White Wolf Night Edition Number 6 is a newsletter printed on newsprint and published sometime in the Summer of 1997.
News, Events and Embarrassing Stuff About White Wolf. Free! Bathroom Reading!
What lies beyond your wildest dreams? Changeling: The Dreaming Second Edition available in August.
All-New White Wolf: Night Edition[]
Welcome to the new and improved White Wolf: Night Edition, the newspaper dedicated to all the upcoming, exciting or stupid things going on at White Wolf. If you've picked up this paper before, you'll notice that it now contains Storyteller game information, articles on events at the Georgia office, news that you won't get anywhere else, and information on what books are on shelves now or will be very soon. This is the place to get the scoop on Vampire secrets, new Mage realities, strange goings on in Wild West and the words from or about Harlan Ellison.
This is the summer issue of Night Edition. (You're sweating, aren't you?) That means it's con season, and this issue is dedicated to the fun events going on everywhere.
White Wolf Game Q&A By Fred[]
Can't make heads or tails of the Storyteller rules? Having trouble dealing with crossover World of Darkness games, or new players? Can't get girls to play in your ultra-cool live-action Vampire game? Just ask me, I know everything. I'm Fred, White Wolf game frother. Even if I don't know the answer to your question, I'll pretend that I do. That's what I do at the office, anyway.
The following is only a sampling of the game questions that we receive every day. Believe it or not, these are genuine. Hope you don't recognize one you've asked. If you have any game questions that I can answer here, write me c/o White Wolf (the address is around here somewhere) or email at *****@**********.com
Can you use Disciplines like Auspex when in torpor? Do you dream or are you aware and watch what's going on in the real World?[]
I have a question for you: Is your character an Antediluvian? If so, then you can use your Disciplines to manipulate the outside world and further your interests in the great Jyhad while in torpor. Hell, you don't have to pay taxes or bother with that pesky Masquerade thing, either. If you're not an Antediluvian, you're stuck in an unconscious, immobile, powerless state until somebody decides to finish you off. As far as the dreaming bit goes, if I were your Storyteller, I'd certainly mess with your head! You'd have so many visions and mysterious dreams that you'd start to think you were a Malkavian (assuming you aren't already).
If a Garou's head is cut off by nonaggravated damage, does she die?[]
What are you doing losing your head? Was your character in an elevator accident or did she just mess with the wrong vampire? If you lose your head, you lose your life. The connection between your fool melon and Gaia's blessing has been severed - you're done for. Of course, cutting off a Garou's head should never, ever be an easy task.
How does one reach Golconda in Vampire?[]
Take the "E" train out to Brooklyn. It's right next to Joe's Bagel Shop.
Is it dumb to play a vampire who doesn't know anything about the World of Darkness?[]
Well if you don't mind getting beat up a whole lot, go right ahead. Everyone loves to pick on the neonate. Ignorance is...er...bliss.
Seriously, you can get a lot of enjoyment out of discovering the World of Darkness through the eyes of a complete neophyte. My favorite stories involve newly created vampires, recently discovered werewolves or the freshly deceased. New players, in particular, are suited to being characters who are naïve about the World of Darkness.
That's all the space we have for now, but don't be afraid to expose yourself to ridicule. I can answer your questions, too. Don't forget: The only stupid question is the one that goes unanswered.
Changeling: The Dreaming Second Edition[]
The Storyteller game of modern fantasy is back again for the first time!
Enter the realm of modern fantasy! Faerie knights battle for control of ancient fiefdoms under the very noses of the mortal world. The world of Changeling: The Dreaming is filled with fantastic beings of myth and legend - from the towering and honorable trolls to the sly and elusive sluagh to the mischievous pooka. These beings inhabit a world where ancient prophesies are fulfilled, solemn oaths are sworn and new quests are begun all as a matter of course.
And yet these children of the Dreaming find themselves trapped on Earth - the ancient pathways to their home, Arcadia, are closed - seemingly forever.
In order to survive the weight of mortal disbelief of the fantastic changelings are forced to mask themselves in human guises and to live normal lives, forever caught between the mundane and the fae.
Changeling is revised and updated in an all-new, full-color, hardcover edition. Never before has a game taken you so far beyond the bounds of imagination.
