White Wolf Night Edition Number 24 is a newsletter printed on poster stock and published in Spring, 2002. It is also a fold-out poster for Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded.
News, Events and More! Dark Ages: Vampire Plus... the Dark Ages Clan Novel Series
Howdy. It's spring once more, and that means it's time for everything old to become new again. Well, nowhere is that more true than it is for White Wolf's revision and expansion of the Dark Medieval game setting. We're kicking it off in May with Dark Ages: Vampire, and we'll look in turn at each of the other major players you know from the modern World of Darkness. Our frontrunners and focus will be the undead lords of the night, but the other lurking terrors will get their time in the spotlight as well. A wonderful time is coming... we hope you're ready to be a part of it.
The Dark Ages Clan Novel Series[]
A World of Epic Horror[]
As the fires of the Inquisition begin to burn, vampires rule the night. In a time before the Camarilla and Sabbat, indomitable undead lords hold dark and terrible courts in the shadows, preying on mortals of every stripe and class. From the lowliest peasant to the mightiest noble, no man or woman is safe from their powers.
The Dark Ages Clan Novel Series is an exploration of Cainite intrigue, set in a World of Epic Horror. In the tradition of the Vampire Clan Novel Series, each installment focuses on a specific clan and the issues central to it in these fascinating and exciting times.
The Dark Ages Clan Novels[]
This sweeping epic of horror in the Dark Medieval begins in July with Dark Ages Clan Novel: Nosferatu. It's followed by Assamite in September and Cappadocian in November.
And that's only the beginning. Next year, the books come even faster. This epic spans years and nations, showing you the history of some of your favorite Vampire characters and introducing some new ones who cast long shadows in the future.
Dark Ages Vampire[]
The Long Night is Over[]
The diablerie of Saulot, the waking of Mithras, the destruction of Michael the Patriarch, the return of Dracon - it all means the time of reflection is over. The Inquisition stirs and the time to act is now. Across Europe, monarchs of the night set princes and barons at each other's undying throats. Young vampires take to the field ready to claim their domain and become powerful lords in their own right. Blood calls to blood.
War of Princes Begins[]
The Dark Medieval is a very different time than the modern Final Nights. Cainites group in clans high and low, swear fealty to ancient vampiric monarchs and follow their roads of enlightenment in the same way mortals do religions. Ashen priests and princes face off in a violent world lit only by torches and fear. Dark Ages: Vampire is your complete guide to this time. Available in hardcover unlimited edition and a deluxe slipcase limited edition.
Also Available This Month![]
Exalted The Dragon-Blooded[]
Sophisticated, decadent, cruel and fabulously wealthy, the Dragon-Blooded are spiritually akin to the Elemental Dragons themselves and are Exalted above the mass of humanity. Through their bloodlines, these queens and princes of Creation control all the world that's worth owning. Yet dark times are at hand for the Realm, and the kingdom teeters on the brink of civil war. Will the golden empire survive its first succession crisis?
The first in a series of hardbacks making the other types of Exalted available for play, Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded includes extensive detail on the world and society of the Terrestrial Exalted, as well as full rules for creating and playing Dragon-Blooded characters. Inside is everything needed to portray these warlike aristocrats, from guides to their manners to systems for the supernatural martial arts practiced by the Immaculate Order.
Available Now!
Dark Ages Vampire[]
Feudal Lextalionis[]
Cainite society has reached its feudal apex, creating a society of the night that is both complex and beautiful in its intricacy. Cainite feudalism, more commonly known as Feudal Lextalionis, is the heart of Cainite society and what drives the War of Princes. The system is closely tied to the teachings of the Road of Kings, whose members are concerned with the proper distribution of authority. Not all rulers are followers of the road, but most pay lip service to its precepts and have advisors who are schooled in its teachings.
The Cainite nobility is replete with ranks and titles. Some are ceremonial, and others are tired directly to a vampire to a vampire's status. Unlike the mortal nobility, gender does not divide Cainites; there are probably as many male princes as they are female ones. While some male Cainites might hold on to their mortal preconceptions about the "fairer" sex, only the truly foolish underestimate their female counterparts.
