White Wolf Wiki

White Wolf Night Edition Number 1 is newsletter printed on newsprint and published sometime in the summer of 1996.


You Have to Start Somewhere[]

Welcome to the first installment of White Wolf: Night Edition. This is the brand-new source on everything that's coming out of or going on at - you guessed it - White Wolf! You can expect info on new releases, from game books to fiction to related items, and news on what the folks at White Wolf are up to, from sneak peeks at upcoming games and books to the philosophies behind what we do. You can also expect a look behind the scenes, a glimpse at some of the weird things that the weird people here do (or at least the ones that we can print).

We're producing this paper so we can keep touch with you, our players, readers and fans. Because we deal directly with book distributors and indirectly with store owners, it's sometimes difficult to talk directly to you. Sure there's the net, and we're always at conventions (just read on to find out which ones), but not everyone is e-mail savvy, and sometimes you just can't get to a show. We hope that Night Edition is the answer; you get your game books and novels at hobby shops an bookstores, and that's just where you can continue to find this paper. Night Edition will come out every two months; this issue covers July and August. Makes sense, huh, this being July?

So take a look at this rag and see what you think. Drop us a letter on your thoughts/impressions/musings/excretions. (That address is around here somewhere,.) Though we may not be able to write you back, your letters will be read and your efforts appreciated. So tell us what's cool and crappy about White Wolf: Night Edition, and we'll see you again in two months.

Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt[]

A Preview of White Wolf's New Card Game for 1996![]

Collectible card gaming has changed since the first game appeared three years ago. Back in that day, card gaming was new and fresh. It attracted roleplayers, board gamers and collectors. Everybody bought cards for different reasons... but the point was that everybody bought cards. As a result, several companies scrambled to get a piece of the pie. Some good games were created, but far more bad ones were released. It's perhaps for that reason that many collectors are now abandoning card games, leaving only dedicated players behind. Is this a bad thing? We don't think so because White Wolf has always made its card games for you, the player.

Enter Arcadia[]

Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt is a new card game designed with all game players in mind, be they card, RPG, etc. It combines the elements of traditional games with the quick setup, action and fun modern card games. Here at White Wolf, we're taking steps to ensure that the game appeals to you, as a player - it had to be inexpensive and easy to collect.

So what are we doing? First off, we're keeping startup costs low: $5.00! This is not a misprint. Arcadia doesn't come in starter decks but in booster packs, two different kinds of boosters to be exact: Character Packs and Story Packs. Buy just one of each, at $2.50 a pack, and you have everything you need to face an opponent in a quick and easy game of Arcadia. Additional boosters only add color and depth to your game, as well as unveil even more of this exciting new world.

Arcadia is the mythic home of changelings the land from which all faeries came before journeying to the World of Darkness. Arcadia is therefore integral to the game worlds that White Wolf has created; it has quietly lingered in the background of all the World of Darkness games. Now, with the July release of Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt, we unveil this unexplored realm. The land of Arcadia is unlike anything we have ever conjured up. It's fantastic and unreal. It's the reflection of humanity's hopes, dreams, legends and fears. It's at times dark and foreboding and at others remarkably bright and hopeful.

Playing The Game[]

We realize, however, that it takes more than an unusual setting to make a good game. That's why Arcadia's traditional game roots are important. The Wyld Hunt combines the best of familiar gaming styles with the fun twists of today's card games. In Arcadia, you play a single character whom you can create from a single pack of Character cards. Your character is unique from all others and is defined by the strengths and weaknesses that you select. You also choose a Quest for your character to undertake. Quests, available in Story Packs, are the heart of the game. Opposing characters race against each other to complete their individual Quests while facing all manner of obstacles, called Waylays. The first one to complete his Quest is the winner. However, characters can also gain experience during their adventures and the same characters can play in different Quests.

Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt is no popcorn-and-candy game of characters, Quests and Waylays. It tells a rich and detailed story. The Wyld Hunt itself is the first "book" in a trilogy which tells the story of the high king's fate, and Mad King Ironheart's bid for power. Each Quest tells a portion of this epic tale. Quests can be played individually in any order, or in sequence, allowing you to tell the whole story of quarreling kings, even allowing you to decide their fate.