A Return To The Dreaming[]
Changeling Second Edition offers a new and fresh look at the world of the fae. New cantrip rules - no cards! - are only the foremost among the changes offered. You will find an expanded character creation system (including Merits and Flaws), new rules for adventuring in the Dreaming, a completely new chimera creation system, and even guidelines for brining changelings closer to the mortal realm.
Changeling Second Edition is available in August. It answers all the questions that players have been asking since the release of the first edition, and offers much, much more.
Written by various authors. Cover art by Henry Higgenbotham.
Stock #7300, ISBN 1-56504-716-8, $30.00 U.S.
Children of the Dreaming[]
Meet Justin and Devin, or at least that's who they're known as in the mundane world. In the world of Changeling: The Dreaming, they're called Ulf the troll and Ismail the eshu, and their friend is Ceeker, a magical being who exists only in imagination. These are just some of the people whom you'll meet in the Changeling's realm of faerie magic.
Justin, aka Ulf[]
Born and raised in the suburban wastelands, Justin lost his mother at an early age. His father remarried while Justin was still very young, and Justin's step mother Leah was not particularly sympathetic toward him. In particular, she disapproved of his habit of scribbling pictures on his bedroom walls.
Leah also wasn't fond of Justin's best friend, an African-American boy named Devin. The boys were inseparable in school and out, and when Justin first started seeing chimera, Devin admitted that he had been seeing them as well. Unfortunately, Justin spilled this shared secret to his father and stepmother, who promptly packed him away to boarding school.
There, however, he came into his fae inheritance under the tutelage of the troll knight Anneke Eimundsdottir (also known as Ms. Lombard, the fourth-grade teacher). While at school, Justin was initiated into the ways of the Seelie Court, taught the ways of trollish swordplay and honor, and given his true name: Ulf.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck. Justin learned that Devin's family had moved, and that Devon himself had run away from home. Anneke was also cleft from her fae soul by the ravages of a chimerical dragon. Justin tried to avenge his teacher, but almost fell, wreathed in dragonfire. All seemed lost.
However, magic has a way of finding those who need it. In Justin's darkest hour. Devin - now an eshu childing named Ismail - tapped upon his window. The two ran away together to seek the chimerical dragon, and Ulf was able to defeat the monstrous beast with Ismail's assistance and wisdom. Now the two spirit-brothers are reunited at Justin's school, their friendship tempered in dragon's flame.
Treasures: Ulf's one treasure is a silver and amethyst ring that serves as his link to Ismail. If the two are separated, the ring glows with a warm purple light whenever Ulf moves in the direction of his friend. In the real world, the ring is made of wire and paste.
Image: Justin is a tall, thin, lanky boy with cornsilk hair and shocking blue eyes. His skin is almost milk-white, and he's all knees and elbows when he moves. In fae mien, he acquires bulk and grace, not to mention the inevitable blue skin and short horns. He dresses simply in both guises; indeed, his clothes in one life might be worn in the other.
Roleplaying Hints: Your love for your friend and father are the two guiding lights of your existence. You never have to be taught anything twice, but you don't talk much anymore, so people sometimes think you're a bit slow. The spirit of honor is more important to you than the words of any oath, and you'll go to any lengths to protect Ismail.
Devin aka Ismail[]
A child of the suburbs, Devin was reading by the time he was two and a half years old. He fell in love with books, filling the emotional void that his distant parents created. And so Devin's mother and father saw that he was content with his books, and left him alone a bit more.
Devin and Justin became friends at an early age, when Justin saved Devin from a beating at the hands of a schoolyard bully. The two were inseparable, though Devin tended to be the brains of the operation. He began to catch glimpses of the Dreaming before his friend did, but knew once Justin discovered the secret - and blurted it out - that troubles were ahead.
All was well until Edouard took Devin (or Ismail) away for his Saining without informing the boy's parents. After that, Uncle Eddie was no longer welcome in Devin's parents' home - which forced Ismail to run away. Shortly thereafter, he reunited himself with Justin and the two set off on an adventure to slay the chimerical dragon that had destroyed Justin's mentor. While it was Ulf who actually conquered the beast, he could not have done so without Devin's wisdom, guidance and skill at stabbing dragons in the tail.