Monarchs stand above all others, they are regents of Cainite kingdoms who rule over courts that span across Europe and reach to the Holy Land. Most, if not all, are Methuselahs, ancient Cainites who remember the nights of Rome as clearly as most neonates remember their mortal lives. The monarchs were once lords themselves, exiles and survivors of Rome's fall, who grew powerful when Europe was still young and unknown. In the War of Princes, the monarchs goad their lords and princes to battle, trying to secure themselves for the uncertain future that unfolds with each passing night. Some fear that the age of Cainite dominance is coming to a close, and that they will eventually have to hide from humans and rule like lepers in the night. Others long for battle, centuries of absence making them thirsty for conflict and strife.
The monarchs keep their physical locations well hidden, known only to their most loyal lords and attendants, and they don't claim domain over vulnerable cities that can be burned down by Cainite rivals or zealous mortals. To exert their influence, they sponsor powerful lords (through force, coercion or promises of power), effectively claiming domain over them. Doing so provides a lord with the backing of a potent Methuselah, and it grants the monarch agents in return with which to extend his influence, without having to compromise or expose himself outright. This last element is key, especially considering the fact that some monarchs have been in torpor for centuries and their power bases have eroded. Yet some monarchs, such as the Ventrue Mithras and Hardestadt or the Lasombra Montano, are very active in the War of Princes. They do not shy away from making a personal appearance or leading the occasional charge.
Although they are nowhere near as powerful as the monarchs, the lords command vast domains and armies of loyal princes, barons and knights. Lords rule territories analogous to most Medieval kingdoms, which are divided in turn into a number if principalities held by vassal princes. Most lords hold their own courts only once or twice per year, spending the rest of their time traveling to the courts of their vassals, settling disputes and attending ceremonies and tournaments.
The most active rank in the War of Princes, prince is a generic term for a vampire with domain over a significant, and strategically vital, territory and tied to the feudal system. This domain is usually one of Europe's cities - which are growing in number - or large towns or even key castles. Princers who ruled their fiefdoms before the First Crusade are commonly called counts or dukes to distinguish themsleves from younger princes. Although they are impressive titles that command much respect, count, duke or earl are normally honorific.
As aides-de-camp and companions of princes or lords, barons are the field commanders, sheriffs and chamberlains of the nocturnal nobility. Although most claim a domain of sorts (a hamlet, guild, bridge or even castle), the rank of baron is bequeathed in part because of the skills and talents of the vassal. From the title of baron, many Cainites eventually earn their own fiefdoms and become princes themselves. While princes and lords are the plotters and schemers of the War of Princes, barons (and the knights below them) are Cainites of action.
The lowest rank, but in many ways the most important, vampiric knights are usually neonates and ancillae who have proven themselves and sworn fealty to a baron or prince. Although it is a common rank, knight is a noble title and a privilege that puts the vampire above his kin and ties him to offical vassalage. Knights are usually dispatched to rival courts as messengers and spies, or they are granted a small domain to test their worth and devotion to their prince, lord and monarch. In the War of Princes, it is more often the ashes of knights and their squires that cover battlefields, left to scatter with the morning winds. But it is also the neonate knights who stand to gain the most. Many inherit vast domains as spoils of war and become forces to be reckoned with in the War of Princes. Knights have little to fear. Most are young to dread eternity, so they throw themselves into the fray with reckless abandon. Europe might belong to the lords and monarchs, but the battlefields belong to knights.
Next Quarter, Dark Ages: Europe[]
Shadowed Kingdoms.
Bloodied Battlefields
Dark Ages Europe is the major setting book for the new Dark Ages line. All the nations and kingdoms of medieval Europe are examined, along with the vampiric monarchs and fiends who infest them. From the Languedoc rent by the Albigensian Crusade, to the vampiric Baronies of Avalon ruled by the Methuselah-God Mithras, Dark Medieval Europe is a dangerous place. Be sure to learn your way around.
Coming to Stores in August
White Wolf's Winter 2002 Releases[]
Archons & Templars[]
Titles among the Damned aren't always primogen or prisci. Somebody has to do the dirty work. From fighting Lupines to hunting rogue Cainites, from enforcing the Traditions to leading a crusade, a few bold vampires step forward to the head of the charge. Those vampires are the unsung champions of the night.
