Second Edition
- Exalted Second Edition Character Pad
- Exalted Second Edition Storyteller Screen
- Exalted Second Edition Dice
Products for March[]
- The Requiem Chronicler's Guide
- Guardians of the Veil
Sword & Sorcery Insider Contents[]

Jan-Jun Releases[]
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
- Renegades (Display) Racer Knights ISBN: 1-58846-548-9 WW 22010 $104.65
- Renegades (Foil Pack) Racer Knights ISBN: 1-58846-549-7 WW 22011 $2.99
April 2006
- Arena Pack Racer Knights ISBN: 1-58846547-0 WW 22012 $15.99
May 2006
- Player's Guide to Ptolus (5-Pack) ISBN: 1-58846-938-9 WW 16113 $14.95
- WOW Monster Guide ISBN: ISBN: 1-58846-936-0 WW 17212 $34.99
June 2006
The Inside Scoop: News and Notes from Sword & Sorcery Studios[]
New Year's Resolutions[]
We asked some of our publishing partners to look ahead and share some of their New Year's Resolutions for 2006.
Racer Knights: Renegades of Falconus[]
The Next Expansion for Racer Knights
Introducing Luke Johnson: A portrait of the Developer as a Young Man[]
Sword & Sorcery at the ENnies[]
- Beyond Countless Doorways got an EN World Awards for Best Cover Art (gold), Best Supplement (silver) and Best Writing (honorable mention).
- City-State of the Invincible Overlord won an EN World Award for Best Cartography (silver).
- Counter Collection Digital won an EN World Award for Best Electronic Product (silver).
- Masque of the Red Death won an EN World Award for Best d20 Game (honorable mention).
- Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved won two EN World Awards for Best Interior Art (gold) and Best d20 Game (gold).
- Trouble at Durbenford won an EN World Award for Best Adventure (bronze).
- Necromancer Games won EN World Awards for Best Publisher (bronze) and Best Free Product or Web Enhancement (honorable mention).
Necromancer Games: Thronging Horrors & Epic Vistas[]
Bill Webb introduces us to the chalkydri in Tome of Horrors III and shows us around the city of Bard's Gate.
World of Warcraft: Dig into the Alliance[]
Luke Johnson pontificates on the Alliance player's Guide and previews the Wildhammer Dwarf race.
Malhavoc Press: Good News for Spellcasters![]
Monte Cook reminds us how much his new game revolutionized RPG spellcasting with his look at the Arcana Evolved Spell Treasury.
Spotlight on: The Iron Devil: A Monstrous Preview from the Iron Heroes Bestiary[]
Ptolus: The Most Deluxe[]
Monte Cook presents the Ptolus project, the hefty culmination of years of hard work.
"Tie-Ins! Coming soon, a six-issue Ptolus comic book series is planned in conjunction with the Ptolus project's release. Penned by Monte, the series is due to debut in May 2006 from DBPro - makers of George R.R. Martin's The Hedge Knight comic and Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time: New Spring. Other official tie-ins include a Ptolus gaming accessory pack from Fiery Dragon Productions, an electronic map accessory series from Skeleton key Games, and Monte's ongoing fiction column, "Saga of the Blade," in Game Trade Magazine."
Racer Knights: Components Checklist[]
Whether you've just gotten into Racer Knights or you're already an Ace, if you don't know what parts you're missing, we're here to set you straight.
Products for January and February[]
- Iron Heroes Bestiary
- Tome of Horrors III
Products for March[]
- Bard's Gate
- Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved Spell Treasury
- Racer Knights of Falconus: Renegades
Previous book: WW: White Wolf Quarterly Fall 2005 Volume 3.4 |
White Wolf White Wolf Quarterly |
Next book: WW: White Wolf Publishing Spring and Summer 2006 Highlights |