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White Wolf Magazine #45 was published in July 1994.


White Wolf Ads:[]

White Wolf Ad for Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition, Art by Jeff Rebner (Pg. 35)[]

Second Edition hardback available now!

White Wolf Ad for Wraith (Pg. 59)[]

Face Death. Wraith.

White Wolf Ad for Wraith (Pg. 63)[]

Face Death.

White Wolf Ad for Street Fighter the Storytelling Game (Pg. 67)[]

The Ultimate Game of Martial Arts Action! Coming This June From White Wolf.


By Ken Cliffe. Taking a magnifying glass to miniatures makers. Do they melt like lead or burn like ants?

From the Pack[]

Issue #40's article on sex in roleplaying has raised a lot of commentary. Where do you stand, and do you want to see more of that kind of stuff?

Industry Wired[]

By Teeuwynn. What does July hold in store for the game shelves? This is the big sales time of the year, and gossip is flying fast and furious.

Street Fighter: The Movie![]

Yes folks, first it was a video game, now it's an RPG (courtesy of White Wolf and CAPCOM), and soon it's going to conquer celluloid! You got it! The Street Fighter movie is going to put some punch in your holiday season! Directed by Steven de Souza (script-guru for Die Hard I and II) and starring Jean Claude Van Damme as Guile, the movie should make fans of the video game and RPG jolly this winter. Industry Wired has heard rumors [I have ways of making them talk - whining, begging, etc.] that Joan Chen and Stephen Seagal may also be taking to the streets come Christmas time!

Crow's Feat[]

A number of sharp-eyed Mage fans have spotted the Prime symbol, from White Wolf's game of magick and mayhem, within the graffiti spray-painted across the sets of The Crow. The symbol has been spotted in the background of three separate scenes. Was there a closet Mage player on the set design crew? [If so, give Ken a call!] Was Brandon Lee's tragic demise the result of a Technocracy plot? Is it all just a mass, reality-affecting hallucination? [Will we do anything for cheap publicity?]

"I'm Tori-ador"[]

Speaking of cheap publicity, White Wolf is working on a deal with Aaron Spelling (producer of 90210 and Melrose Place) and Fox to make a Vampire TV series. If all goes through, the show will air in January of '95. The concept only needs Fox's approval and it's a go. Hopefully, Shannen and crew will have nothing to do with it.

Howling at the Moon[]

Warning Shot through the Heart by Amelia G. It's the classic story of women in roleplayig: Why do geeky gaming guys make it a living hell? Amelia G from Blue Blood offers her own unique perspective.

Still more responses to Clyde Caldwell's Undressed to Kill from White Wolf #42 by Lisa J. Steele and Clarissa Fowler.

The White Wolf EAC[]

By Lyndi Mckeeman. Try to save the rainforests, but don't forget your backyard.

Nova Gaia[]

By William Lenox, Art by Gary Thomas Washington. Shadowrun's Denver set comes out this month, and here's an article on one of the city's radical groups that you won't find in the box, from the pen of Denver's author. It has the FASA seal of approval.

Out of Character[]

By James A. Moore. Jim sits down with the prolific Charles L. Grant and gets an earful. Interviewee: Charles L. Grant.

Feature Review: World Wrestling Federation Basic Adventure Game[]

Reviewed by Tony Lee. Your chance to roleplay the world's greatest wrestlers is here, but is it worth it?

Last Stand[]

By Ken Carpenter, Art by Dave McKay. "I caanot self-terminate." But you can do it to 'em in this bullet-spewing scenario for Legions of Steel.

Beyond the Parents' Basement[]

By Chris W. McCubbin. What's good writing and what's crap? Chris looks at Sci-fi and Fantasy and crams his opinions down our throats.

The Extinction Game[]

By Ran Ackels, Art by Lawrence Snelly. Kindred Most Wanted is out, and this adventure offers you your first chance to use these blood-sucking criminals in your Vampire chronicle.

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo. Jim looks at the meager new computer game releases and guarantees that he'll never go to the CES.
Reviews of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, Archon Ultra, Alien Breed and The Elder Scrolls: Arena.

