White Wolf Night Edition Number 17 is a newsletter printed on newsprint and published sometime in the Summer of 2000.
News, Events and Serious Haircuts from White Wolf. Free! Because we said so!
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- Revised Clanbooks For The Final Nights
- Plus... Accessorize Yourself With White Wolf
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the game store, here it is again, your Night Edition for the Year 2000. Okay, so it's really just one of your four Night Editions for this year, but whatever. Your world just wouldn't be the same without the latest information on White Wolf games, now, would it? And that's what Night Edition is all about - so try it. Mmmmm, tasty....
Revisiting the Revised Clanbooks[]
by Justin "I'm So Sexy" Achilli, Vampire Developer
So there I am, sitting in my office, downloading porn and generally minding my own business, when I get this e-mail message from Marketing. "We need an article on the revised series of clanbooks for Night Edition," it wheedled.
"Oh, for the love of everything black, velvet and gothic!" I cried, "I just did this six weeks ago!"
"Shut up and write it, punchy," replied Marketing Whipcracka Tim Avers. "And make it different from last time or I'll punch you so hard al your gold teeth will come loose in your head."
Not wanting Marketing to dash out my gold teeth (because they're very expensive when you have them include the Mercedes-Benz logo and a one-carat diamond on each), I popped a John Digweed CD in the player and began a-tapping, gently rapping, rapping on my computer keys.
Now, we talked last time about what makes these clanbooks different from their first-edition counterparts, but it probably needs a little revisitation. Here, then, reprinted from the gin-soaked cocktail napkins upon which I make my scheduling and development outlines, are the salient bullet points of the new series.
- Consistency: All the clanbooks will be developed under one unity of vision, rather than several.
- Frequency: The clanbooks adhere to a one-a-month schedule, so there's no more waiting six-and-a-half years for the series to conclude. This also helps them remain consistent (above).
- Updating: Vampire, being a modern and cutting-edge game, needs source material that is at once timely, timeless and edgy. We'll pay more attention to the personalities of the clans in question and less attention to leather jackets and Sisters of Mercy quotations.
Above and beyond those simple points, though, each clanbook is a new and refreshing look at the vampires who populate the clan, Assamite, Ravnos and Setite, for example, bring those clans up to date as per their new presentations in the revised-edition material. Brujah, Malkavian and Gangrel will share a common format and purpose with the latter clanbooks, Each book will focus upon the clan's characteristics and individuality rather than reinforcing unbreakable stereotypes.
Those are bold claims for a guy with gold teeth to make, but as I went over the old clanbooks, I felt that they needed a new breath of life. Some of the first-edition books were quite good - finding someone to undertake a revision and make it better would be tough, so I had to find writers who could rise to the challenge. On the other hand, some of the older clanbooks were not as good as the others, and I needed writers who had a vision for the clan that surpassed what had already been done with them. Still others needed gentle revision that didn't render the old material so obsolete as to confound the concept of the clan itself but still brought the clan into its own prominence. The bottom line is that the clanbooks needed to evoke the clans as they are now - with the Final Nights upon them, rumors of Gehenna spreading like mad and Masquerading just beneath the modern consumer culture. How do these vampires survive? What do they do? How to they keep from irrelevant anachronisms in a world that refuses to believe in the Kindred? It is these questions and more than the clanbooks seek to answer.
The Good, The Bad and Ohmygodsthehumanity![]
Nosferatu. Of all Kindred, they most closely resemble the Beasts hidden within. But this clan is far more than a motley assembly of twisted freaks. Beware the secret knowledge of this ancient clan, and keep your Nosferatu enemies closer than your friends among them.
Here's an exclusive preview of what awaits you in the pages of the new Clanbook: Nosferatu.
Rugged Bad Look (5-pt.Merit): Your face is hideous, but it could almost pass for that of a really ugly human. If you were to cover every other part of your body, you could shamble into mortal society looking only slightly suspicious. While you might have a hunchback, reptilian scales over parts of your flesh or a foul stench that never dissipates, you can actually walk among mortals - with extensive precautions - without automatically breaking the Masquerade. Other vampires give you no end of grief for not looking like a "real" Nosferatu. (by the way, this is as "attractive" as a Nosferatu ever gets; no Merit will ever increase a Nosferatu's Appearance above zero.)
