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White Wolf Night Edition Number 2 is a newsletter printed on newsprint and published sometime in the Fall of 1996.


Two for Two![]

Welcome to White Wolf: Night Edition, the pick-it-up-in-your-local-game=store-because-it's-free-and-you're-buying-stuff-anyway newspaper from, well, White Wolf. This is actually the second issues of our little rag. If you picked up the first one, welcome back. I guess we didn't offend you. So that you know, we're hamming out this paper every two months to keep you up to date on what to expect from WW, from the latest Vampire supplement, to the next Harlan Ellison novel, to which staff member got the most embarrassingly drunk at our last picnic. This installment covers September and October, but if this paper just doesn't offer enough info for you get in touch with us online. Our web address is printed here in some hard-to-find place, and our material-world address is nearby too, if you would rather mail a letter. We'd love to know what you think of Night Edition, but try to restrict your criticisms to five-letter profanities (four-letter ones are just too easy).

Arcadia's Gone Wyld[]

There's a new supplement coming for Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt. It'll be in stores in November, but here's a sneak peek.

King Ironheart's Madness[]

From atop his tower of iron in Middlemarch, the Mad King Ironheart surveys his land. So high is his perch that Ironheart cannot actually see his armies without the aid of his viewing scope, but he knows that his kingdom bristles with activity; his forces are mobilizing. His neighbor and enemy Lord Gamine has returned to the throne of Ardenmore. But Gamine is too late to prevent the war that Ironheart and his army of mechanical cog soldiers have brought upon Ardenmore.

Yet, even as Ironheart looses a throaty chuckle that seems to echo to the borders of Ardenmore itself, powers secretly organize against him, powers that lie under his very nose. Somewhere far below Ironheart's lofty tower, somewhere in the twisted labyrinth of roads, tunnels and bridges that crowds his castle, a loosely organized resistance assembles to assist those few heroes who would dare to oppose Ironheart's tyranny. And heroes are Ardenmore's only hope.

What It's About[]

Arcadia: King Ironheart's Madness is the second part in the Arcadia adventure card game story. Playable on its own as an epic adventure, or with Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt as part of the dramatic storyline of the game series, King Ironheart's Madness is set in Middlemarch, kingdom of the evil Ironheart. Our heroes must race against time to discover the secret of Ironheart's power and defeat it before his armies overwhelm Lord Gamine's forces in Ardenmore. Of course, our heroes must also track down the Mysterious Wizard Tiberious, who was last seen in Middlemarch....

King Ironheart's Madness will contain new Leagues, Waylays, Quests, Races and Merits and Flaws, and be available in both Story Packs and Character Packs. You can begin the game with one pack of each and then face Ironheart's madness.

  • Story Pack Retail Display Box, Stock #7500; ISBN 1-56504-786-9; $60.00 U.S. Includes 24 Booster Packs (15 cards per pack) that cost $2.50 each
  • Character Pack Retail Display Box, Stock #7502; ISBN 1-56504-788-5; $60.00 U.S. Includes 24 Booster Packs (15 cards per pack) that cost $2.50 each
  • Story Booster Pack, Stock #7501; ISBN 1-56504-787-7; $2.50 U.S.
  • Character Booster Pack, Stock #7503; ISBN 1-56504-789-3; $2.50 U.S.

Game Stuff[]

Classy Game Books for September[]

Read these new releases while sitting in History 101; textbooks just can't compare.

It's a World of Darkness After All[]

World of Darkness Second Edition is here! Do you dare explore its hidden reaches? Venture into those forbidden regions where even vampires fear to tread. Glide through the elegant salons of Europe's elders and trek through the depths of the Dark Continent. Lose yourself in Peking's Forbidden City and find what waits at the headwaters of the Amazon. World of Darkness Second Edition updates previously published information and offers all-new details on the setting of all the Storyteller games.

Stock #2226; ISBN 1-56504-207-7; 160 pages; $18.00 U.S.

World of Darkness Second Edition, John Matson

Death Lurks Behind the Shroud...Er, Screen[]

It's Wraith: The Oblivion Second Edition Screen: Buried Secrets! (Whew!) Bundled in a screen that contains all of the vital charts needed to run Wraith Second Edition is Buried Secrets, a book containing everything we wanted to put into Second Edition but couldn't. Similar in format to the Mage: Hidden Lore Screen, Buried Secrets contains essential information for Wraith 2nd Edition Storytellers. Sample Harrowings, more on the Far Shores, a bigger roster of the denizens of the Tempest - you name it, it's here. The perfect supplement for the Storyteller who needs it all.

Stock #6601; ISBN 1-56504-603-X; Screen and 72-page book; $15.00 U.S.