Arcadia also features special cards called Leagues. The Leagues form a map of the land - the very landscape of fabled Arcadia. Leagues determine the roads that characters must travel, the mountains they must climb, and the dank caverns they must plumb. It's in these wondrous lands, with all their hazards, that your character must confront the Waylays pitted against her on her Quest.

The result is a game that's set in an evocative world, and a game that's fast and fun to play. But it's also a game of strategy. You must choose your battles wisely, taking care not to exhaust your abilities too soon. The game is character focused and highly interactive, with each player directly and indirectly affecting opponents' progress.

A Cut Above The Rest[]

While Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt features a vibrant world, a compelling tale, and fun, fast-paced play, we wouldn't be telling the whole story if we didn't mention the art. With artists such as Tony Diterlizzi, Stuart Beel, Joshua Gabriel Timbrook and many others contributing, this game has some of the hottest cards you've ever seen. White Wolf and its team of artists have once again set a new standard in card excellence. Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt does for card illustration what Rage did upon its debut.

Get Snared In Its Web[]

Check out Arcadia's very own WWW page for exclusive full-size art, expanded rules, and more background info on the land of Arcadia. Point your web browser to http://www.white-wolf.com/arcadia.html

  • Story Pack: Includes 24 Booster Packs (15 cards per pack) that cost $2.50 each; Stock #7905; ISBN 1-56504-795-8; $60.00 U.S.
  • Character Pack: Includes 24 Booster Packs (15 cards per pack) that cost $2.50 each; Stock #7903; ISBN 1-56504-793-1; $60.00 U.S.

Available in July.

Game Stuff[]

Hot New Book for July[]

Look for these game books right away. They're available now!

Changeling Players Stop Dreaming! Your Guide is Here![]

Yes, the Changeling Players Guide is in stores! Just as you would expect, the book is full of all-new Merits, Flaws, Legacies and Abilities. It also expands upon what you know about the Kith, and introduces a whole new changeling culture: the Nunnehi - Native American Kithain that you can use as characters! It doesn't stop there; the book also offers a brand-new system for casting cantrips. If you don't have or don't use the cantrip cards, now you don't need them at all! The Changeling Players Guide is the most important release since the Changeling rulebook.

Authors: Various authors; Developer: Ian Lemke; Artist: Cover art by Andrew Kudelka; ISBN: 1-56504-701-X; Stock #: 7100; Price: $22.00 U.S.; Page Count: 192; Type of Book: Rules book for players and Storytellers

Suggested for mature readers.

Changeling Players Guide, Andrew Mitchell Kudelka

Looking to the Horizon[]

Horizon: Stronghold of Hope is the latest release for Mage: The Ascension. Hundreds of years ago, sorcerers from across the world met in a place beyond the Earth and built a magickal sanctuary called Horizon. There the Council of Nine Traditions gathered, and still does even in these twilight times. However, intrigue now stalks Horizon's halls as the poisoned politics of Doissetep creep through the Council chambers. If Horizon should fall to corruption, mages everywhere will be infected.

Authors: Beth Fischi, Allen Varney and Ethan Skemp; Developer: Phil Brucato; ISBN: 1-56504-425-8; Stock #: 4012; Price: $15.00 U.S.; Page Count: 112; Type of Book: Area sourcebook/chronicle background

Suggested for mature readers.

Horizon, John Van Fleet

I Am the Law... Uh, Night![]

Laws of the Night: The Pocket Guide to Mind's Eye Theatre is here! Finally in one place are the rules, Disciplines and vampire clans from all The Masquerade live-action roleplaying supplements. We're talking about information from The Masquerade Second Edition all the way to The Apocalypse. No longer do you have to look through - or carry - three rulebooks to find the reference you need. They're all in one easy-to-carry, trade-sized book. Besides, didn't those big green books clash with your costume?