Devin now attends the same school as Justin, though he does wander off occasionally to spread the tale of his friend's triumph. He is recognized as an up-and-comer among the eshu; his recounting of the dragon's death has already been passed far and wide by other eshu tale-tellers.
Treasures: Ismail carries a slender, impossibly long steel pin. Not a sword or even a dagger, the pin is always as long or as short as Ismail needs it to be. The treasure does not have a name, but as the story of the dragon's death spreads, so does awareness of the pin that saved the day.
Image: Devin is small and slender, with quick hands and flashing eyes. His hair is curly but not too long. Devin prefers baggy shirts and pants that permit him a free range of motion, primarily because he is always moving. He never sits still, and he will examine anything and everything that crosses his path simply so he can know more about it.
Ismail's appearance doesn't alter much in fae mien. His ears have a hint of a point, and his clothing has a decidedly West African accent, but otherwise there isn't much change. It's almost as if Ismail's fae spirit is so irrepressible that it nearly bursts through into the real world.
Roleplaying Hints: Life is too short to waste with boring sights and stories. Learn all you can, then move on and discover what makes the next place in your travels interesting. You're a strong judge of character, and you know when to refrain from speaking. Once a friend has your loyalty, he has it forever. Once an enemy has your hatred, he's likely to discover a long pin in a sensitive place.
Ceeker is a chimerical creation who's developed a strong affection for Ismail. Appearing as a cross between a lemur and an ocelot, Creeker has the curiosity of a cat, the agility of a monkey, and half the attention span of either. Ge never forgets an errand, but his priorities sometimes become scrambled - and if anyone offers him nuts, forget it. Ceeker's been known to take vacations up to six moths long, following anyone foolish enough to give him the odd cashew, and constantly beg for more.
Ceeker is usually a good and loyal companion. He can move silently, climb trees and walls with great ease, and can pick pockets and spot things that otherwise would remain hidden. However, Ceeker is terrified of physical danger; he absents himself to the top of the nearest tree at the slightest threat of violence.
Hope * Sacrifice * Unity[]
A century and a half in the future, humanity has ventured into space, encountering strange alien races and diverse new worlds. Yet in the dawn of this new age, Earth is assaulted by a menace from its past - twisted, once-human creatures called Aberrants. Humanity's greatest defenders - men and women gifted with formidable psychic powers - stand against this menace. Armed with psionic abilities and biotechnological enhancements, aided by mysterious aliens, these guardian hope to fend off the invasion and protect humanity from its own twisted reflection.
Take to the stars in Æon, White Wolf's new Storytelling game about a high-tech, psi-powered future! As humanity's next step of evolution, you can venture to the depths of space, uncovering all manner of mysteries - or scheme among the nations and corporations of Earth as they extend their grasp into our solar system and beyond. Battle the hideous Aberrants, monstrosities who would destroy our people and our planet. Investigate the cryptic Benefactors, beings who seem to have nothing but our best interests at hear. Learn the true power of the Æon Trinity, the enigmatic organization whose goal is the unity of all living things against a malevolent cosmic force.
Yet the advanced technology and wondrous psi powers at your disposal only go so far; your wits must be sharp if you are to survive the perils and possibilities of the 22nd century.
Æon is a completely new science-fiction roleplaying universe that is unrelated to White Wolf's popular World of Darkness setting. However, the game is based on the familiar Storyteller game system. Features all-new fiction from Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author George Alec Effinger.
Æon is available in November 1997.
Stock #9000, ISBN 1-56504-757-5, $30.00 U.S.
The Almighty Summer Convention Schedule[]
Wanna hang out with the White Wolf con sluts this summer? We're gonna be out there, running all kinds of events. Bring a beer by the booth.
- When? June 26-29
- Where? Inforum Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
- Who's there to meet (or do)? You'll see almost everyone from White Wolf at this convention, either running the booth or being a game ho.
- Events? A game run by each line developer! "What's New at White Wolf" panel. General Q&A panel. Author and developer signings. Many other panels! Come drink a shot in memory of the Wolfie Awards.
Chicago Comicon[]
- When? July 4-6
- Where? Rosemont Convention Center, Chicago, IL
- Who's there? Phil Brucato, Mage Developer, among a bevy of others. Ask Phil to perform some interpretive dance.
- Events? Meet Phil, and just try to have a brief conversation. White Wolf Q&A.