Court is in Session....[]

Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings, that is! Court of all Kings is the third and final installment in the Immortal Eyes Chronicle for Changeling: The Dreaming. The trilogy has spanned the globe, and now the characters find themselves in Ireland, where Silver's Gate, the last doorway to Arcadia, lies hidden. Our heroes must maneuver through the plots of petty Celtic kings, solve ancient mysteries and face a new kith race to find the gate...but at what price?

Also, don't forget to look for the novel, The Court of all Kings, available now. Your characters aren't the only Kithain on a chimerical quest!

Stock #7202; ISBN 1-56504-713-3; 144 pages; $15.00 U.S.

Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings, Rebecca Guay

Walk Softly and Carry a Big...Secret?[]

The Silent Striders Tribebook, for Werewolf: The Apocalypse, has quietly arrived at your local book store. The Silent Striders are among the most mysterious and enigmatic of the Garou tribes. Driven from their Egyptian homelands and haunted by ghosts, the nomadic Silent Striders rove the world in pursuit of forgotten lore. They appear from nowhere, warn other Garou of danger and then vanish. If you've seen any of the Werewolf tribebooks, you know that this one offers all-new Gifts, lore and Rites - the ultimate on the Silent Striders.

Stock #3059; ISBN 1-56504-330-8; 72 pages; $10.00 U.S.

City Under Siege[]

Chicago Chronicles Volume 2 continues the chronicle of a city torn apart. Chicago was once ruled by the undead, a pinnacle of vampiric power. Now it is a city at war, not by day or even to mortal eyes, but by night, when the dead come out to play and feral werewolves burst from their wild hiding places to wipe out the city's unnatural evil. Chicago Chronicles Volume 2 is a compilation of two Storyteller System sourcebooks: Chicago By Night Second Edition and Under a Blood Red Moon. These books have been repackaged under a new cover and continue the tale of Chicago's fall begun in Chicago Chronicles Volume I.

Stock #2235; ISBN 1-56504-220-4; 296 pages; $20.00 U.S.

Horrifying Game Books for October[]

Check out what's new in White Wolf's Month of Darkness.

Something Wicked...[]

Come one, come all to Anastagio's Olde Time Lunar Carnival, found only in World of Darkness: Midnight Circus! Marvel at hideous freaks of nature! See stupendous shows under the big top! Admission price? Just your soul! The Midnight Circus has traveled the back roads of the World of Darkness for hundreds of years, and has spread its own perverse brand of evil. Now the carnival can visit your town - and game, no matter which Storyteller game you play. The Midnight Circus is an ominous new threat to everyone from vampires to changelings.

Stock #3068; ISBN 1-56504-317-0; 128 pages; $15.00 U.S.

World of Darkness: Midnight Circus, Dan Brereton

More then Water Under the Bridge[]

Kithbook: Trolls is the first in a new series of sourcebooks for Changeling: The Dreaming. In the tradition of Vampire's clanbooks and Werewolf's tribebooks, Kithbook: Trolls details the history, beliefs and customs of the largest, most menacing and most popular of the fae races. No troll character is complete without this resource, and it includes the now-famous White Wolf templates that kick-start character creation.

Stock #7050; ISBN 1-56504-725-7; 72 pages; $12.00 U.S.

Kithbook: Trolls, Tony DiTerlizzi

Magick Versus Magic[]

The Book of Crafts: Whispers of Dissent brings an all-new possibility to Mage. In the game about redefining reality, you no longer have to play a mage! The Book of Crafts provides complete rules on playing craft weavers - hedge wizards, templars, voodoo priests, alchemists and modern Amazons - and offers in-depth information on their societies. They may not be combatants in the Ascension War, but craft weavers have formidable powers all their own, and now you can wield them.

Stock #4011; ISBN 1-56504-435-5; 160 pages; $18.00 U.S.

Leave a Good-Looking Corpse[]

Hot on the heels of Wraith Second Edition comes Guildbook: Masquers. Why do you have to keep the face you died with? Odds are, you weren't looking your best when you croaked. Masquers can make you look like anyone or anything - or even like nothing at all. The next in Wraith's Guildbook series, Masquers tells everything you need to know to play one of the secretive chameleons of the Underworld, and even has rules for creating Barghests!

Stock #6011; ISBN 1-56504-604-8; 72 pages; $12.00 U.S.

Still Raging[]

Rage Across the World Volume 2 continues the War of the Apocalypse as it wages across the globe. Garou bite and claw at the evils of the Wyrm and humanity to bring about a new golden age for Gaia. Can She still be saved? Now you can fight the War of the Apocalypse from its earliest days. Rage Across the World Volume 2 is a compilation of two classic Werewolf sourcebooks: Rage Across Russia and Dark Alliance: Vancouver. Previously out of print and almost impossible to find, these books are now repackaged under a new cover.

