White Wolf Quarterly Fall 2004 Volume 2.4 was a free periodical and an e-zine available for free download by White Wolf on their website in Fall, 2004.
The issue can be found on White Wolf's website by using Way Back Machine or by checking auction sites and online used book stores.
White Wolf Quarterly Contents[]
Oct-Mar Releases[]
- October 2004
- November 2004
- December 2004
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- Hunter's Moon (Werewolf Fiction: This would be re-titled as Heart of the Hunter)
News and Notes from White Wolf Game Studio
Calendar of Events[]
- October
- November
- December
Meet the New MST[]
How to get Forsaken[]
Developer Ethan Skemp whips his writing team into shape with a list of Dos and Don’ts for Werewolf: The Forsaken.
Chosen of Unconquered Pewter[]
Exalted Miniatures by Reaper Miniatures.
A Fan Club with Fangs (and Dice)[]
Next Issue[]
Wicked Road Stories and Friends in Hell[]
Vampire: The Requiem developer Justin Achilli gets into the basics of existence as one of the Damned in Coteries and Nomads. Bring some O Negative.
The Prince is Dead! Long Live the Prince![]
Designer Mike Nudd takes us into the cutthroat world of Vampire: Prince of the City, the new Vampire: The Requiem boardgame. Fangs not included.
Artist Spotlight: Ron Spencer[]
Bad Guys Finish First[]
Developer Matthew McFarland doffs his omnipresent black hat for the stars of World of Darkness: Antagonists.
Against the Wyld Hunt[]
In an excerpt from Jess Hartley’s novel Exalted: In Northern Twilight, a new Exalt faces the armed might of the Realm.
Playing the Dreams of Chaos[]
Exalted developer Geoffrey C. Grabowski unveils the next "fatsplat" – The Fair Folk. And not a puffy shirt in sight.
In the Mind's Eye[]
We sit down and chat about live-action play with Mind’s Eye Theatre developer Peter Woodworth and take a look at the perks of being Daeva.
A Decade of Blood[]
Developer L. Scott Johnson looks back at 10 years of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.
A 10-Year Travelogue[]
Robert Goudie explores the 10 best location cards in VTES. Better pack extra edge markers.
VTES Tournament Calendar[]
Digital Damnation[]
The good folks at Activision give us a sneak peak at Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, the latest White Wolf-based computer game. As if we needed another excuse to stay up all night.
Ad for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines[]
Halloween 2004
Products for October[]
Products for November[]
Products for December[]
Ad for Werewolf: The Forsaken[]
The Next World of Darkness Game, February 2005.
Sword & Sorcery Insider Contents[]

Oct-Mar Releases[]
- October 2004
- November 2004
- EverQuest II Gazetteer: The Shattered Lands ISBN: 1-58846-996-4 WW 16552 $18.99 (Cancelled)
- December 2004
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
The Inside Scoop[]
News and Notes from Sword & Sorcery Studios and Arthaus Publishing.
In Memoriam[]
Michel Marin Koiter 1984-2004
Don't Say We Didn't Warn You[]
Meet (and Summon) the Ashen Servitors of Asherak[]
Relive a Modern Classic[]
It's Your (All-New) World Now
Scott Holden-Jones shows off the awesome EverQuest II Player's Guide, flagship of the new EQIIrpg. Online or at the gaming table, you can't go wrong.
Scarred Lands[]
A Guide Through Strange Lands
Developer Joseph Carricker gives us a tour of the three continents of mythic adventure revealed in Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands. Welcome to the Dragon Lands - hope you survive.
Masques and Magic
Developers Jackie Cassada and Nickie Rea return to the classic Gothic Earth setting with Masque of the Red Death. It is an age of steam and terror and your PCs are in the middle of it.
No Berks Allowed!
It's a Planscape Reunion! Beyond Countless Doorways reunites members of the Planescape creative team for a d20 book of planes. We sit down with authors Monte Cook, Colin McComb, Wolfgang Baur and Ray Vallese.
To Eternity and Beyond!
Developer Mike Johnstone shows us the divine and the eternal in Shadows & Light, the latest Warcraft RPG supplement. Mike's house had many mansions indeed...
Necromancer Games[]
The Macabre of the Macabre
Bill Webb and Casey Christoffersen show you how Necromancer titles can bring a touch of horror to any fantasy campaign. Can even halflings be creepy?
The Ground Trembles Again
Goodman Games gives us more DragonMech hardware with the Mech Manual. More mechs, more monsters, and still more.
Spotlight On... Mech Design: Just Retribution[]
Products for October[]
Products for November[]
EverQuest II Gazetteer: The Shattered Lands (Cancelled)
Fragments of a Once-Great Continent[]
The fury of the gods and the ferocity of the peoples of Norrath brought on an Age of Cataclysms that demolished Norrath into unrecognizable form. As the turmoil subsides, a new generation of heroes takes up the banner of exploration, but where to begin? The islands that once farmed the continent of Antonica are dispersed and now known only as the Shattered Lands... and perhaps some lands no longer exist at all.
Islands to Rediscover[]
Direct from Sony Online Entertainment comes the means to create the never-before-seen: a wall map of the lands of EverQuest. The EverQuest II Role-Playing Game features a new setting that this atlas will reveal for the first time. The high-quality wall map is accompanied by a full color 16-page reference and key book.
EverQuest II Role-Playing Game books are published under the Open game License.
ISBN: 1-58846-996-4 Stock #: 16552 Retail Price: $18.99 Page Count: 16 + fold-out map Authors: Scott Holden-Jones, Richard Thomas and Stewart Wieck Developers: Stewart Wieck and Scott Holden-Jones Artists: Sony Online Entertainment and SSS Staff
Products for December[]
Previous book: WW: White Wolf Quarterly/Insider Q3 2004 |
White Wolf White Wolf Quarterly |
Next book: WW: White Wolf Quarterly Winter 2005 Volume 3.1 |