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White Wolf Wiki

Annual Fantasy Issue August/September 1991.


White Wolf Ads:[]

Ashes to Ashes Ad (Pg. 7)[]

New for Vampire: Ashes to Ashes, Storyteller's Screen, Chicago by Night, Succubus Club and Blood Bond.

Blood Pit PBM Game by Emprise Game Systems (Pg. 70)[]

Emprise Game Systems would be later acquired by White Wolf.

White Wolf Magazine (Pg. 79)[]

Have You Missed Something? A page on ordering back issues.

Cry of the Wolf[]

By Lisa Stevens. We take a brief look at the majestic wolves, the efforts that White Wolf and TWIN are making to save them, and the history of the 35 Pack.

TWIN, Timber Wolf Information Network, and the adoption of the 35 Wolf Pack.

From the Pack[]

Our readers respond to the Runes column in #26.


By Graeme Davis, Art by Richard Thomas and Josh Timbrook. A nightclub setting for White Wolf's new Vampire game presents your Kindred characters with a new base of operations.

Unhorsely Unicorns[]

By Spike Y. Jones. Art by Richard Thomas. Tired of those boring old, traditional unicorns, well here's three new unicorn-like creatures for the AD&D 2nd Edition that will help to break the mold.

  • Tarand
  • Karkadaan
  • Shadhavar

The Wolfling of Hurst[]

By Kathi Williams & Joe Williams, Art by Tim Dow. An adventure for Legendary Lives, where the characters are sent off in search of the fabled Nex flower to help a nobleman cover up his dark secret.

Capsule Reviews[]

By Line Reviewers. This issue we take a look at games from Ars Magica to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

Reviews of Ars Magica: Faeries, The Challenge (Lion Rampant/White Wolf), Champions: Road Kill, Cyberpunk 2020: Data Screen, Interstellar Elite Combat, Legendary Lives: Societies Sourcebook, Lionheart RPG, Millennium's End RPG, Nightlife: Magic: Sorcerers, Witches, Cults and Organizations, Pendragon: The Boy King, Quest of the Ancients RPG, Shadowrun: Dragon Hunt, Shadowrun: Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America, TAQ RPG, Roshia's Gauntlet (Code of the Rats), Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Doomstones 4: Dwarf Wars and Warhammer Companion.

Coming Attractions[]

  • A Winter's Tale (Ars Magica) White Wolf $9.95
  • Dark Foe (The Challenge) White Wolf $9.95
  • Chicago By Night (Vampire) White Wolf $15


By Steve Crow. Art by Richard Thomas. What happens when the Aysle reality warps the life of a computer programmer? This Torg adventure pits your Storm Knights against the worst that technology and magic can offer.

Tabletop News[]

By Ken Cliffe. We take a look at the latest in fantasy miniatures and Brush focuses on using inks for shading and glossing.

Tarepo's Troubles[]

By Chris Hind. Art by David Miller. In White Wolf's first solo adventure, you must help Tarepo the troll to escape from Sathor Tower.

Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo. Capsule reviews of recent game releases are given, while MacCorner looks at one new and one classic game for the Mac.

Computer Game Reviews of Hoverforce, B.A.T., Hero's Quest II: Trial by Fire, Lord of the Rings, Death Knights of Krynn, James Bond - The Stealth Affair and Tunnels & Trolls.


By Lisa Stevens.

Computer Game Reviews of Bane of the Cosmic Forge and The Ancient War.

Scope of Magic[]

By S. John Ross. This installment of Scope focuses on a variant spell ingredient system for GURPS Magic.

On the Horizon[]

The next issue of WW will be our annual Horror issue.

  • 1. Torg adventure set in the realm of Orrorsh.
  • 2. Call of Cthulhu article.
  • 3. Reviews of Dark Conspiracy and Vampire.
  • 4. A Chill adventure.
  • 5. The tale of the 35 Wolf Pack continues.
  • 6. Letters section over WWM27.
  • 7. New Spells from the NightLife RPG.
  • 8. Capsule Reviews, PBM Corner and Silicon Dungeon.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


From "Purgatory: Nightclub by Graeme Davis:"


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