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White Wolf Magazine #46 was published in August 1994.


White Wolf Ads:[]


Night Owl Productions Logo. White Wolf subsidiary that worked on MET Books.

Ad for The Grande Masquerade Convention by Night Owl Productions (Pg. 1)[]

Atlanta, GA Oct.28-30, 1994. Guests: James O'Barr, Mark Rein-Hagen and Joshua Gabriel Timbrook. Uriel's Embrace, a World of Darkness Mind's Eye Theatre story.

White Wolf Ad for Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition with Art by Jeff Rebner (Pg. 15)[]

Second Edition Harback available now!

Chessex Ad for Wraith Dragonskin Folder (Pg.17)[]

Ad for Blood Moon Social Club from Kool Kollectables: Las Vegas, NV (Pg. 45)[]

The Best way to play the undead... Is Live! Single Membership is $20.00 a year You'll receive club discounts on thousands of mail order items and your monthly Shape Shifter Journal.

Wizards of the Coast Ad for Jyhad (Pg. 59)[]

A Deckmaster Game of Modern Gothic Horror.

White Wolf ad for Wraith (Pg. 63)[]

Face Death.

White Wolf Ad for Street Fighter the Storytelling Game (Pg. 65)[]

The Ultimate Game of Martial Arts Action! Coming This June From White Wolf.


By Ken Cliffe. Good news (Yea). Bad News (Boo).

From the Pack[]

A lot of people have things to say about our content. What's your stance?

Industry Wired[]

By Teeuwynn. Will people named in this column come over and cuss her out at Gen Con?

Face Death![]

White Wolf, not exactly a stranger to horror [or the horrible], releases the fourth game in its Storyteller Series, Wraith: The Oblivion. In this storytelling game of death and damnation, players explore death itself. New wraiths must learn to exist in the Shadowlands while avoiding Oblivion, the Hierarchy's barghests, spectres, nephwracks and a few misguided Quick who are certain that destroying wraiths is their only hope for salvation. In their free time wraiths try to face themselves in death as they could not in life.

Also out this August from the Stone Mountain crowd is the Werewolf Storytellers Guide. Chock full o' info on kinfolk, Kami (Gaia spirits), new rituals, storytelling techniques and suggestions on how to get rid of that pesky mange [Not!], it's a book no Garou Storyteller should be without.

Technophobes beware: Technocracy: Iteration X for Mage comes your way this month.

Lest we give those angst-ridden Vampire folks yet another reason to bemoan their fate, I'll also tell ya that Los Angeles by Night is ready to take a bite out of your wallets.

Ante Up![]

For some strange reason [$$$?}, collector card games are big this summer and fall... A joint venture between WOTC and White Wolf spawns Jyhad this month. Jyhad is a card game based on the convoluted machinations of the Methuselahs, ancient vampires intent on destroying each other and anyone who gets in their way, including their own childer and servants!

Howling at the Moon[]

Feedback on last issue's editorial on the plight of women in roleplaying - from people in the industry. I am roleplaying woman! Hear me roar!

Responses to Amelia G.'s editorial from White Wolf Magazine #45 by Teeuwynn, Nicole Lindroos Frein and Erol K. Bayburt.

The Magic of Jyhad[]

By Rob McMillon. The Jyhad card game from WW and WotC is out. Here's an excerpt from the upcoming strategy book, The Eternal Struggle: A Players Guide to the Jyhad (Whew).

The Other Sword[]

By Robert Weinberg, Art by Andrew Kudelka. White Wolf has acquired the rights to publish Michael Moorcock's Elric books, old and new. Here's an excerpt from the new Elric: Tales of the White Wolf anthology.

Feature Review: Nephilim[]

Reviewed by Steve Perrin. It appears that someone's been beating new games with the moody stick. Here's a look at Chaosim's contribution.

The Assault of the Rampaging Dust Bunnies[]

By Inner City Games, Art by Brian LeBlanc. Stuffed animals rage in this wargame/roleplaying adventure for Fuzzy Heroes. Bad teddy!

Feature Review: Denver Boxed Set[]

Reviewed by Jeffrey W. Cisneros. Shadowrun's big new boxed campaign set is here. Is it worth the climb to the Mile High City?

With Dead Desire[]

By Teeuwynn, Art by Robert MacNeil. Teeuwynn gets around this issue -0 this time offering part one of the first published adventure for Wraith: The Oblivion.

In Nomine: A Designer's Perspective[]

By Derek Pearcy, Art by Dan Smith. What's the dark, moody game coming out this autumn? Why, it's Steve Jackson's In Nomine, and here's an explanation (apology?) from its American designer.

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo. What's the word on CD-ROMs? Jim has it but he's being tightlipped.
Reviews of Castles II, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession, Pagan: Ultima VIII and Dragonsphere.

Out of Character[]

By James A. Moore. Jim talks to Tim Bradstreet and hears all kinds of things foreign to his virgin ears. Interviewee: Tim Bradstreet.

Artist Spotlight on Brom[]

Brom. 'Nuff said.

Tattoo You (& Us)[]

Some time ago we announced a White Wolf tattoo contest. Here's what people did to themselves.

Well, Well, the Tattoos are in. And man are they strange.

Capsule Reviews[]

Is it good? Is it crap? The copy you saw was shrink-wrapped? Maybe we can help.

Reviews of BattleTech: Hot Spots, Blood Bowl 3rd Edition, Blood Points (Shield Games: $6 standard, $1.50 refill, $19.95 or $34.95 bulk; Vampire: The Masquerade accessory), Buck Rogers: War Against the Han, Earthdawn Companion, GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade, Millennium's End, Version 2.0, Over the Edge: Wildest Dreams and Pandemonium!

Miniature Reviews: Fantasy Warriors, The Conflict, Heroines of Middle-Earth and Star Wars Miniatures Battles.

Play-By-Mail Reviews: Victory! "The Battle for Europe" and Star Riders.

Gladiator Cow![]

By Chris Painter. See Scrotus and Clytemnestra run from the Emperor. See them do something obscene. See WWM get in trouble.

Top Twenty Games List[]

Big sellers from one of the game industry's distributors. Keep that in mind when you're reading the list.

Information from Hobby Game Distributors.

June 1994:[]

On the Horizon[]

Well, next issue looks really small. What? "That's called perspective." Oh.

  • Part Two of Teeuwynn's adventure for Wraith: The Oblivion.
  • The winners of Mayfair's Superhero contest are here.
  • September marks the premiere of the BattleTech animated series.
  • Next issue is a look at Tom Monteleone's latest effort.
  • Next issue we run the winners of the GAMA Awards.
  • An adventure for FASA's Earthdawn.
  • The Third and last installment of Gladiator Cow.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


From "With Dead Desire by Teeuwynn":

Previous book:
WW: White Wolf Magazine 45
White Wolf Magazine
White Wolf Magazine Issues
Next book:
WW: White Wolf Magazine 47