Authors: Various authors; Developer: Richard E. Dansky; Artists: Photographs by Josh Hancock; ISBN: 1-56504-506-8; Stock #: 5005; Price: $10.95 U.S.; Page Count: 144; Type of Book: Rules reference for players and Storytellers

Suggested for mature readers.

Broad Shoulders by Night[]

Chicago Chronicles Volume I is a ground-breaking book for Vampire: The Masquerade and White Wolf. When Vampire first came out, Chicago was the "First City," the first nocturnal home of the undead, the first city we detailed in the brand-new World of Darkness. Several books were released about Chicago, but we wanted to explore the rest of the world too.

Now those early and long-out-of-print books are available again in the Chicago Chronicles series for Vampire: The Masquerade. Volume I takes you back to the city that started it all, whether as a newly Embraced Kindred struggling for survival on the mean streets, or as a bombastic elder who throws her weight around in the political night games of Chicago's undead.

Chicago Chronicles Volume I compiles Chicago By Night First Edition and The Succubus Club under an all-new cover. If you didn't get the books back in the day, you probably haven't seen them, and now you can have them for a new lower price.

The forthcoming Volume 2 will continue the war for the city - by bringing raging werewolves right to your haven door!

Authors: Mark Rein-Hagen, Andrew Greenberg, Nigel Findley and Graeme Davis; Developer: Andrew Greenberg; Artists: Clark Mitchell and Josh Timbrook; ISBN: 1-56504-219-0; Stock #: 2234; Price: $22.00 U.S.; Page Count: 336; Type of Book: City sourcebook and chronicle

Suggested for mature readers.

Sweaty New Books for August[]

Sweltering in the summer heat? These cool new books should chill you out.

Dead Again![]

Want a second chance at life? We can't give it to you, but now we can give you a second chance at death. Wraith: The Oblivion Second Edition is haunting your local bookstore! That's right, the Storytelling game of passion and horror is fully revised with all-new rules, setting explanations and artwork, all under a new hardback cover!

Beyond nine stories from horror novelist Rick Hautala that guide you through the world of the Restless, Wraith Second Edition has expanded information on Shadowguiding, creatures of the Tempest, the factions of wraith society, Legions, Guilds and more - everything that detailed cosmology, an updated history and rule revisions on everything from Harrowings to character creation, Wraith Second Edition redefines the Underworld of the World of Darkness.

Wraith Second Edition carries on the tradition of quality established by the second editions for Vampire, Werewolf and Mage.

Authors: Richard E. Dansky, Jackie Cassada, Rick Hautala, James A. Moore and others; Developer: Richard E. Dansky; Artists: George Pratt and Leif Jones; ISBN: 1-56504-600-5; Stock #: 6600; Price: $28.00 U.S.; Page Count: 272; Type of Book: Main rulebook

Suggested for mature readers.

Wraith: The Oblivion Second Edition, Interior Art, George Pratt

Dark Ages: Dark Secrets[]

Vampire: The Dark Ages Storytellers Secrets is the first major supplement for the latest of the Storyteller games, Vampire: The Dark Ages. This is the book you've been waiting for; it answers all the questions raised in the rulebook (well, most of them anyway). Look for a complete geography of Dark Medieval alleys, new information on how to run a Dark Ages chronicle, and perhaps most important of all, information that we just couldn't fit in the rulebook itself!

Storytellers, don't let your players get their hands on this one.

Authors: Wade Racine, Matt Burke and J.D. Wiker; Developer: Robert Hatch; Artists: Guy Davis and Vince Locke; ISBN: 1-56504-277-8; Stock #: 2802; Price: $15.00 U.S.; Page Count: 128; Type of Book: Storyteller supplement

Suggested for mature readers.

Storytellers Secrets, Guy Davis & Vince Locke

Bring It On![]

The time for politics is over: World of Darkness: Combat is here! Forget your moots. conclaves and board meetings,, the game has just moved to the next level. We're about to settle things to the next level. We're about to settle things the old-fashioned way: by sword, pistol, tooth and claw - whatever it takes. It's time to fight!