Stock #3070; ISBN 1-56504-320-0; 272 pages; $20.00 U.S.

All Game Books Suggested for Mature Readers.

Fiction Stuff[]

Turn Over a New Leaf in September[]

Yeah, the new TV season starts this month, but you're better off reading a book. Why, here comes some new fiction now!

Where No Author Has Gone Before[]

Visit The City of the Edge of Forever. The facts are simple: Harlan Ellison wrote the original teleplay, The City of the Edge of Forever, for the first Star Trek series. Roddenberry and his crew altered and then released it.

Millions of avid Star Trek fans have wondered for years what the real story was. Which script was better? Reputations were built, money was made, and a classic television series flourished. You know the controversy. Now read the truth. Here, for the first time in unlimited-edition trade paperback, with an extensive introduction by the author, is the unrevised, unadulterated original version of Harlan Ellison's award-winning Star Trek script, The City of the Edge of Forever - the spark that incited Ellison's vehement and long-lived feud with late TV producer Gene Roddenberry!

Stock #WW 11949; ISBN 1-56504-964-0; $11.99 U.S.

The City of the Edge of Forever by Haran Ellison

With Friends Like This...[]

Pillow Friend, by Lisa Tuttle, is the latest disturbing psychological drama from White Wolf. Agnes Grey, a girl growing up in Houston, Texas in the early '60s, is troubled by her mother's erratic mood swings. She escapes to a fantasy world where imaginary relationships are more fulfilling than the real ones: a whispering porcelain doll, an enigmatic high-school boyfriend who appears upon command, a soulful English poet who makes her his muse. But as Agnes enters adulthood, her fantastic relationships become deceivingly real, and have chilling consequences.

Stock #WW 11043; ISBN 1-56504-938-1; Hardcover; $19.99 U.S.

Dangerous Games[]

The Nihilesthere, by Richard Kalich, takes you on a journey into the mind of Harlem case-worker Robert Haberman as e works his way into the life a limbless, mentally deficient man named Bronski. The handicapped man proves to be much more than he appears, though. Their relationship intensifies as Bronski convinces Haberman that he is actually an artist, and the case work's ordered life begins to collapse around him as his "game," designed to probe the depths of his client, slowly work against him, bringing about a tragic but enlightening end.

Stock #WW 11998; ISBN 1-56504-998-5; $4.99 U.S.

Shapers of the World of Darkness[]

Dark Destiny: Proprietors of Fate, by Poppy Z. Brite, Nancy A. Collins, S.P. Somtow and others, explores the darkest boundaries of the World of Darkness; a realm in which vampires, werewolves, wraiths, modern wizards and faeries exist unseen by mortal eyes. Witness the supernatural truths behind the Fall of the Roman Empire, the crucifixion of Christ, and the Spanish Inquisition. Meet Joan of Arc, Aleister Crowley and Adolph Hitler - and learn of their manipulation of forces from beyond. anthology

Stock #WW 11811; ISBN 1-56504-816-4; $5.99 U.S.

The Eyes Have It[]

Court of All Kings, by Jackie Cassada, is the third and final installment of the Immortal Eyes Trilogy, the fictional adaptation of the Changeling: The Dreaming game supplement of the same name. One of the changelings' own has betrayed them. Now he sails for Ireland with three of the faerie treasures known as the Immortal Eyes. Our heroes must follow in search of the final Eyestone; whoever unites the four gems will discover the secret of the Curt of All Kings and open Silver's Gate - the last passageway to Arcadia.

Stock #WW 11403; ISBN 1-56504-862-8; $5.99 U.S.

Court of All Kings, by Jackie Cassada

Spooky October Fiction[]

Halloween is coming. Don't forget that there's candy for the mind, too (but that doesn't make these fiction books mind candy).

In Wolf's Clothing[]

Sheep is the second novel by brilliant new horror novelist Simon Maginn. James and Adéle want to start their lives over. The ramshackle farmhouse in Ty-Gwyneth seems like the perfect retreat. But things take a horrific turn when James unearths a collection of bones, and the couple learns the tragic history of their home. Meanwhile, Adéle's paintings become increasingly bizarre, and their son makes a discovery that links the present to the past. And now something is causing the sheep to run mad with fear....

Stock #WW 10001; ISBN 1-56504-910-1; $5.99 U.S.

