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The Annual Science Fiction Issue of April/May 1991.


White Wolf and Ars Magica Ads:[]

Atlas Games Ars Magica ad (Pg. 55)[]

Tales of the Dark Ages and The Sorcerer's Slave.

Xenophobe PBM Game by Emprise Game Systems (Pg. 56)[]

Emprise Game Systems would be later acquired by White Wolf.

Blood Pit PBM Game by Emprise Game Systems (Pg. 57)[]

Emprise Game Systems would be later acquired by White Wolf.

White Wolf Magazine (Pg. 68)[]

Leader of the Pack!


By Stewart Wieck. Small game companies start cropping up as summer approaches, and the editor wants to warn potential entrepreneurs of the many pitfalls they will encounter.


By Justin Schmid, Art by Richard Thomas. In this Cyberpunk 2020 solo adventure, your character must fight the effects of the mysterious Fireball while performing 4 assassinations.

Physical Adepts[]

By Charles Peirce, Art by Richard Thomas. Five physical adepts for Shadowrun are presented, along with organizations to cater to their special kind of magic.

Damsel in Distress[]

By James Long, Art by Richard Thomas. Your Storm Knights must help the French Resistance counter the many-layered plans of the Cyber-church in this Torg adventure.

Feature Review: Rifts[]

By Josh Timbrook. The lowdown on Palladium's new Rifts RPG is revealed and an overview of this multi-genre RPG is presented.

Capsule Reviews[]

Once again, this expanding section looks at the newest games, including products for Call of Cthulhu, DC Heroes, Champions, and Shadowrun.

Reviews of Better Games: Barony Era Ten, Call of Cthulhu: Arkham Unveiled, CoC: At Your Door, CoC: Cthulhu Casebook, COC: Curse of Cthulhu, COC: Fatal Experiments, COC: Mansions of Madness, Champions: Challenges for Champions, Champions: Demons Rule, DC Heroes: Come on Down!!!, DC Heroes: In Hot Pursuit, DC Heroes: Justice League Sourcebook, DC Heroes: The Law of Darkness, DC Heroes: The New Teen Titans Sourcebook, DC Heroes: The Otherwhere Quest, Shadowrun: DMZ and Shadowrun: Harlequin.

Star Khan[]

Article by Colin McClelland and Lee Vanschaik, Art by Ed McKeogh. The first installment in a new series of articles detailing the extraordinary, new StarKhan world from RAFM.

Vampire: The Masquerade Preview Booklet[]



Indian Summer[]

A Culture of Blood[]


Monsters, Monsters Everywhere...[]

Vampire Products[]

Scheduled for release are a number of supplements for Vampire. They are listed below in order of their appearance.

A Supplement on the greatest organization of Vampires and how the characters might be involved in its Byzantine politics or confronted by it. Gives great detail on the councils, rules, laws, credos and leading luminaries.

  • The Last Supper WW2100

The first of the epic five-part Giovanni Chronicle. Much of the story is acted out as Live Action within the subterranean lair/mansion of Claudius Giovanni. The food the player-characters eat at his well-laden table is the last that will ever touch their lips.

Vampire is only the first of Five games in the Storyteller game system, all of them based on the same mystical version of our own world, each of them a modern fable. The second game in the series to be released is Werewolf, the third is Magus, the fourth is Faerie, and the fifth is Ghost. Because of the compatibility, it is simple to use one with the other, and together they create one all-encompassing game system.


White Wolf[]

White Wolf does more than just Vampire, we have many other gaming products as well. At one time, you might have known us as Lion Rampant or White Wolf Publishing, but this past October, we decided to merge our two companies together to form White Wolf. This merger has enabled us to design and produce better game products than ever before. Lion Rampant and White Wolf Publishing had both been around since 1986, producing such great game products as the award-winning Ars Magica and White Wolf Magazine. Check out the following titles, available now:

  • Ars Magica Revised Edition $17.95 LR0201
  • Faeries: Just Released!! $17.95 WW1015
  • Saga Pack $9.95 LR0901
  • Covenants $10.95 LR1010
  • Broken Covenant of Calebais, 2nd Edition $8.95 LR0810
  • The Tempest $9.95 LR0501
  • The Order of Hermes $14.95 LR1020
  • The Stormrider Jump Start Kit, 2nd Edition $9.95 WW0802
  • Story Paths $4.95
    • Path of Horror WW0110
    • Path of Intrigue WW0111
  • Bard's Song: Battle Cry $9.95 LR1801 (40 minute orchestral symphony soundtrack)
  • The Challenge $17.95 LR1101 (Card/Board Game)
  • The Challenge - Dark Foe $9.95 WW1105

This expansion supplement will give Challenge players 3 new races (Goblins, Trolls and Buggers) to play with - races which explore the darker side of fantasy gaming. Rules governing special abilities of all the races rounds out this supplement.

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo. A close look at four new science fiction computer games and the debut of MacCorner, where we look at 3 fantasy computer games for Macintosh.

Reviews of Elvira, Wing Commander, The Immortal and Hard Nova.


By Lisa Stevens. Reviews of Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds, Legends of the Lost Realm and Pool of Radiance.

Tabletop News[]

By Ken Cliffe. Our regular column takes a look at the flood of science fiction miniatures from Citadel, RAFM, and Ral Partha.

The King Beneath the Hill[]

By Graeme Davis, Art by Jeff Menges. A group of knights must stop some rampaging undead in this chivalric adventure, with stats for AD&D, D&D, Chivalry & Sorcery, Runequest, Ars Magica, Pendragon, and Warhammer FRP.

Final Ballot for the Origins Awards 1990[]

18. Best Professional Adventure Gaming Magazine, 1990. Has White Wolf, White Wolf Publishing listed as an option on the checklist.

On the Horizon[]

A preview of the fine material you will find in the next issue of White Wolf Magazine, the annual PBM issue.

  • 1. Reviews of half-dozen of PBM Games.
  • 2. StarKhan feature continues.
  • 3. Short Torg adventure - The Living Land.
  • 4. Ars Magica article on magic items.
  • 5. A solo fantasy adventure.
  • 6. Plus all that really exciting stuff that we always list last in On the Horizon.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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