Feature Review: Ysgarth Advanced Roleplaying, 6th Edition[]

Reviewed by Brennan O'Brien. A look at the core rules and setting, and it only took six editions for us to get to it.

Tails of Strange Creatures[]

By Alison Brooks, Art by Jeff Rebner. Why create another weird monster for your fantasy world? There's plenty you can do with ordinary animals: Just ask the peasants.

The White Wolf Magazine Readers Choice Awards: The Wolfies[]

Check out who's going home with a coveted Wolfie Award. These are the best and worst games and products of '93, selected by you.

Praise Where Praise Is Due[]

Game Company of the Year

  1. White Wolf
  2. Games Workshop
  3. Wizards of the Coast

Keep in mind that the folks at GW were very... enthusiastic in their voting. TSR ran a distant fourth.

Best Roleplaying Game

  1. Mage: The Ascension
  2. Millennium's End
  3. Underground

The folks at Chameleon Eclectic weren't as enthusiastic as the people at GW, but did their best. Kult came in fourth. We appreciate all the votes for Vampire Second Edition and Werewolf First Edition, but they were released in '92, people.

Best Roleplaying Supplement

  1. A. Dark Alliance Vancouver (Werewolf: The Apocalypse)
  2. B. Ultramodern Firearms (Chameleon Eclectic)
  3. Clanbook: Malkavian (Vampire: The Masquerade)
  4. Vampire Players Guide Second Edition

Two first-place positions are offered to recognize the votes of GW and Chameleon Eclectic, and to allow reader representation.

Best Roleplaying Game Writer

  1. A. Gary Gygax
  2. B. Bob Bartels
  3. Mark Rein-Hagen
  4. Ray Winninger

Again, four spots are made to depict reader and manufacturer response. Ed Greenwood and Stewart Wieck tied as runners-up.

Best Cover Artist

  1. Geoff Taylor
  2. Larry Elmore
  3. Tim Bradstreet

William O' Connor and Geoff ranked as close runners-up.

Best Interior Artist

  1. Mark Gibbons
  2. Tim Bradstreet
  3. William O'Connor

Votes were quite widespread, and many artists received several; it was a close contest.

Best Editing

  1. Robert Hatch
  2. The entire TSR editing staff
  3. Donna Ippolito

This category went a bit awry. We meant for it to cover "Best Copy Editing," but several people voted for magazine editors. Maybe we'll make that a category next year. For now, we're staying true to our purpose.

Best Graphic Design Presentation

  1. Warhammer 40,000 Second Edition
  2. Underground
  3. Magic: The Gathering

Competition between Warhammer 40K and Underground was tough. It came down to a handful; of votes. Clanbook: Malkavian ranked fourth.

Best Boxed Game

  1. Magic: The Gathering
  2. Warhammer 40,000 Second Edition
  3. A. Black Death
  4. B. The Masquerade

This category was designed for card games, wargames and others. No surprise for the winner. What is surprising is the tie for third place.

Best Miniatures Release

By Company

  1. Citadel/Games Workshop
  2. Ral Partha
  3. Prince August

By Line or Release

  1. Millennium's End (Soldiers & Swords)
  2. A. Warhammer 40,000 (Citadel/GW)
  3. B. Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Ral Partha)
  4. Macho Women with Guns (Simtac)

This category really went wild. People voted for entire companies or individual releases and lines (the latter was our intent). To respect all votes, we divided the category into two parts. There was a tie for second place in the Line subcategory.

Best Miniatures Game

  1. Warhammer 40,000 Second Edition
  2. Man O'War
  3. Mustangs and Messerschmitts

This was one of the categories that received little response, but considerable mockery. It seems the rift between roleplayers and wargamers thrives. Either that or our readers can be dicks.

Best Computer Game

  1. 7th Guest
  2. Space Hulk
  3. Doom

X-Wing came in a distant fourth.

Best Play-By-Mail Game

  1. Duel of a Different Color (Fractal Dimensions)
  2. Middle Earth ()Game Systems, Inc.)
  3. Blood Pit (White Wolf)

Fractal Dimensions must be based somewhere in New York State because we received a lot of votes for it from that area. A close fourth was Illuminati (Steve Jackson Games).