A City of Secrets[]

The Sword of Mary, by Esther M. Friesner, is the sequel to the dark-fantasy novel The Psalms of Herod, and concludes the harrowing struggles of Becca of Wiserways Stead. Escaping her oppressive home, Becca journeys to the magical city where her brother lives, certain that his knowledge will save her and her kin. However, she soon learns that everyone, including her brother, has ulterior motives, and her own secrets multiply. Will they be enough to buy her freedom?

Stock #WW 13200; ISBN 1-56504-936-5; $5.99 U.S.

Children of the Night[]

Dark Destiny: Children of Dracula is the third in the Dark Destiny series, which chronicles the dark, complex World of Darkness. Children of Dracula lays bare the bloody legacy of the greatest of villains: Vlad Tepes, the Impaler. A tyrannical warlord in life, in death Dracula has risen to a height of power and corruption unimaginable to mortals and undead alike. Now you are led into that heart of darkness, and learn why there are some things in the night that even vampires dread. Featuring stories by David Bischoff, Rick Hautala and other award-winning authors.

Hardcover anthology

Stock #WW 11807; ISBN 1-56504-813-X; Hardcover; $21.99 U.S.

Too Bad for Dad[]

The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish is a hardback book written for children and the young at heart. Teaming up once again, comics giants Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean (Mister Punch, The Sandman) have created an unforgettable story that will take you on a lavishly illustrated journey into the quirky mind of a young boy, and the lessons he learns about the perils of striking a bargain.

One day my mom went out and left me at home with just my little sister and my dad. Mt dad sat in front of the television, reading his newspaper My dad doesn't pay much attention to anything when he's reading his newspaper.

My friend Nathan came over to my house. He had a glass bowl with him. There was something in the glass bowl.

"What's that?" I said.

"Two goldfish," he said. "Aren't they neat?"

They were pretty neat.

"I'll swap you them," I said.

"What for?" asked Nathan....

Stock #WW 13401; ISBN 1-56504-944-6; Hardcover; $21.99 U.S.

The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish by Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean

Beyond the World of Darkness[]

When Vampire: The Masquerade was released in 1991, White Wolf also announced that four more games would follow. Now, in 1996, the five Storyteller games are all available. So what's next from White Wolf? What lies beyond the World of Darkness?

White Wolf Announces the Release of a Science-Fiction Game Line![]

We are thrilled to announce the development of a new science-fiction roleplaying game line that will exist exclusively of the Storyteller games and World of Darkness, and that will expand into other media such as war games and board games, novels, art books and CD-ROMs.

Created by Mark Rein-Hagen, the award-winning author of Vampire, this game promises to be the seminal SF event of 1997. In terms of both graphic design and writing, it will blow away everything that has come previously.

Rein-Hagen exclaims, "I haven't been this excited about a project since Vampire. I've been a hard-core SF fan since I was 10 and this universe is based on some ideas that I've been playing with for years; I've waited a long time to bring them to life. It's exciting to design a roleplaying setting and know that it may also take on life in computer games, anime TV and even movies. We've been developing everything simultaneously, trying to make it all fit together perfectly. I feel this will be the pinnacle of my career as a game designer."

White Wolf looks to the stars in early 1997.

Convention Corner[]

White Wolf is attending or supporting the following conventions in September and October. Look for us here. Buy us a beer.

  • DefCon 3, Tulsa, OK, September 6-8
  • PensaCon, Pensacola, FL, October 11-13
  • ArChon, Collinsville, IL, October 4-6
  • Atlanta Anime Weekend, Atlanta, GA, October 11-13
  • AlbaCon, Albany, NY, October 11-13
  • Western Challenge, University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 18-20
  • World Fantasy Convention, Chicago, IL, October 31-November 3

Invasion of the Unshod Heathen Savages[]

By Justin Achilli, Rage Developer and WW Decorum Officer


I don't ask a great deal of my coworkers. I'm considerably less demanding than your average starched-shirt, middle-management sansabelt burnout. I only ask that my projects receive professional and timely handling... and that my co-workers wear shoes!

That's not a lot to ask. White Wolf is a fairly relaxed place. I'm not demanding that people cut their hair or wear ties. I don't care if they wear shorts instead of pants. This is a creative environment which thrives on the diversity of its employees. Yet (and I'm not the first to demand it) for the love of God, these people must wear shoes!

Think about it. Feet are pretty nasty appendages (except maybe Bridget Fonda's). They come in contact with all of the funk and odiousness on our floors. That's why we wear shoes.

But some people don't. They don't because they're nomadic desert folk or plains tribesmen. Perhaps they're beach-dwelling fishermen. Whatever. None of the people here are any of those things; they're line developers, graphic designers, salespeople and editors. They're members of a shoe-based society, and I'll be damned if they don't have to wear shoes!

