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White Wolf Magazine #44 was published in June 1994.


White Wolf Ads:[]

White Wolf Ad for Wraith: The ? (Pg. 9)[]

You've been warned. Don't run home to Mama.

White Wolf Ad for Werewolf: The Apocalypse with Art by Jeff Rebner (Pg. 31)[]

Second Edition Hardback available now!

White Wolf Ad for Wraith (Pg. 41)[]

Face Death. Wraith.

White Wolf Ad for Wraith (Pg. 61)[]

Face Death.

White Wolf Street Fighter the Storytelling Game Ad (Back Cover)[]

The Ultimate Game of Martial Arts Action! Coming this June from White Wolf.


By Ken Cliffe. Forced chastity, exaggerations and measuring tape.

From the Pack[]

Harangues, some pointed and some pointless.

Industry Wired[]

By Teeuwynn. What does Teeuwynn see in her crystal ball for June? Good question. Don't know.

Wheeling & Dealing[]

White Wolf recently worked out a deal with Michael Moorcock, becoming the sole publisher of the author's collected works. Moorcock's Elric adventures are included in the package [How'd we do this? Did we hire his little brother or what?] To whet your appetites, Tales of the White Wolf - an anthology of new Elric short stories - will be available next month. The anthology includes new works by Neil Gaiman [Mr. Sandman himself], Michael Moorcock and Stewart Wieck, among others. [Buy it! Buy it Buy it! - Hey, they pay me to write this!]

Meanwhile, White Wolf [being busy little bees] has also come to an agreement with Harper Collins. The publisher will be shepherding upcoming World of Darkness novels [Buzz, buzz!]. Look for the first of these novels later this year.

Madness & Mayhem[]

In addition to West End's upcoming Bloodshadows game and White Wolf's Wraith, both due out later this summer, Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc. [say that 10 times fast] is debuting its second roleplaying game, Psychosis.

Fleas Not Included[]

The Apocalypse, White Wolf's third release in its live-action Mind's Eye Theater line, comes howling at you this month! The Apocalypse comes complete in a totable [but not potable], large paperback that contains everything necessary to play [except fleas!]. Now, you too can play a Garou!

White Wolf fan should also keep their eyes peeled [Gross! Do it again!] for the Werewolf supplement: Monkeywrench! Pentex, Vampire's Kindred Most Wanted, and The Book of Shadows, the eagerly awaited player's guide for Mage [Of course if you have Time 2 and Forces 1 you undoubtedly have it already! Or is it Correspondence 3 and Matter 1? Or Prime 2 and....]

Howling at the Moon[]

Here's what you have to say about the depiction of women in fantasy art. We've tried to edit out the gooby responses... mostly.

Responses to Clyde Caldwell's Undressed to Kill from White Wolf #42 by Ginger Laye Phillips, Danielle Miller and Rick Loomis.

The Ties That Bind[]

By William Spencer-Hale & Mark Rein-Hagen, Art by John Cobb. Here's your first peek at Wraith, the next game in the Storyteller series. Will you want to play after you read this story?

Future Shocks[]

By James A. Moore, Art by Brian LeBlanc. In Part 3 of this Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Second edition trilogy, the Garou finally face the spawn of the Wyrm. Use your head or you're a goner. Yes, there is bondage involved.

Last Stand[]

By Ken Carpenter. Two columns in a row, baby. Get out your Tonka toys 'cause this here's a major Ogre miniatures rumble.

Beyond the Parents' Basement[]

By Chris W. McCubbin. What do gamers watch when they're not gaming? Chris knows and he's got the the tubercle eyes to prove it.

Feature Review: The Whispering Vault[]

Reviewed by William Spencer-Hale. You may have seen the pocket version, but the big enchilada is here! Check out the newest from the feverish brain of Mike Nystul.

Feature Review: Warhammer 40,000[]

Reviewed by Ken Carpenter and Chris McDonough. Yet another game edition. We seem to keep reviewing revisions, but you should be kept in the know.

Gargoyles by Night... Life[]

By Darrell Hardy, with special thanks to Phil Lockwood, art by Lawrence Allen Williams. Ever wanted to play a statue in NightLife? Well here's your chance with this officially approved rules. You can play a boy or a gargoyle.

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo. Jim goes off on hint books for computer games, and we try to cool him down.
Reviews of The Syndicate: American Revolt, Hellcab, Shadowcaster and Innocent Until Caught.

Wizard's Challenge[]

By Andrew J. Lucas, photographs by Paco. That's right, tournament rules and strategy tips for Magic: The Gathering. Too bad you can't use hockey cards.

The Things I'll Do For A Friend[]

By Lou Prosperi. Lou, Earthdawn editor, lifts his bleary eyes from manuscripts just long enough to admit things that he shouldn't.

Not Bloody Likely[]

By Gregory Rucka, Art by Andrew Kudelka. A theory on how vampires are what they are. Just how does that dead guy still "live" anyway? This stuff goes against Vampire: The Masquerade convention, so it may stir up your chronicle.

Capsule Reviews[]

That game is awesome. This game is crap. Find out what's what, in the opinions of our illustrious reviewers.

Reviews of AD&D Al-Qadim: A Dozen and One Adventures, AD&D Ravenloft: Von Richten's Guide to the Lich, Gamma World: All Animals Are Equal, Rifts Dimension Book One: Wormwood, Role Aids: Apocalypse: Apocalypse, Shadowrun: Tir na nOg, Shatterzone: Zeenarchs, SLA Industries, Star Fleet Battles: Captain's Log #13, Sun and Storm: The Codex and The Enchiridion and The L.I.O.N.E Rampant (LARP).

Miniature Reviews: American Civil War Miniatures, Mekton Miniatures and Verminites & Mouslings.

Legacy Rite, Episode 6 of 6[]

By Bill Bridges and Art by Tony DiTerlizzi. This is it! The finale is here. What is Evan's legacy, or is he a dud? Find out in this Werewolf color comic, scripted by the game's developer.

But Wait! There's more! Here's a sample of our wacky-zany Apocalypse Cow comic debuting next issue![]

Top Twenty Games List[]

It sold big a couple months ago. Were you there to get the double deluxe printing?

Information from Hobby Game Distributors.

April 1994:[]

On the Horizon[]

Okay, so you hate this magazine, but buy one more issue. It might be the one that changes your life.

  • The Wolfie winners are here!
  • Shadowrun's new boxed supplement, Denver, is out next month and next issue offers an article on the city's ecoterrorists.
  • The WWF Roleplaying Game Feature Review.
  • Kindred Most Wanted is out and White Wolf offers a complete Vampire adventure to use with it.
  • Tails of Strange Creatures offers insights into medieval beliefs about animals.
  • Our bossy new comic is here. Part one of three of Gladiator Cow horns in.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


From "The Ties That Bind by William Spencer-Hale & Mark Rein-Hagen":

  • Derrick "Shadowcolt" Black (Ex-member of the Sept of the Western Eye, Garou, Glass Walker Ronin)
  • Walks-With-Death (Garou, Silent Strider)
  • Groshtok Ravenfeather (Deerick's grandfather, former Glass Walker Garou, Wraith)

From "Future Shocks by James A. Moore":

New York City:

From "Not Bloody Likely by Gregory Rucka":

  • Justin Carmichael (Ph.D., M.D.)
Previous book:
WW: White Wolf Magazine 43 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
White Wolf Magazine
White Wolf Magazine Issues
Next book:
WW: White Wolf Magazine 45