San Diego Comicon[]
- When? July 15-20
- Where? San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA
- Who's there? Justin Achilli, Vampire: The Dark Ages and Werewolf: The Wild West Developer; Mike Tinney, Director of Marketing; Greg Fountain, Game Studio and Fiction marketing; Richard Thomas, Art Director; Larry Snelly, Art Director; Brian Petkash, Sales. One of the most alcoholic crowds imaginable!
- Events? Meet Justin (but don't make eye contact). White Wolf Q&A. Meet White Wolf's art directors (bring some beer to your portfolio review and you may get work).
- When? July 17-20
- Where? Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH
- Who's there? Brian Glass, Events Coordinator/Retail Retail Relations; Ethan Skemp, Werewolf Developer; Rick Dansky, Wraith/MET Developer; Fred Yelk, Son of Joe, Sales.
- Events? Werewolf and Wraith games run by their developers. Tell Rich about your character; he loves that.
- When? August 7-10
- Where? Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee, WI
- Who's there? Damn, just about everyone! Brian Glass, Events Coordinator/Retail Relations; Andrew Bates, Æon Developer; Ethan Skemp, Werewolf Developer; Ian Lemke, Changeling Developer; Justin Achilli, Dark Ages and Wild West Developer; Phil Brucato, Mage Developer; Rich Dansky, Wraith Developer; Rob Hatch, Vampire Developer; Rich Thomas, Art Director; Larry Snelly, Art Director; Greg Fountain, Game Studio and Fiction Marketing; Mike Tinney, Director of Marketing; Fred Yelk, Sales; Brian Petkash, Sales; Brad Butkovitch, Sales; Michael Rollins, Warehouse; Ken Cliffe, Canadian Dictator; three others TBA.
- Events? All White Wolf games will be run by their respective developers. One hell of a White Wolf party. More panels than you could possibly go to. What's Æon? Come to the Æon panel with developer André Gates. What's new for White Wolf in the upcoming months? What's Justin Achilli going to wear this year? What will he put up his nose?
Other Zany Events[]
Some other dumb events that should and will happen at some cons, somewhere, sometime include:
Werewolf: The Wild West Poker Tournaments[]
With only a Wild West Poker Deck, a fist full of...chips, and your best poker face, sit down and enter a high-stakes game of five-card draw. The overall winner of the tournament will receive gamebook prizes and a special gift. Just remember that aces-and-eights are the dead man's hand.
Note: This tournament is probably illegal in most places and we could all get arrested.
Changeling: The Dreaming Scavenger Hunt[]
- A pair of women's underwear.
- A six-fingered man.
- A unique talent that displays your Glamour.
What will you be asked to produce, and what will you win? You can find out only in the Changeling: The Dreaming scavenger hunt.
Psychic Aptitude Screening[]
Do you have what it takes to be part of the Æon Trinity? Do you have the raw genetic capacity to evolve beyond the dreams of mere mortals? Take the Psychic Aptitude Screening Test and find out. And if your successful, what will your prize be? If you really are psychic, you already know.
Savoir-Faire: A Handy Guide[]
Whuff! What's that smell?! Oh, yeah - convention season.
In the interest of public decency, we have assembled a few tips to keep the 1997 summer convention season a pleasant one for all involved. Not that none of these pointers in mandatory, but you will be subject to random checks of personal quality control. Those not in compliance will be subject to vociferous public mockery.
- Wash - Actually, this one is mandatory. What's worse than a convention hall plagued by the foggy miasma of unwashed gamers? Damn near nothing! For folks unfamiliar with the steps involved bear this little maxim in mind: "Lather. Rinse. Repeat."
- Change Clothes - This goes hand in hand with Wash. Clothes tend to accumulate all of the sludgy funk emissions that gamers exude during the course of the average day. Human bodies get pretty ripe when they've stewed in their own secretions for three or four days straight. It's amazing how many people have no respect for the olfactory senses of those around them.
- Tip - Why do gamers always get crappy service in restaurants? Because they don't tip, and waitstaffs know it. Don't be a cheap S.O.B. How many gamers do you know who really need another glitter-flecked 12-sided die? They should use that money to take care of their servers; waiters and waitresses depend on tips to make a living. And we don't want to hear that "I don't tip" line, either. We've seen Reservoir Dogs, and Steve Buscemi ain't a gamer.