I know that shoes aren't a physical requirement for work here (except in the warehouse), but if for nothing else, shoes should be worn out of respect for others. I'm not the only one who believes this, though I may be the most vitriolic. Shoes don't have to be expensive. They serve to fulfill the most base of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: the need not to be a mouth-breathing troglodytic subhuman beast. They keep grungy vileness away for personal expression. Shoes are good. Cover those corn-riddled Edward Scissortoes, you cloven-hoofed monstrosities!


On May 17, Justin Achilli staged a formal protest against bare feet in the White Wolf offices. Oh, he came into work... but wasn't wearing pants. It's true.

Just Plain Stuff[]

In case you don't know, White Wolf makes more than just books for your imagination, we make jewelry and dice too - stuff for the real world. Of course, they're still based on our imaginary worlds. Check 'em out!

The Dog Dice of Autumn[]

In stores in October are the long-awaited Werewolf dice. In the tradition of our Vampire, Fantasy and Wraith dice, the Werewolf dice lend an extra touch of class to your Garou game. And as a super-special, super-cool bonus, each set comes with a 10-sided Lunar Phase die, good for generating a random auspice or the phase of the moon. Don't you just hate it when your players ask, "What's the phase of the moon?"

The Werewolf dice come in sets of nine 10-sided dice, plus one Lunar Phase die (that's 10 in total).

Stock #5637; ISBN 1-56504-570-X; $5.99 U.S.

Rage Page[]

The forces of the Garou are being assembled to fight the Wyrm and each other. The Apocalypse looms on the horizon. Where do you stand on the brink of Armageddon? What card do you have up your sleeve?

Big Time, Big Fun, Big Supplement[]

Coming to stores in late September is the biggest and best Rage expansion set yet! Legacy of the Tribes, featuring 215 cards, is the largest and most ambitious supplement to date for the Werewolf: The Apocalypse trading-card game. Witness the return of Rage heroes Lord Albrecht, Mari Cabrah and Even Heals-The-Past! Meet Margrave, a powerful Shadow Lord and Lord Albrecht's legendary rival! And brand new to the game: You can collect Territories, new cards that bestow various special abilities on the packs that control them.

New Fetishes and powers, like the Get of Fenris' spear, Gungnir, and the Fianna Gift Rilkean Heart, also push the power level of Rage to new heights. Even the villainous Black Spiral Dancers.

But we're not down yet! The ultra-rare foil chase cards in Legacy of the Tribes highlight the enforcers of the Litany, the members of the Silver Pack. Depicted by Jeff Rebner, these are the movers and shakers of the mighty Garou Nation. One member of each auspice it represented, for a total of five.

Legacy also promises the same high-quality cards that Rage players and collectors expect. As always, this supplement is printed domestically at Upper Deck and bear's Deck's signature UV coating and security holograms.

As with all Rage supplements, Legacy of the Tribes is printed to order in a limited edition. Pick up a Booster Pack or box of 24 Booster Packs. Once these are gone, they're gone, baby.

  • Retail Display Box; Stock #3926; ISBN 1-56504-385-5; $46.80 U.S. Includes 24 Booster Packs (12 cards per pack) that cost $1.95 each
  • Booster Pack; Stock #3927; ISBN 1-56504-384-7; $1.95 U.S.

White Wolf Presents: Intern: The Exploitation Comic Strip by Andrew Bates[]


New Stuff Checklist[]


Legacy of the Tribes Limited Edition[]
  • Retail Display Box, Stock #3926, ISBN 1-56504-385-5, $46.80 U.S. Includes 24 Booster Packs (12 cards per pack) that cost $1.95 each
  • Booster Pack, Stock #3927, ISBN 1-56504-384-7, $1.95 U.S.




King Ironheart's Madness[]
  • Story Pack Retail Display Box, Stock #7500, ISBN 1-56504-786-9, $60.00 U.S. Includes 24 Booster Packs (15 cards per pack) that cost $2.50 each
  • Character Pack Retail Display Box, Stock #7502, ISBN 1-56504-788-5, $60.00 U.S. Includes 24 Booster Packs (15 cards per pack) that cost $2.50 each
  • Story Booster Pack, Stock #7501, ISBN 1-56504-787-7, $2.50 U.S.
  • Character Booster Pack, Stock #7503, ISBN 1-56504-789-3, $2.50 U.S.

Go online with White Wolf on the World Wide Web. Check us out at: http://www.white-wolf.com

Plan on needing recovery time.

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WW: White Wolf Night Edition Number 1 White Wolf Night Edition WW: White Wolf Night Edition Number 3