World of Darkness: Combat completely redefines battle in the Storyteller System by providing all-new, fully detailed combat rules that can be used with the games, from Vampire to Changeling. Klaive duels and Kailindo to crossed swords and blazing uzis, these optional new rules cover it all, including how to use your supernatural powers in battle. Do you have what it takes?

Author: Steven Long; Developer: Ethan Skemp; Artists: Brian LeBlanc and Jeff Rebner; ISBN: 1-56504-316-2; Stock #: 3206; Price: $15.00 U.S.; Page Count: 128; Type of Book: Storyteller and player rule supplement

Suggested for mature readers.

Globe-trotting Werewolves[]

The War of the Apocalypse rages across the globe as werewolves - the Garou - fight to save Gaia - the Earth mother - from corruption by the Wyrm. Indeed, the depredations of the Wyrm know no conscience or bounds, and if the Garou cannot undo the evil the world will come to a horrific end.

Rage Across the World Volume I is a compilation of two classic Werewolf: The Apocalypse globespanning sourcebooks: Caerns: Places of Power and Rage Across Russia. Previously out of print and no longer available, these books are now combined under a new cover. Here's your chance to bring the War to the Wyrm's very hole, wherever it writhes across the world.

Authors: Various authors; Developer: Bill Bridges; Artists: Scott Hampton and Steve Casper; ISBN: 1-56504-319-7; Stock #: 3069; Price: $20.00 U.S.; Page Count: 288; Type of Book: Setting and chronicle book

Suggested for mature readers.

Fiction Stuff[]

Brand-New Fiction in July[]

These new fiction books are in your local store. Step lightly when you enter.

Welcome to Lankhmar[]

White Wolf is proud to present Fritz Leiber's legendary duo in an attractive paperback edition of Ill Met in Lankhmar. They are the two greatest heroes to ever walk the world of Nehwon: Fafhrd, the giant barbarian warrior from Cold Waste; and the Gray Mouser, novice wizard, master thief and swordsman unparalleled.

Fantasy legend Fritz Leiber takes you through the first two books of the classic sword-and-sorcery saga: Swords and Deviltry and Swords Against Death.

Author: Fritz Leiber; Fantasy; paperback omibus; ISBN: 1-56504-894-6; Stock #: WW12011; Price: $5.99 U.S./$7.99 Canada

Ill Met in Lankhmar, Mike Mignola.

My Garou Ate My Homework![]

And they said puberty was hard! Try walking in Jay Caldwell's shoes. He's trapped at military school, estranged from his stepfather, and brutalized by his sadistic headmaster. Bu things could be worse - and they are. Jay discovers that he is a Garou, one of the legendary werewolves... that he is the victim of twisted genetic experimentation by a ruthless technomantic mage... and that he and all his kind are pawns in a deadly scheme concocted by the werewolves' greatest enemies.

Call to Battle is the first installment in the Saga of Jay No-Name, a two-book series set in the world of Rage, the collectible trading card, and Werewolf: The Apocalypse from White Wolf Game Studio.

Author: Doug Murray; Fantasy; paperback novel; ISBN: 1-56504-885-7; Stock #: WW13304; Price: $5.99 U.S./$7.99 Canada

On the Road Again[]

Join the masters of sci-fi as they take you, and your imagination, on the great journey down The Road to Science Fiction.

The Road to Science Fiction has been called "the best historical anthology of SF ever assembled" (Anatomy of Wonder). It's that, and more. The series offers more than 2000 pages of science fiction, including discussions of the genre and its authors, and an account of the development of this contemporary art form from its earliest innovators to present-day award winners.

The third volume of The Road to Science Fiction: From Heinlein to here takes the story of SF from 1940 to 1977, through the Golden Age and the New wave to the reconciliation of the two. It begins with Heinlein's "All You Zombies-" and Isaac Asimov's 1941 "Reason," and Joe Haldeman's 1977 Hugo-award-winning "Tricentennial."

Editor: James Gunn; Science Fiction; trade paperback; ISBN: 1-56504-821-0; Stock #: WW11089; Price: $14.99 U.S./$19.99 Canada

Tomb of Horror[]

"You know what to expect from an anthology with a title like Tombs -right?"

