White Wolf Wiki

The 3rd Annual Superhero Issue of February/March 1991.


White Wolf Ads:[]

White Wolf Ars Magica Ad (Pg. 17)[]

Ars Magica 'Now published by White Wolf' and Faeries: A Complete Handbook of the Seelie.

Ad for White Wolf Comics (pg. 27)[]

White Wolf Comic Book Ad
Comic Books where telling a great story is the main concern...[]

In May, White Wolf, will release a trio of bi-monthy B&W comic books. The first issues of Ars Magica, Jihad, and Tales of the Voyager are the result of professional talents striving to, above all else, tell an entertaining story. Beautiful art and wonderful writing combine to create high quality stories with realistic characters in all too real situations. Plus, each issue has full color, painted cover.


Not so much a "vampire story" as it is a story featuring a vampire, the first issue of Jihad (an eight issue mini-series) begins an inevitable showdown between a Catholic priest and a vampire. Readers will honestly struggle to determine who is the "good guy" in this tangled story. An entirely original mythos of vampires is created in Jihad - you'll be shocked to discover the truth! $2.75

Tales of the Voyager[]

Several comic book series have tried the "super hero in the real world" story, but very few have succeeded. Tales of the Voyager will soon change that, succeeding where its predecessors failed. Follow a frustrated CEO through his normal life as he tries to use the alter-ego of The Voyager to clear his company of criminal connections established by the former company president. $2.75

Ars Magica[]

Based on characters and events developed in the award-winning roleplaying game of the same name, the premiere issue of Ars Magica begins the first chapter of an exciting tale set in medieval France, where magi (wizards) actually exist. The fantasy element in Ars Magica does nothing to disrupt a truly medieval setting. The vigorous passions of the characters rule this story. $2.75

White Wolf Magazine (Pg. 33)[]

Leader of the Pack!

Ad for White Wolf's Vampire (pg. 41)[]

Coming in May.

Vampire ad

Xenophobe PBM Game by Emprise Game Systems (Pg. 46)[]

Emprise Game Systems would be later acquired by White Wolf.


By Stewart Wieck. We are always looking for good freelance writers and artists. The writer's guidelines presented here will help you prepare your work for us.

White Wolf Magazine Submission Guidelines.

From the Pack[]

Some advice on choosing a game and why to be wary of the suggestions other people give. Also, some praise for issue #23.

Meta-Physical Problems[]

By John Terra, Art by Richard Thomas. A DC Heroes adventure for your own heroes by the author of Mayfair's "New Teen Titan Sourcebook." Put an end to a get-rich-quick scheme. The Institute of Meta-Human Potential is not exactly what it seems. A DC Heroes adventure for your own heroes.


By Wayne Ligon, Art by Ed McKeogh. A villain group for use with Champions. These villains have the powers of the elements and can be deadly in battle.

Items for Any Realm[]

By Vince Garcia. Detailing scrolls in Quest of the Ancients. Learn the difference between greater and lesser scrolls.

Capsule Reviews[]

This section continues to grow as we attempt to offer short reviews on all new products. We'll actually achieve that goal someday.

Reviews of Ars Magica: The Sorcerer's Slave, Ars Magica: The Tempest, Call of Cthulhu: Blood Brothers, Champions in 3-D, Champions Classic Enemies, Champions Day of the Destroyer, Champions Invaders From Below, Hero System: Fantasy Hero, Fantasy Hero Companion, Magazine: Grey Worlds #6, Middle Earth Role Playing: Angus McBride's Characters of Middle-Earth, ME RP: Ghost Warriors, Red Empire (Card Game), Runequest: Eldarad The Lost City, Shadowrun: The Universal Brotherhood, Shadow World: Mythic Egypt, Shadow World: Nomads of the Nine Nations, Shadow World: Sky Giants of the Brass Stair, Shields of Power, Twilight 2000: Survivor's Guide to the United Kingdom and Twilight 2000: White Eagle.

Tabletop News[]

By Ken Cliffe. The superhero miniatures front is rather slim, but "Brush with Destiny" gives more help for preparing miniatures bases.

Applied Sciences[]

By Stewart Wieck, Art by Tom Dow. A Torg adventure for the Nile Empire setting. A Weird Scientist goes a little too far with an experiment and touches realms best left undisturbed.

An adventure for TORG's Nile Empire pulp reality setting. A mad scientist in Cairo has discovered another reality. A crappy reality.

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo. A close look at two computer games based on boardgames created by FASA Corp., plus capsule reviews of two other games.

Computer game reviews of BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge, Renegade Legion: Interceptor, Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire and Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan.

PBM Corner[]

By Paul Brown. The president of Reality Simulations Inc. shows you what the first few turns in a game of Alamaze look like.

A Dagger of Jade[]

By Terry Amthor, Art by Tom Dow. This sparking I.C.E. personality presents a fine adventure set in Shadow World for Rolemaster in which the characters travel to a forgotten island and must choose sides between an order of fanatic priests and a prehistoric Dragon Cult.

A Rolemaster adventure set in Shadow World. The characters travel to the peaceful Isle of Jade where they bumble into the middle of an ancient rivalry.

On the Horizon[]

A preview of the fine material you will find in the next issue of White Wolf Magazine, the annual science fiction issue.

The next issue of White Wolf Magazine is our annual Science Fiction issue.

  • 1. Rafm Company's Starkhan miniatures rules.
  • 2. Cyberpunk 2020 adventure, "Fireball".
  • 3. Shadowrun archetypes with rules presented in The Grimoire.
  • 4. Torg adventure for the Cyberpapcy setting.
  • 5. Fantasy adventure called "The King Beneath the Hill".
  • 6. Feature Review of Rifts from Palladium will finally appear.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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