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White Wolf Magazine #43 was published in May 1994.


White Wolf Ads:[]

White Wolf Street Fighter the Storytelling Game Ad (Back Cover)[]

White Wolf Game Studio takes Street Fighter beyond the arcade screen and back to the streets in June with a full-color rulebook that details the world of Street Fighters and allows players to create their own damage-dealing World Warriors.


By Ken Cliffe. A little anger from the big chair.

From the Pack[]

No matter how hard we try, you just keep showing us how to do it better.

Industry Wired[]

By Teeuwynn. This is Teeuwynn's first shot at this column. Can she report? Can she gossip? Can she lie? Can she bust on anyone and everyone?

In Search of...[]

"...Meanwhile, down Georgia way, Jennifer Hartshorn has hired on at White Wolf as the new line developer for White Wolf's upcoming game of death, death and more death, Wraith. [I'm sure Ken and crew can provide you with some official Angst-Wear, Jennifer!]"

Coastal Tampering[]

"The folks at Wizards of the Coast haven't let the tampering slow them down any, though. WotC and Iron Crown Enterprises have agreed to produce a Middle Earth Deckmaster game. It will be released later this year, as will the joint WotC/White Wolf Jyhad deck [Rumors of vampiric hobbits appearing in both decks are definitely false. - Teeuwynn]

Sonic Boom![]

Speaking of White Wolf, the darkness creeps further - into the arcade world! White Wolf is releasing Street Fighter: the Storytelling Game. Using the Storyteller System, but set outside the World of Darkness, the game promises to kick butt in moody style.

The White Wolf EAC[]

By Darren & Lyndi Mckeeman. What could NAFTA mean for the environment? Lyndi and Darren take their best guess.

Howling at the Moon[]

Hot and sticky discussion of women in fantasy art.

Responses to Clyde Caldwell's Undressed to Kill from White Wolf #42 by Larry Elmore, Kevin Hassall and Janine Bennett.

Out of Character[]

By James A. Moore. Remember Dragon's Phil and Dixie? Well, they're back, or at least their creator is: Jim interviews Phil Foglio. Did Phil and Dixie finally have sex? Interviewee: Phil Foglio.

His Last Hope[]

Written by Magnus Seter, English Language Editing by James Estes, Art by P. Magnerius. To help guide your mental breakdown and moral decay, here's an official Kult adventure from the folks at Metropolis. It's a dark world after all.

Present Dangers[]

By James A. Moore, Art by Brian LeBlanc. In Part 2 of this Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Second Edition trilogy, Garou must track down Black Spiral Dancers carrying the seed of the Wyrm. Johnny Appleseed this ain't!

Beyond the Parents' Basement[]

By Chris W. McCubbin. How come fantasy movies always suck? You can read Chris' opinion, but you'll probably disagree.

1993 Origins Awards Final Ballot[]

Choices listed in categories to vote on:

  • 2. Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Figure Series (Miniatures): Werewolf Game Series from Ral Partha
  • 6. Best Role-Playing Rules: Mage from White Wolf
  • 8. Best Role-Playing Supplement: GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade from Steve Jackson Games
  • 18. Best Professional Gaming Magazine: White Wolf from White Wolf

Feature Review: Planescape[]

Reviewed by Gene Alloway. Designer notes by David "Zeb" Cook. There's a new realm in this here AD&D town. Is there room fer all of 'em?

Superhero Contest by Mayfair Games and White Wolf Tattoo Photo Contest by White Wolf[]

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo. Jim tells us computer morons what to look for in a system, and then talks about games to look for. Could he be on the take?
Reviews of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father, Police Quest: Open Season and Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness.

Last Stand[]

By Ken Carpenter, Art by Josh Timbrook. After months of promises, our miniatures gaming column is finally here. Dwarfs and Orcs duke it out in a desperate Warhammer battle.

In Sickness and In Health[]

By Alison Brooks, Art by Catherine Burnett. Historical medicine may seem outrageous to us, but what about medicine in your fantasy campaign? Here's how to make healing a bigger part of your game.