Patagia (4-pt. Merit): Leathery wings fold up into your horrid little body. Picture the gliding wings of a pterodactyl or a flying squirrel. Now visualize them hanging off a twisted skeleton of batlike wings. With the aid of an updraft or a strong wind, you can glide for short distances - rather useful for Nosferatu who skulk along rooftops, don't you think? Storytellers should know that a vampire with this Merit can glide at their normal walking speed; Narrators may want to ask for an athletics Test if a Nosferatu wants to try something with this Merit.
Reptile Buddy (3-pt. Merit): Yes, those legends about albino alligator in the sewers really are true. You've been nursing a few of them with your vitae in the local spawning pool for years. Your careful breeding and vigilant training has produced a reptilian slave of exceptional intelligence. It has a mind as sharp as that as a five-year-old child and teeth as keen as butcher knives. The beast understands your native language perfectly and can even follow complex directions. Faster and deadlier than any human ghoul, it is a highly efficient killing machine fully capable of patrolling your domain with ruthless efficiency. Reptile buddies also love to play "fetch" with human limbs (whether attached or severed).
Ghouled Reptile Buddy
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6
Social: Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Potence 2
Blood Pool: 5
Willpower: 5
Attacks: Bite (7 dice), Tail Slap (6 dice)
MET Stats
Physical Traits (7)
Social Traits (0)
Mental Traits (2)
Fortitude 2, Potence 2
3 Blood Traits
2 Willpower Traits
White Wolf Game Q&A[]
Ask Fred.
By Fred
Here we are again - another of my questionable columns, packed with a dose of my witty banter and nauseating sarcasm. This month, I was so sick of answering silly questions about whether or not werewolves brush their teeth or if a mage still has to breathe underwater I thought that, instead, I'd give you an insightful look into the monstrosity we know as the game industry. I based all of these answers on actual questions I've received from snot-nosed goobs over the years.
Which game company sells the most games?
The one with the biggest billfold. Actually, White Wolf goes head to head every month with our chief rival for the hearts, minds and souls of gamers everywhere. Oh, yeah, and their paychecks.
In a fair fight, who would win; Pete Atkinson, the Lord of All Things Fantasy Gaming, or Steve Wieck, White Wolf president?
Oh, come on. Maybe Atkinson is a good gamemaster, but he would be no match for Wieck, who in addition to his numerous game credits is also an honest-to-gods master of Kung-Fu. First, Steve would apply his patented Shao-Lin Smackdown, then... Oh, forget it. There's just no contest here. Steve wouldn't even attack because he'd be so embarrassed by Atkinson crying like a baby.
How does one become a much-revered game writer? I have tried to break into the game industry for 27 years, have attended every DragonCon in hopes of getting an invitation to the White Wolf party and have every Dungeons and Dragons publication, dating back to the original scribblings of Gary Gygax on the side of an Amway box, to no avail! Please help me!
There can be no help for you. But for those of you out there who are curious about writing or doing art for White Wolf, check out our web site (www.white-wolf.com) for more details. More importantly, never, I repeat, never, send in a submission without first asking for a non-disclosure/confidentiality agreement. There's not a single decent company in the industry who won't require one.
Okay, one actual White Wolf game question...
I recently moved to the United Arab Emirates. Would the countries of the Middle East be ruled by Camarilla Kindred, Assamite and Setite independents or would the mysterious Cathayans come into play? I'm just curious if there is an "official" White Wolf answer.
The Middle East is held in the sway of a supernatural force already presented in the World of Darkness, just not any of those you've mentioned. It's a secret being kept "under wraps." Remember, mum's the word.
Where, Oh Where, Black Ichor?[]
By Phil Boulle, Vampire: The Dark Ages and Kindred of the East Developer
If you're reading this, then my ruse has worked. Slipping into the offices of Night Edition, deep within the bowels of the White Wolf Complex, wasn't easy, but it's worthwhile if I can spread the truth. It's only been two months since these... fiends recruited me to be part of their infernal machine, but I have to warn the world.
