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White Wolf Night Edition Number 22 is a newsletter printed on poster stock and published in Fall, 2001. It is also a fold-out poster for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Bloodlines.



News, Events and Outsiders Galore. White Wolf Graphic Novels Too.


This ain't about the stars in the spotlight or the players at center-stage. You know all about them. What we've got in store for you looks deeper into the shadows at those who have been put down and put upon, but who aren't compelled to suffer in silence. Coming out strong this quarter, you'll find Bloodlines for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. We'll also take a look ahead at the Guide of the Anarchs for Vampire: The Masquerade. Oh, and there was also something about some White Wolf graphic novels....

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle[]

The Eternal Struggle continues...[]

Everywhere, vampires vie for dominance, and battle lines are drawn for the fate of the World of Darkness. Ancient elders pit their servants against one another in gruesome swaths of blood and terror. And yet, others - inscrutable and terrible - are stepping forward from the shadows to test their might as well.

Who will be the victor?[]

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, the collectible card game inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade and designed by the creator of Magic: The Gathering, has returned in force. Now, you are an elder vampire manipulating pawns to destroy your enemies in the age-old Jyhad.

Whether you are a V:TES expert or a new player, you can find something new and unexpected in Bloodlines. It features new cards, such as the hideous Baron Samedi, and new powers such as Visceratika and Sanguinus.

Play Vampire: The Eternal Struggle using the Bloodlines expansion with your friends, or locate players in your area at www.white-wolf.com/vtes.


An Excerpt from the Bloodlines expansion

What are Bloodlines?[]

A bloodline is a type of minor clan. Some bloodlines are offshoots of the established clans, while others have been created (for servitude, although that didn't always work out). Some of the bloodlines claim membership in the Sabbat. The others are independent. None of the bloodlines have joined the Camarilla. As with other clans, not all members of the bloodlines adhere to the bloodlines' allegiances.

Most of the bloodlines are not meant to be played by themselves in V:TES (as their numbers would indicate), but rather, are designed to be added to other decks to add flavor and strategic variation.

New Clans[]

In V:TES, the bloodlines are clans themselves in every respect. Five of these new "clans" claim membership in the Sabbat. The other seven are considered independent "clans":

  • Ahrimanes
  • Blood Brothers
  • Harbingers of Skulls
  • Kiasyd
  • Salubri antitribu

Independent Clans:

  • Baali
  • Daughters of Cacophony
  • Gargoyle
  • Nagaraja*
  • Salubri*
  • Samedi
  • True Brujah*

*The Vampires of these three bloodlines are scarce.

White Wolf Graphic Novels![]

You've heard rumors and read press releases about Moonstone Comics producing graphic novels for White Wolf, but maybe you haven't believed it. Well, doubt no more! Keep your eyes open for three White Wolf graphic novels each month from now through the end of the year in book stores and comic shops near you. Look for a Vampire: The Masquerade story in October, a Werewolf: The Apocalypse story in November and a World of darkness story in December starring Theo Bell - archon of the Camarilla.

The writing is superb and the art is top-notch, but don't just take our word for it. Check out these full-page samples - right from the comics - for yourself!

Guide to the Anarchs[]

A remote preface by Justin R. Achilli

You know why it's taken so long to do a book on the anarchs? It's because I never really liked them. I mean, I liked them as an idea, but I never liked them in practice. They always felt adolescent to me - a bunch of spoiled brats without anything to contribute to Kindred society but a bunch of screeching and whining and ridiculous philosophies that sounded great on paper but couldn't possibly work in vampire society. You know: kind of like the Internet.

When I sat down to work on the outline, however, I put all that crap behind me. Having let the anarchs languish for so long, I took a new, fresh look at them and saw opportunities where before I saw only stereotypes. A talented cabal of writers took my formative ideas and grew the faction from sullen pouters into a legitimate and compelling group of inspired (or ideologues, depending upon your company...). Gone are the bomb-tossing, fist-shaking greasy anarchists of decades past. Tonight's anarchs, while not the most organized of groups (and they shouldn't be) have purpose. This isn't a fight to stick it to The Man, it's a rallying cry to redistribute the assets and influences around which outmoded elders still tighten their clutches.

Anarch dogma doesn't even all follow the same line of thought - the anarchs may well harbor die-hard anarchists, neosocialists, elders, fledglings and any other demographic of the undead you'd care to see. Again, it's the cause that's close to the real anarch's unbeating hearts. As long as a given Kindred wants to rebuild the Camarilla into an organization that more equally represents its members, that Kindred might make a fine anarch.

The forthcoming Guide to the Anarchs shows the "civil unrest" and "loyal opposition" of the undead in my trademark Realpolitik style. Made up of a myriad of factions, subgroups, political entities and rogues, the book also offers a myriad of character options. And that's what it's all about.

Coming to Stores in February 2002!

Want to Know More?[]

You can look at www.moonstonebooks.com or at www.diamondcomics.com for more information about the White Wolf graphic novels.

White Wolf's Fall 2001 Releases[]


Book of Madness (Revised)[]

Here at last, a revised and updated look at the other major factions of Mage conflict: the crazed Marauders whose fragmented Avatars give them insane visions of magic gone awry; the terrifying Nepandi who hope to end the miscegenated cosmos in bleak, utter nothingness; and the cryptic spirit hosts that serve needs and places humans have never imagined. All expanded and ready to include in your chronicle.

Stock #4602, ISBN 1-56504-442-8, $19.95 U.S.


New York by Night[]

In the wake of the Sabbat's aggressive campaign along the East Coast, it had spread itself thin, and the clever Camarilla has reclaimed New York City as its own. But with established princes and entrenched elders claiming domains elsewhere, to which Kindred will this prize fall?

Stock #2411, ISBN 1-58846-218-8, $17.95 U.S.


Cairo by Night[]

Older than both the warring sects combined, Cairo sits perched atop the Nile like a Pharaoh upon a throne, but all is not well in the city. Ancient conspiracies play out nightly while the Caitiff prince struggles with the resident Kindred's issues of faith. Cairo hides a myriad of secrets - from itself as well as its shadowy denizens.

Stock #2410, ISBN 1-58846-215-3, $15.95 U.S.


Artist's Spotlight on... Durwin Talon[]

This has been a busy year for Durwin Talon. He has worked on several projects for White Wolf Publishing and you can catch his work in Hunter: Holy Wat, Adventure!, and Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game. Talon's artwork can also be seen outside the gaming field. He created the covers for the Batman: Officer Down series, the most recent of his comic book credits. Talon is also a founding member of the Sequential Art Department at the Savannah College of Art and Design where he teaches comic book storytelling, storyboards, and conceptual illustration. These days, "The Professor" can be found enjoying his summer break, ab-rolling, whistling to old 80's tunes, and working on the next great American graphic novel.

Go online with White Wolf. Check us out at:

  • http://www.white-wolf.com;
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