The Wolfie Honorable Mention Awards[]

Preliminary votes are in, and you've made some picks. We want to update everybody on the results thus far, in the infamous White Wolf style. Look for final winners in the July issue (45).

Praise Where Praise is Due[]

  • Game Company of the Year: Mayfair Games (for high highs and low lows)
  • Best Roleplaying Game: Amazing Engine (voted on by several people in WI...-Ken)
  • Best Roleplaying Supplement: Whiskey
  • Best Roleplaying Game Writer: Mark Reihn Haggan (you forgot the -)
  • Best Cover Artist: Apparently Duel of a Different Color has no cover, or its creators would have had friends vote on the artist.
  • Best Interior Artist: Everybody at Columbia Games (Everybody there can draw?)
  • Best Editing: White Wolf Magazine - HA! (Ooh, slammed.)
  • Best Graphic Presentation" Mark Rein-Hagen (Obviously you've never seen him.)
  • Best Boxed Game (cards, wargames): Magic: the Cash Cow
  • Best Miniatures Release: Book of the Damned (see below)
  • Best Miniatures Game: Oh, you mean lead ones
  • Best Computer Game: Sorry, I use a Macintosh
  • Best Play-by-Mail Game: Federal Income Tax

The Cracking Corner[]

  • Game most likely to be played by accountants: Russian Roulette
  • Most pretentious game: What does pretentious mean? (About the only person who didn't bust on White Wolf.)
  • Game most likely to make the moral majority say "Jesus Christ!": AD&D (Even after all the demons were removed and then subtly returned under new names?)
  • Best game to play when drunk: Magic: the Gathering (it gives new meaning to "tapping")
  • Game most likely played by people you don't like: Bingo (And this from a reverend, no less.)

Street Fighter the Storytelling Game: You Must be Joking![]

By Stephan Wieck, Art by Tony Harris. Steve wanted some Mag space to talk about his pet project, White Wolf's newest game. We had to give space to him 'cause he's our boss.

Artist Spotlight on D. Alexander Gregory[]

Cover artist D. Alexander Gregory spins some spooky imagery.

Treasures from the Archives[]

By Ken Rolston. This time, Ken combines his column with Things I'll Do For A Friend and discusses game treasures that he's embarrassed to love.

Capsule Reviews[]

Summer's almost here, and we're still covering games from the beginning of the year. Hey, we're doing our best, okay?

Reviews of AD&D: Iuz the Evil, AD&D: Al-Qadim: Assassin Mountain, AD&D: Dragon Lance: New tales: The Land Reborn, AD&D: Ravenloft: Castles Forlorn, Call of Cthulhu: Devil's Children, DC Heroes 3rd Edition, Earthdawn: Mists of Betrayal, Mutant Chronicles: The Brotherhood, RuneQuest: Daughters of Darkness, Starfire: First Contact and Underground: The Note Book.

Miniature Reviews: RAFM Miniatures (Armored Vehicles) and The Titans of Terror.

Legacy Rite, Episode 5 of 6[]

By Bill Bridges and Art by Tony DiTerlizzi. Evan gets a look at the past, but what does it mean for his future? Find out in this Werewolf color comic, scripted by the game's developer.

Top Twenty Games List[]

If your favorite game ranks low, will you stop buying it?

Information from Hobby Game Distributors.

March 1994:[]

On the Horizon[]

Next issue marks the beginning of two feature reviews per issue, all summer long. If yo stop buying now, we'll never make it!

  • Summer is finally here, and it's the busiest season of the year. Two feature reviews an issue.
  • A peek at Wraith, the next in White Wolf's Storyteller series.
  • Article on the card game Magic: The Gathering.
  • Stellar Game's NightLife, article on Gargoyles.
  • Second installment of Last Stand!
  • Future Shocks, part three of our official three-part Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition adventure.
  • Part six of Legacy Rite, the official Werewolf comic.
  • And watch out for a preview of our new comic. It's about nothing less than... a gladiator cow?!

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


From "Present Dangers by James A. Moore":

The Sept of the Green, New York:

Hell's Kitchen Hive, Black Spiral Dancer Pit, New York:

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WW: White Wolf Magazine 44 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!