The Cracking Corner[]

And now the part you've been waiting for. These awards aren't based on '93 releases; we thought every game and company should be subjected to them.

Game Most Likely To Be Played By Accountants

  1. Rolemaster
  2. A. Dangerous Journeys
  3. B. Traveller (old and new)
  4. Champions

Competition was fierce in this category. There was a tie for second place. Contenders for fourth place were Magic: The Gathering, BattleTech, AD&D and the entire Palladium system. Close behind were GURPS and Shadowrun.

Most Pretentious Game

  1. Vampire: The Masquerade
  2. Mage: The Ascension
  3. AD&D

Close in the running were Dragon Strike (TSR), Magic: The Gathering, Dangerous Journeys and The Masquerade (White Wolf).

Game Most Likely To Make The Moral Majority Say "Jesus Christ!"

  1. Kult
  2. Vampire: The Masquerade
  3. AD&D

Kult blew everyone out of the water, but it's interesting to see that AD&D still hasn't shaken the old stigma, regardless of TSR's efforts. Close runners-up were Call of Cthulhu and Macho Women with Guns.

Best Game To Play When Drunk

  1. AD&D
  2. Toon
  3. Magic: The Gathering

In fourth was Tales of the Floating Vagabond, right behind it were Pandemonium!, Call of Cthulhu (I guess drinks numb the fear) and Paranoia. Plain old parlor games also made a strong stand.

Game Most Likely To Be Played By People You Don't Like

  1. AD&D
  2. Vampire: The Masquerade
  3. A. GURPS
  4. B. BattleTech

There was a tie for third place Just nudged out were Dangerous Journeys, Dark Conspiracy, Magic: The Gathering and the Palladium system.

So, Tell Me About Yourself[]

Because some of your responses to our personal questions were quite hilarious, we couldn't help but print some.

Number of Chickens You Own

  1. None. A rooster attacked me as a child.
  2. 3 1/4 (but one is really a cat in a costume)
  3. None. Chickens are are satanic!

Do You Smell Cheese?

  1. Only at the TSR castle.
  2. Hey! I can stop whenever I want!
  3. No! Cheese is the Devil's toy!

Thanks to everyone who voted for the Wolfie Awards. We hope you'll help out next year, too. Bring a friend.

Capsule Reviews[]

Limited bucks? Too much game stuff coming out? Let us point you in the right direction.

Reviews of AD&D Dragon Lance: Player's Guide to the Dragon Lance Campaign, AD&D Ravenloft: Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts, Ars Magica: The Wizard's Grimoire, Fuzzy Heroes, Guns! Guns! Guns!: More Guns!, Nuclear Proliferation, Paranoia: Paramilitary, Role Aids: Denizens of Og, RuneQuest: King of Sartar and Torg: The High Lord's Guide to the Possibility Wars.

Miniature Reviews: Female Adventurer Thief, Future Shock/Bitume RPG Miniatures and Future Warriors.

Gladiator Cow! by Christopher Painter[]

What do ancient Rome and a manger have in common? Well, this bizarre new comic strip's not the second coming, that's for sure!

Top Twenty Games List[]

The biggest-selling games. Do you still buy them if they're trendy?

Information from Hobby Game Distributors.

May 1994:[]

On the Horizon[]

Big-ticket items in the next issue.

  • Next issue is August's, which means GEN CON.
  • The next in the Storyteller series, Wraith, is upon us. Next issue offers the first ever adventure for the game by Teeuwynn.
  • The Assault of the Rampaging Dust Bunnies? An Adventure for Inner City Games' Fuzzy Heroes.
  • Next issue promises a tale from the brand new Elric: Tales of the White Wolf anthology.
  • Looking forward to In Nomine from Steve Jackson Games?
  • After next issue, we return to one Feature Review per issue.
  • The winners of our May tattoo contest.
  • All (or most) of our regular columns.
  • Part 2 of 3 of Gladiator Cow.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


From "The Extinction Game by Ran Ackels":

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