It sounded great at the time. I had been stewing as a freelance writer - a sure way to up your bitterness - and just waiting for an opportunity to lash out at the world around me. I needed a venue in which to spill the ichor of my despair. When White Wolf called to offer me a job developing Vampire: The Dark Ages and Kindred of the East, I knew my time had arrived. This was White Wolf! Corrupters of the youth of America! Degenerates of the gaming world! The lapdogs of the Antichrist! I jumped into a yellow moving van and raced from safe, placid Canada toward Atlanta, the new Babylon.
But the truth is more horrible than I could ever imagine. The people here are... nice. Professional. God, even friendly! Where was the stew of seething hatred and disdain I so craved? Nowhere to be seen, that's where!
Hell, these people even cared that I'd spent three years developing Heavy Gear and Tribe 8 over at Dream Pod 9. Competence and experience meant something to them!
Somebody get me out of this bourgeois hell before I start caring about quality!
PS: You can send messages of sympathy or laughs of derision to me at prboulle@white-wolf.com. I guess I'll even answer questions about Dark Ages and Kindred of the East. (Professionalism, feh!)
2000 Is the Year of...Cool Stuff?!?[]
Yessireebob it is! Just when you thought you couldn't get any more cool accessories and goodies for your White Wolf fix, we present you with a brand new batch. Check it out an order yours today.
Vampire: The Masquerade[]
Vampire Cigarette Case
Appearances are important, especially when trying to fool those gullible mortals. Whether kindred really smoke or not, others need never know, because this sleek cigarette case will convince them instantly. This quality case is crafted in durable metal and inscribed with the Vampire ankh logo.
Available in April, Stock #WW5230, $24.95 U.S.
Vampire Diary
Record your thoughts and dreams for an eternity in this black leatherette journal. Featuring silver-edged pages and a red silk bookmark. Perfect for personal use or as a prop.
Available in June, Stock #WW5580, ISBN 1-56504-142-9, $14.95 U.S.
Vampire Letterhead
Secret notes passed by cold hands.... These parchment-print letterhead and envelopes proclaim your clan lineage in brilliant color and style. With 25 in each package, you can use them to invite the whole clan to your next feast.
Available in May...
Brujah, Stock #WW5470
Gangrel, Stock #WW5471
Malkavian, Stock #WW5472
Nosferatu, Stock #WW5473
Toreador, Stock #WW5474
Tremere, Stock #WW5475
Retail Prices: $12.95 U.S.
Available in June...
Ventrue, Stock #WW5476
Assamite, Stock #WW5477
Setite, Stock #WW5478
Tzimisce, Stock #WW5479
Lasombra, Stock #WW5480
Giovanni, Stock #WW5481
Ravnos, Stock #WW5482
Retail Prices: $12.95 U.S.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse[]
Fashion Fetishes - Werewolf Tribe Necklaces
Originally carved to mark tribal territory and protect sacred sites, these potent glyphs have been handed down through generations of proud Garou. Whether you are one of the Changing Breeds or Garou Kin, these bone-style pictogram and leather thong necklaces reflect the traditional nature of Gaia's warriors.
Coming in April...
Red Talons, Stock #WW5732
Shadow Lords, Stock #WW5733
Silent Striders, Stock #WW5734
Silver Fangs, Stock #WW5735
Stargazers, Stock #WW5736
Uktena, Stock #WW5737
Wendigo, Stock #WW5738
Retail Prices: $12.95 U.S.
Coming in May...
Ananasi, Stock #WW5739
Bastet, Stock #WW5740
Corax, Stock #WW5741
Gurahl, Stock #WW5742
Mokolé, Stock #WW5743
Nagah, Stock #WW5744
Nuwisha, Stock #WW5745
Ratkin, Stock #WW5746
Rokea, Stock #WW5747
Retail Prices: $12.95 U.S.
And don't forget to check this quarter's calendar on the next page for more great releases.
White Wolf's Summer 2000 Releases[]
Nights of Prophesy[]
Who killed Baba Yaga? What changes have hunters wrought on Kindred society? How goes the Kuei-jin invasion of the American West Coast? How has the Succubus Club fared after the wat with the Chicago Lupines? These mysteries and more await. A compendium of stories, Nights of Prophecy attends to the numerous plotlines currently running throughout Vampire's World of Darkness.