"Wrong! Its 22 original stories range from horror to fantasy, SF to contemporary high-tech, and wild humor to stark tragedy. There's something here far nearly every taste. In all a most impressive gathering. Come see for yourself!" - Faren Miller, Locus

Journey into the most mysterious and mystical structures of history and our imagination...

Join Michael Moorcok, Neil Gaiman, Michael Bishop, Larry Bone, Ben Bova and others as they take you on a literary tour of the magical and mysterious. You will uncover the secrets of Egypt's great pyramids, walk the catacombs deep beneath the Vatican, unleash the horrors of Pandora's Box, and explore the sacred vaults of the Shroud of Turin and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And that's just the beginning!

An anthology of short stories by a collection of best-selling authors, Tombs explores forces, people and things left undisturbed.

Editors: Peter Crowther and Edward E. Kramer; Horror; paperback anthology; ISBN: 1-56504-906-3; Stock #: WW13006; Price: $5.99 U.S./$7.99 Canada

The Most Newest Fiction in August[]

Stalk this White Wolf fiction at your local hobby store or book dealer.

Caught in a Cage[]

Love of a lifetime or deadly love?

Cage of Night follows 21-year-old Nick Morrow's return home from the army, his infatuation with high-school senior Cindy Brasher, and his descent into deadly circumstances as mysterious robberies and murders spring up around him.

Nick knows who is behind the crimes... Will he turn Cindy in? After all, who would associate these horrifying acts with such a beautiful young woman who's so in love with life? Will he run away with her and betray his family? And what is Cindy's almost demonic obsession with ancient well in the woods?

Nick has some decisions to make - deadly ones. And he doesn't have much time.

Author: Ed Gorman; paperback novel; ISBN: 1-56504-940-3; Stock #: WW11015; Price: $5.99 U.S./$7.99 Canada

The Darkest Hour[]

Child of the Journey begins as the Nazis seize power in Germany. Jewish visionary Solomon Freund desperately seeks to rejoin his beloved Miriam. His quest leads him from the precarious refuge of Holland back into the deathtrap of Berlin... to the horrors of Sachenhausen concentration camp... and finally to the tropical island of Madagascar. But how can Solomon hope to regain his love when Miriam has pledged herself to Erich Weisser - formerly Solomon's best friend, now a leader in the Nazi army?

Book Two in the Madagascar Manifesto Trilogy, Child of the Journey combines magical realism with meticulously researched historical detail to create an engrossing panorama of the 20th century's "darkest hour."

Authors: Janet Berliner and George Guthridge; Dark Fantasy; paperback novel; ISBN: 1-56504-942-X; Stock #: WW11602; Price: $5.99 U.S./$7.99 Canada

Eternal Champions[]

Civil war, the deadly D-squads and the evil Fireclown clash in this collection from renowned author Michael Moorcock.

Three science fiction novels from this sixth volume in Michael Moorcock's acclaimed Eternal Champion series. The Roads Between the Worlds contains "The Wrecks of Time," "The Winds of Limbo," and "The Shores of Death," including newly revised texts and new connecting material. The volume also features a new introduction by the author.

Author: Michael Moorcock; Cover Artist: Gerald Brom; hardcover omnibus; ISBN: 1-56504-181-X; Stock #: WW12507; Price: $19.99 U.S./$29.99 Canada

The Roads Between the Worlds, Brom.

Mask of Death[]

The Ebon Mask is the first installment in the Dark Kingdoms Trilogy, based on Wraith: The Oblivion from White Wolf Game Studio.

James Graham, Marquess of Montrose, lived a life of valor and principle - a life that ended in betrayal and defeat. Embittered, the martyred cavalier walked a different path in the Underworld. Embracing deceit and unbridled ambition as fervently as he once served God and England, Montrose clawed his way up the Hierarchy to become a cynical lieutenant of Stygia's Deathlords. Today, he's no one's idea of a hero. And that's too bad.

Something truly evil is stirring, something cunning and malign that threatens living and dead alike. And Montrose is the only being who has a prayer of stopping it.