- Eat Wisely - In the many games we've run and played, someone inevitably whips out a bag of Cap'n Greasy's Onion Flakes or a box of Choco-Frosted Sugar Seizure Bards, This is the number-one cause of oily, crumb-wallowing table messes, not to mention oppressive fartiness. Junk-food devourers need to rein it in and have a glass of water instead.
- Don't Dress in Character - To be fair, go ahead, unless you have a weight problem. You don't see an elephant packing itself into a chain-mail bikini, do you?
This list by no means addresses all of the numerous stigmas associated with gamers, but it does hit some of the big ones. A little forethought, a little respect for others and a little pride goes a long way.
You know, of course, that we're not talking about you. But we bet you know people who apply.
Writer All-Call[]
Do you want to write for White Wolf? Wanna be the author of the next Vampire supplement or maybe a Werewolf: The Wild West sourcebook? Here's your chance. Find out if you have what it takes.
White Wolf is searching for gamebook authors, and you're invited to try out. We are accepting writing samples from August 7 to 15, 1997 - the week of GenCon. We'll be at the show, and will accept submissions throughout. (Just make sure you give them to a game developer or editor.) We're also accepting samples by email and snail mail through-out that time, so don't feel left out if you won't be at the convention.
All submissions will be compiled and reviewed in September, and the gifted among you will get a call, letter or email stating that we've interested in your work and that we want to try you out on a gamebook. It's that simple.
There are rules to this, of course.
You need to fill out a disclosure form. It protects your rights to your material. If you plan to mail your submission to us, write us for a disclosure form first, and submit your your material with the completed form. If you plan to email your submission, write us for a form, type out a completed copy of it and include it with your email. Submissions that are not accompanied by a disclosure form will be discarded immediately.
We're not looking for book proposals; we know what books we're making, we just need people to write them. We are looking for short (six pages maximum) Writing samples that indicate your creativity and writing ability. Spelling counts! We adore creative people, but if you can't string a sentence together, or you break grammar rules constantly, you're out.
We need a cover letter with your name, address, phone number and email address (if you have one). Tell us who you are, why you want to write game supplements for White Wolf, and how to get back in touch with you.
Like we said, if your sample intrigues us, we might offer you a small freelance job. If your work proves good and timely, who knows - you could be an author of the next game we create!
Send disclosure form requests and submissions to the following addresses:
Submissions, c/o White Wolf, *** **** ***** ****, ****, Clarkston, GA ****; or, ***********@**********.com
We would like to get back to all applicants, but the volume of submissions will preclude this. No phone calls or emails asking about your submission, please. If we're interested in your work, you'll hear from us.
White Wolf Presents: Intern: The Exploitation Comic Strip by Andrew Bates[]

White Wolf's Summer Releases[]
Laws of the Wild[]
Sick of damned vampires running roughshod over your city or forest? Take back the night with fang, claw and klaive. Here, completely revised in a handy pocket-sized edition, are the rules for live-action Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Mind's Eye Theatre isn't just for dead people any more.
Written by Thomas Stratman.
Stock #5007, ISBN 1-56504-508-4, $15.00 U.S.
To Sift Through Bitter Ashes[]
The Grails Covenant (Book One)
Obsessed with acquiring the Holy Grail for the Lasombra clan, vampire Montrovant sets out on a quest that pits him against the Knights Templar, and that takes him through the lair of an ancient Egyptian evil and the deserts of the Holy Land. The first of The Grails Covenant, a trilogy of novels set in the world of Vampire: The Dark Ages that crosses over with a modern-day Vampire story told in the forthcoming Trilogy of the Blood Curse.
Written by David Niall Wilson. Cover art by William O'Connor.
Paperback novel, ISBN 1-56504-995-0, WW 11031, $5.99 U.S./$7.99 CAN
- Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2 Written by Steve Crow, Brad Freeman and Christopher Howard. Stock #3208, ISBN 1-56504-322-7, $15.00 U.S.
- Euthanatos Tradition Book Written by Phil Brucato and Kathy Ryan. Cover art by Michael William Kaluta. Stock #4063, ISBN 1-56504-414-2, $10.00 U.S.