Stock #2265, ISBN 1-56504-229-8, $19.95 U.S.
- Camarilla Guide Stock #5017, ISBN 1-56504-731-1, $14.95 U.S.
- Libellus Sanguinis III: Wolves At The Door Stock #2823, ISBN 1-56504-203-4, $15.95 U.S.
- Clan Novel: Tremere Stock #11111, ISBN 1-56504-827-X, $5.99 U.S.
- Tremere T-Shirt
- Large, #5883, $21.95 U.S.
- Extra-Large, #5884, $21.95 U.S.
- Double XL, #5885, $21.95 U.S.
- Guardians of The Caerns Stock #3212, ISBN 1-56504-360-X, $15.95 U.S.
- Mage Storytellers Companion Stock #4601, ISBN 1-56504-406-1, $14.95 U.S.
- Aberrant: Worldwide Phase I Stock #8530, ISBN 1-56504-684-6, $21.95 U.S.
- Edgeworks #3 Trade Stock #12193, ISBN 1-56504-837-7, $16.99 U.S.
World of Darkness: Blood and Silk[]
The year is 1197. It is the Fourth Age of the World, and much that is beautiful or holy is dying. Cainites and other monsters take new steps along the Silk Road, while in the Middle Kingdom, the Wan Kuei rage against the heavens. It is a time of majesty and fear, of magic and blood - and it beckons you.
Stock #2950, ISBN 1-56504-242-5, $21.95 U.S.
- Clanbook: Nosferatu Stock #2354, ISBN 1-56504-266-2, $14.95 U.S.
- Clan Novel: Nosferatu #11112, ISBN 1-56504-835-0, $5.99 U.S.
- Nosferatu T-Shirt
- Large, #5886, $21.95 U.S.
- Extra-Large, #5887, $21.95 U.S.
- Double XL, #5888, $21.95 U.S.
- The Giovanni Saga I Stock #2098, ISBN 1-56504-253-0, $17.95 U.S.
- The Bitter Road Stock #4044, ISBN 1-56504-407-X, $17.95 U.S.
- War In Concordia Stock #7309, ISBN 1-56504-724-9, $18.00 U.S.
- Hunter: The Walking Dead Stock #8105, ISBN 1-56504-741-9, $15.95 U.S.
- Sailing To Utopia Stock #12523, ISBN 1-56504-980-2, $16.99 U.S.
Clanbook: Brujah[]
The history of Clan Brujah has been one of struggle and passion since its first nights. From challenging the tyranny of feudalism to rallying against institutions, the Brujah take their fight into the modern nights. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like.
Stock #2351, ISBN 1-56504-267-0, $14.95 U.S.
- Half-Damned: Dhampyr Stock #2920, ISBN 1-56504-247-6, $13.95 U.S.
- Technocracy Assembled Volume 2 Stock #4209, ISBN 1-56504-419-3, $14.95 U.S.
- The Order of Reason Stock #4807, ISBN 1-56504-469-X, $22.00 U.S.
- Hunter Book: Innocents Stock #8106, ISBN 1-56504-742-7, $14.95 U.S.
- Mind's Eye Theater Journal #6 Stock #5406, ISBN 1-56504-782-6, $7.95 U.S.
- Aberrant: Fear And Loathing Stock #8541, ISBN 1-56504-689-7, $4.95 U.S.
- The Darkest Heart Stock #12998, ISBN 1-56504-845-8, $11.99 U.S.
See previous page for more summer release information.

Artist Spotlight on John Van Fleet[]
John Van Fleet gained attention capturing the mood of the media phenomenon that is The X-Files. Scant few years later, Van Fleet redefined some of the most recognized characters in all of roleplaying - the clans of White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade. More recently, he astonished the comic world with Batman: The Chalice. John Van Fleet graduated from the Pratt Insititute in Brooklyn, NY in 1984 and now lives in North Carolina with his wife Paige and daughter Grace. Look for more of his art on White Wolf's Clan Novel and revised Clanbook series.
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