Author: Richard Lee Byers; paperback novel; ISBN: 1-56504-828-8; Stock #: WW11050; Price: $5.99 U.S./$7.99 Canada

Coming in September...[]

Harlan Ellison's The City on the Edge of Forever[]

For almost 30 years, the controversy has raged.

  • The original teleplay to the best-known, most-loved Star Trek episode!
  • In its original form, it won the 1966-67 Writers Guild of American Award for best teleplay and the 1967 Hugo Award (the only teleplay to ever do so!).
  • Contains Harlan's side of the story, all 20,000 words of it.
  • Learn who actually rewrote Harlan's original teleplay.
  • Read the revealing afterwords by Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, Peter David, Walter Koenig, Dorothy C. Fontana, David Gerrold and Melinda Snodgrass.

Just Plain Stuff[]

The Real Thing![]

In case you don't know, White Wolf makes more than just books for your imagination, we make jewelry and dice too - stuff for the real world. Of course, they're still based on our imaginary worlds. Check 'em out!

Decorate Yourself[]

Now you can deck yourself out in the latest, newest and bestest in clan pins. By popular demand, White Wolf brings you six new clan pins and a deluxe ankh necklace that's larger and more foreboding than ever before. Each new pin is high quality, attractive and durable. The new pins feature the following clans: Lasombra, Tzimisce, Assamite, Giovanni and Ravnos. We also feature a new werewolf pin for all you Garou fans. They're all available in August.

Item Price ISBN Stock #

  • Deluxe Ankh Necklace $14.95 U.S. 1-56504-563-7 5630
  • Assamite (Pin) $4.95 U.S. 1-56504-563-4 5631
  • Giovanni (Pin) $4.95 U.S. 1-56504-565-3 5632
  • Ravnos (Pin) $4.95 U.S. 1-56504-566-1 5633
  • Lasombra (Pin) $4.95 U.S. 1-56504-567-X 5634
  • Tzimisce (Pin) $4.95 U.S. 1-56504-568-8 5635
  • Werewolf (Pin) $4.95 U.S. 1-56504-569-6 5636
Roll Dem Bones[]

These hot new dice designed for Wraith: The Oblivion Second Edition will take your next game into the Shadowlands and beyond. Even your Shadow will be impressed by these high-quality, glow-in-the-dark dice. If you like the game enough, they could even make good fetters. Each pack includes ten 10-siders. Available this August.

ISBN: 1-56504-549-1; Stock #: 5638; Price: $5.99 U.S.

Convention Corner[]

Conventions, Conclaves and Conflagrations[]

Ever wonder where the White Wolf staff is going to appear next? Where officially sanctioned Storyteller, Rage and Arcadia games are being played near you? When World of Darkness and Borealis fiction will be read publicly written earshot of you? Well this is the place to find out, 'cause it's the con connection corner!

Con Support Demo Teams and Sanctioning - Finally![]

You asked for it, and here it is: The "what it takes" of getting the folks at White Wolf to support your local convention; the "wherefores" of organizing sanctioned games at your local con or store; and the "wherebys" of wearing a lot of free black, tragically hip White Wolf T-shirts and receiving butt-loads of free game stuff (Surely you knew there was something in it for you!)

Con Game, Demo Game Support[]

How do I get to support my habit by indulging in it, you ask? How can I get promotional material and prizes for my con game or store demo? Fill out the paperwork! Write me, Kim Pullen, White Wolf Convention Coordinator, care of White Wolf, to get an Event Support Request Form. Don't forget to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Or, if you have an opposable thumb, pick up the phone and call (***) ***-****, extension ***, and ask for a form. If I'm not here, leave your name, address and phone or fax number on my voice mail. Don't forget to leave your area code and speak slowly and clearly - I have to write it all down, you know. It's that simple. It had to be because we can't accept form requests handed to us on sticky notes and we can't respond to requests mailed in without self-addressed stamped envelopes.