The latest in a series of focused chronicle rules, Archons & Templars allows players to assume the roles of prestigious Cainites in the Great Jyhad. With the authority of their sects behind them, archons and templars are assigned the most dangerous duties and enforce the will of their leaders. Whether Camarilla or Sabbat, these chosen few take the fight to the front lines.
Stock# 2425; ISBN 1-58846-224-2, $19.95 US
- Tribebook: Fianna (Revised edition) Stock# 3854; ISBN 1-58846-306-0, $14.95 US
- Tradition Book: Euthanatos (Revised edition) Stock# 4663; ISBN 1-58846-401-6, $14.95 US
- Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded Stock# 8811; ISBN 1-58846-656-6, $29.95 US
- Trilogy of the Second Age: Beloved of the Dead (Book 2) Stock# 10081; ISBN 1-58846-801-1, $6.50 US
2002 Catalog Now Available!!
Hunter: The Nocturnal[]
Vampires. Rots. Leeches. The name doesn't matter. They're all inhuman, undead parasites that feed off the living and keep humanity under their thumb. They may have worked from the shadows thus far, but now hunters see them. The imbued know, and they won't let the nightcrawlers have their way anymore. It's time that bloodsuckers were shown the light - daylight.
Hunter: The Nocturnal explores the undead realm of vampires as hunters perceive it, learning leeches' strengths, fears and weaknesses. But the rots have discovered hunters, too. When ancient and mysterious vampires and new and unprecedented hunters meet, there can be only bloodshed. Mortal or immortal, we all destroy what we don't understand.
Stock# 8132; ISBN 1-58846-705-8, $15.95 US
- Havens of the Damned Stock# 2426; ISBN 1-58846-225-0, $14.95 US
- Dark Ages: Vampire (Limited Edition) Stock# 20001; ISBN 1-58846-277-3, $69.95 US
- Dark Ages: Vampire (Unlimited Edition) Stock# 20000; ISBN 1-58846-276-5, $29.95 US
- Dark Ages: Vampire T-Shirt (Large) Stock# 5563; $21.95 US
- Dark Ages: Vampire T-Shirt (X-Large) Stock# 5564; $21.95 US
- Dark Ages: Vampire T-Shirt (XX-Large) Stock# 5565; $21.95 US
- Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised edition) Stock# 3855; ISBN 1-58846-312-5, $14.95 US
- Predator & Prey: Executioner Stock# 11705; ISBN 1-56504-974-8, $6.50 US
- Mind's Eye Theatre: Changing Breeds 3 Stock# 5034; ISBN 1-58846-512-8, $17.95 US
Dark Ages: Vampire Storyteller's Companion[]
From the infernal Baali to the Lhiannan witches to the morbid faith of the Road of Bones, the Dark Medieval hides many secrets. Not all vampires hail from the 13 clans, and not all follow the five great roads.
The Dark Ages: Vampire Storytellers Companion gives Storytellers access to secrets and easier to tell. It includes six bloodlines, six minor roads, revised Disciplines, plantiful advice and all the game's useful chats. This screen and supplement helps you bring the War of Princes to life.
Stock# 20003; ISBN 1-58846-278-1, $14.95 US
- World of Darkness: Mafia Stock# 2228; ISBN 1-58846-226-9, $17.95 US
- San Francisco by Night Stock# 2921; ISBN 1-58846-231-5, $17.95 US
- Savage Seas Stock# 8822; ISBN 1-58846-658-2, $17.95 US
Want to Know More?[]
Look on the web at www.white-wolf.com for more information about these great products. You can also preorder future releases from our online catalogue.
Or keep in touch with your local retailer to find out when he'll be reciving the products you want.

Artist's Spotlight On: Dream Wave Productions[]
DreamWave Productions, of "Darkminds", "Warlands" and White Wolf's "Exalted" fame, has taken a momentous step in the year 2002. DreamWave Productions will be releasing the first issue of the much coveted Transformers comic book series in April 2002. There is little doubt that the distinctive DreamWave coloring style will enhance the much beloved Transformers characters.
Go online with White Wolf. Check us out at: http://www.white-wolf.com; alt.games.whitewolf and rec.games.frp.storyteller
Games for Mature Minds
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