- Liege, Lord and Lackey Written by various authors. Cover art by Doug Gregory. Stock #2806, ISBN 1-56504-281-6, $15.00 U.S.
- Sailing to Utopia The Eternal Champion Volume 8 Written by Michael Moorcock. Cover art by Rick Berry. Hardcover omnibus, ISBN 1-56504-183-6, WW 12509, $21.99 U.S./$29.99 CAN
Clanbook: Giovanni[]
This final Clanbook provides the resting place for the morbid and secretive Giovanni, who are final in so many things. Formerly a family of ruthless Venetian merchants, the Giovanni rose to prominence on the corpses of their vampiric patrons. No deed is beneath them. Now learn the ghastly secrets of this mysterious clan. It's an offer you can't refuse.
Written by Justin Achilli. Cover art by Timothy Bradstreet and Grant Goleash.
Stock #2063, ISBN 1-56504-218-2, $10.00 U.S.
- Clash of Wills Witten by Steve Miller. Cover art by Dan Brereton. Stock #2810, ISBN 1-56504-289-1, $8.00 U.S.
- Order of Hermes Tradition Book Written by Beth Fischi. Cover art by Michael William Kaluta. Stock #4064, ISBN 1-56504-416-9, $10.00 U.S.
- Changeling: The Dreaming Second Edition See page one of this paper for details. Written by various authors, Cover art by Henry Higgenbotham. Stock #7300, ISBN 1-56504-716-8, $30.00
- Changeling: The Dreaming Dice Stock #7504, ISBN 1-56504-798-2, $6.99
- Lean Times in Lankhmar Written by Fritz Leiber. Cover art by Mike Mignola. Paperback omnibus, ISBN 1-56504-895-4, WW 12013, $5.99 U.S./$7.99 CAN
- New Worlds Edited by David Garnett. Trade-paperback anthology, ISBN 1-56504-190-9, WW 12190, $12.99 U.S./$17.99 CAN
Mediums: Speakers with the Dead[]
Mediums. Little old ladies who sit in attics with ouija boards and crystal balls, mumbling about their dead husbands. Right? Wrong. Dealing with the dead is dangerous business; wraiths know where all the bodies are buried, but they might want to add yours to the crypt. No you can play a medium and talk to the dead dead with the latest in the Year of the Ally series.
Written by Ronni Radner, Andrew Bates and others. Cover art by Greg Loudon.
Stock #6102, ISBN 1-56504-619-6, $15.00 U.S.
- Libellus Sanguinis 1: Masters of the State Written by Robert Hatch, Richard E. Dansky and Craig Bolin. Cover art by John Bolton Stock #2807, ISBN 1-56504-286-7, $15.00 U.S.
- Frontier Secrets: Werewolf: The Wild West Screen and Book Written by various authors. Cover art by Glenn Febry. Stock 33701, ISBN 1-56504-341-3, $15.00 U.S.
- Technocracy: Syndicate Written by Mark Cenczyk. Cover art by Kevin Murphy. Stock #4206, ISBN 1-56504-421-5, $10.00 U.S.
- Book of Lost Dreams/Changeling Storytellers Screen Written by Roger Gaudreau and Wayne Peacok. Stock #7302, ISBN 1-56504-717-6, $15.00 U.S.
- The Essential World of Darkness Edited by Stewart Wieck and Anna Branscome. Cover art by Omaha Perez. Trade-paperback omnibus, ISBN 1-56504-864-4, WW 11080, $15.99 U.S./$20.99 CAN

Artists Spotlight on Rebecca Guay[]
Rebecca was born and raised in northern Massachusetts and graduated from the Pratt Institute with a major in Illustration, She began her career in comics working on such titles as Marvel 2099 Unlimited, Conan and Swamp Thing. Her comics work can also be seen in DC's Black Orchid and Endless Gallery, in Topp's Star Wars Gallery II and in Dark Horse's Alien/Predator, as well as in various children's publications, including Cricket magazine.
Rebecca's work for White Wolf is extensive. Her cover art graces the entire Immortal Eyes series for Changeling, and the new Changeling Storyteller Screen. Her interior artwork can be found in Nobles, Immortal Eyes: Court of all Kings and Shadows on the Hill, The Enchanted and Changeling Second Edition.
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