If your convention or in-store demo is already scheduled and you want to guarantee our support, get your Request Form back to us at least three months before the big day. As our hobby grows, conventions and book fairs are popping up by the dozens, and we're trying desperately to support as many as we can. So, if you call me two weeks before your convention or fair and want support, forget it! Well, not really; we'll do our best to get games, books and posters out to you, but we can't make any promises. Shipping companies and the Post Awful can be bitches, especially if the weather is bad. Still, bribing me with M&Ms helps gets results.

Wanna know how to get your group sanctioned as an official White Wolf demo team? (Give them an inch and they want a mile.) It's not as easy as it used to be. You need to call and speak directly to me, Kim Pullen. Each group is evaluated individually - people skills are a plus! Send in more M&Ms and I'll send you an application. Believe it or not, there are some specific requirements that you need to fulfill. For all intents and purposes, an official demo group is the face of White Wolf in your area. Although it's fun, it's a responsibility and it's one that you should take seriously - we do.

You must be friendly and outgoing, able to talk intelligently with convention staff and fans alike. You must be able to work well under pressure, perhaps with little sleep. Proper hygiene and grooming are musts (if you've been to a convention before, you know what we mean). Save the partying for after the show; no smoking or boozing it up at the booth. Maybe it's obvious, but you must also know more about the games we make than almost anyone else - not only will you be teaching impressionable people how to play, but true White Wolf fans will want to participate too. Ultimately, you must remember that you would be demonstrating games, and that's all they are - games.

If this sounds reasonable, and you want to get on the official White Wolf demo circuit, pick up a pen or call.

White Wolf is Damn Proud to Support the Following Cons:[]

  • Origins, Columbus, OH, July 4th-7th
  • San Diego Comic Con, San Diego, CA, July 4th-7th
  • Gaylaxicon VII, Boston, MA, July 5th-7th
  • DarkCon, Tulsa, OK, July 19th-21st
  • Dallas Fanatsy Fair, Dallas, TX, July 26th-28th
  • Meet the Staff of White Wolf at GenCon '96, Milwaukee, WI, August 8th-11th (see more info look right)
  • World Con III, Los Angeles, CA, August 30th-September 1st
  • Knight Star, Fayetteville, NC, August 30th-Septemner 1st

White Wolf at GenCon '96[]


As has become tradition at GenCon, White Wolf is proud to announce the latest addition to the Storyteller series: Wraith: The Oblivion Second Edition. Unless you've been camping out at your local game or book store, this could be your first chance to see and fondle a copy of the fully updated, rewritten and revised rulebook. But wait! This will also be your once-in-a-life-time chance to play in a Wraith game designed and run by the Wraith line Developer himself, Richard "The Dead Guy" Dansky. Meet the gaunt man behind the game as he weaves a tale of horror and passion in a session that will not soon be forgotten by those who dare cross the line between life and death.

The Golden Ticket[]

And the excitement doesn't stop there! Meet all the creative forces behind the Storyteller games, from each game line's Developer to the White Wolf Game Studio Art Directors! A total of 25 lucky people will get a chance to participate in Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Wraith and Changeling game sessions, run by the Developers of each game line. There will be a limited number of spots for these games; five for each. The lucky 25 players will be announced after a drawing held at the White Wolf booth on Friday, before the dealer hall closes. Be sure to register your name as soon as the dealer area doors open on Thursday morning. (All characters will be provided by the Developers.)

The Wyld Hunt Begins[]

At GenCon '96, CCG fans and roleplayers are invited to join White Wolf in an adventure that will take you beyond the realm of dreams - to the land of Arcadia. The Wyld Hunt begins! play one of the first official tournaments for the brand-new Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt card game. You haven't played before? No problem! Come learn how at one of our demos, which will be running all weekend long, and then take your newfound skills through the doorway into the dreamlands. A likeness of the first-place winner will appear on a card to be released within the year. The second-place winner will receive a complete set of Arcadia cards. The third-place winner will receive an autographed Arcadia press sheet (you know, a sheet of uncut cards) and $25.00 gift certificate redeemable to the White Wolf booth during the convention.

It's A Garou Nation After All[]

For all you Rage fans in Region 3, now is your chance to earn Garou Nation points. Not only will we be holding Rage demos all weekend long, but a Garou Nation qualifying tournament as well! Only Gaia- and Wyrm-based decks will be allowed, at 20 Renown. The first-place winner will be paid tribute to on a card included in a Rage supplement released within the year. The second-place winner will receive an autographed Rage press sheet and a $25.00 gift certificate to be redeemed at the White Wolf booth before the end of the show. The third-place winner will receive a $25.00 gift certificate.

GenCon Schedule[]
  • The Wyld Hunt Friday 12:00 pm
  • Rage regional tournament First session Thursday 2:00 pm
  • Changeling game Saturday 12:00 pm
  • Mage game Saturday 4:00 pm
  • Vampire game Friday 8:00 pm
  • Werewolf game Friday 12:00 pm
  • Wraith game Saturday 8:00 pm
  • Developer seminar Saturday 12:00 pm
  • What's up with White Wolf? seminar Sunday 12:00 pm
  • WW card designer seminar Friday 12:00 pm

Stop by the White Wolf booth for more details! We look forward to seeing everyone at GenCon '96!

Rage Page[]

The forces of the Garou are being assembled to fight the Wyrm and each other. The Apocalypse looms on the horizon. Where do you stand on the brink of Armageddon! What card do you have up your sleeve?

Fighting Fang and Claw[]

Available this July is With Fang and Claw: The Rage Strategy Guide, a valuable resource for players of the Rage collectible card game. Picking up where Savage Attack leaves off, this book investigates the game with an eye for game mechanics and playability. Included are tournament-winning strategies, deck-including tips, and fully-reworked rules, as well as a complete list of all the Rage cards in print to date, and a sneak preview of the September release, Legacy of the Tribes. With Fang and Claw also offers a mail-in card offer for a unique Rage card (yes, that means it's not available anywhere else!).

ISBN: 1-56504-354-5; Stock #: 3930; Price: $7.95 U.S.

September Has A Legacy[]

Who is the mightiest Silver Fang? Where do the Shadow Lords conduct their gravest moots? What vile Rites do the Black Spiral Dancers practice? What is the Glass Walker tribal agenda? What might weapon do the Get of Fenris use to pummel foes? All of these questions will be answered in September with the release of Legacy of the Tribes, the newest expansion for Rage.

Hearkening back to the glory days of the Garou, Legacy of the Tribes will be a 200+ card supplement detailing each and every tribe, with particular emphasis on their greatest strengths. Tribe-specific fetishes, new and powerful allies, and outstanding characters from each tribe each tribe will provide you ample opportunity to experience the true power of the legendary Garou, from the noble Silver Fangs to the hideous Black Spiral Dancers. Legacy also marks the return of some of the most popular characters from the original Rage set - now more powerful than ever after their battles fought in the War of the Apocalypse. Legacy will also introduce a new card type: the Territory.

Legacy of the Tribes will be printed to order, so reserve packs at your local store now!

White Wolf Presents: Intern: The Exploitation Comic Strip by Andrew Bates[]


For information on the White Wolf internship program contact Kathleen Ryan c/o White Wolf.

New Stuff Checklist[]


Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt[]


New Jewelry[]
  • Deluxe Ankh Necklace 1-56504-563-7 5630 $14.95
  • Assamite (Pin) 1-56504-564-5 5631 $4.95 U.S.
  • Giovanni (Pin) 1-56504-565-3 5632 $4.95 U.S.
  • Ravnos (Pin) 1-56504-566-1 5633 $4.95 U.S.
  • Lasombra (Pin) 1-56504-567-X 5634 $4.95 U.S.
  • Tzimisce (Pin) 1-56504-568-8 5635 $4.95 U.S.
  • Werewolf (Pin) 1-56504-569-6 5636 $4.95 U.S.

Go online with White Wolf on the World Wide Web. Check us out at: http://www.white-wolf.com

You might not regret it.

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White Wolf
White Wolf Night Edition
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WW: White Wolf Night Edition Number 2