The 3rd Anniversary Issue of December/January 1990.
White Wolf and Lion Rampant Ads:[]
Ad for Ars Magica (Pg. 7)[]
The Stormrider second edition by White Wolf
White Wolf Magazine (Pg. 15)[]
A Special Holiday Subscription Offer.
White Wolf Magazine (Pg. 24)[]
Leader of the Pack!
Xenophobe PBM Game by Emprise Game Systems (Pg. 27)[]
Emprise Game Systems would be later acquired by White Wolf.
Blood Pit PBM Game by Emprise Game Systems (Pg. 31)[]
Emprise Game Systems would be later acquired by White Wolf.
Ad for White Wolf Storypaths: The New Whimsy Cards (Pg. 50)[]
Available now:
- Path of Horror $4.95
- Path of Intrigue $4.95
Ad for White Wolf Comics (pg. 51)[]
Comic Books where telling a great story is the main concern...[]
In February, White Wolf, will release a trio of bi-monthy B&W comic books. The first issues of Ars Magica, Jihad, and Tales of the Voyager are the result of professional talents striving to, above all else, tell an entertaining story. Beautiful art and wonderful writing combine to create high quality stories with realistic characters in all too real situations. Plus, each issue has full color, painted cover.
Not so much a "vampire story" as it is a story featuring a vampire, the first issue of Jihad (an eight issue mini-series) begins an inevitable showdown between a Catholic priest and a vampire. Readers will honestly struggle to determine who is the "good guy" in this tangled story. An entirely original mythos of vampires is created in Jihad - you'll be shocked to discover the truth! $2.75
Tales of the Voyager[]
Several comic book series have tried the "super hero in the real world" story, but very few have succeeded. Tales of the Voyager will soon change that, succeeding where its predecessors failed. Follow a frustrated CEO through his normal life as he tries to use the alter-ego of The Voyager to clear his company of criminal connections established by the former company president. $2.75
Ars Magica[]
Based on characters and events developed in the award-winning roleplaying game of the same name, the premiere issue of Ars Magica begins the first chapter of an exciting tale set in medieval France, where magi (wizards) actually exist. The fantasy element in Ars Magica does nothing to disrupt a truly medieval setting. The vigorous passions of the characters rule this story. $2.75
By Stewart Wieck. Editorial - Some very interesting and important news about changes (and especially the lack thereof) in White Wolf Magazine.
"What am I talking about? Well, about a week after it was first suggested in late September, White Wolf Publishing and Lion Rampant (the former publisher of Ars Magica, Whimsy Cards, and the new card game The Challenge) have merged to form a single game company called White Wolf. This new company will continue to offer all of the products available from each in the past. White Wolf offers Ars Magica, White Wolf Magazine, Storypath Cards (the new incarnation of Whimsy Cards), the Campaign Book series, The Challenge, comic books in February, and Vampire in May...
White Wolf has other lofty plans too. These plans go well beyond the magazine itself. For starters, the comic books we planned to release in January are still on the way. They are now scheduled for release in February, but information has already been sent to stores and advertisements are appearing. Storypaths, in December, will be the first joint project to be released. White Wolf Adventures, a compendium of adventures that have appeared in White Wolf Magazine, will be available in January. Ars Magica will be supported with more products, including adventures and sourcebooks. A new set for use with The Challenge will appear in February. But the big one looms a long way on the horizon (at the time of this writing, anyway). Vampire will be released in May." - Stewart Wieck
Rat's Den[]
By Stephan Wieck, Art by Tom Dow. Shadowrun - You may wish you weren't involved, but the dying decker that ran through Zonedancers involves you. Now the Yak and a couple powerful corporate interests are watching you.
The Tomes of Three Witches[]
By Vince Garcia, Art by Richard Thomas. Quest of the Ancients - The designer of this new FRPG provides information about some potent spellbooks that once belonged to witches. Some new spells for QA are included.
In the News Tonight...[]
By Bill Smith, Art by Richard Thomas. Torg - How has the news media responded to the invasion of the High Lords? What changes have they made in their coverage? Is the media free of outside influence in the Near Now? This article provides a delightful summary of such information.
A Roleplaying Pathology[]
By Curt M. Campbell and James S. Campbell. Article - Roleplaying campaigns suffer from a number of diseases. Some, like Monty Haulism and "hack and slash" are familiar to most gamers. But do you know all the maladies? Find out how to diagnose your campaign for illness.
Feature Review: Twilight 2000, 2nd Edition[]
Reviewed by Allen Mixson. Game Review - GDW recently released an edition of Twilight 2000 which includes updates based on the miraculous changes in Eastern Europe and Russia. The changes did not solve all the problems.
Capsule Reviews[]
Game Reviews - Many of our new Line Reviewers make their first appearances in this issue of WW. See if your favorite games are covered and determine if your ideas mesh with the reviewer's.
Reviews of AD&D: Greyhawk Ruins, Ars Magica: The Order of Hermes, Ars Magica: Tales of the Dark Ages, Champions: Kingdom of Champions, Cyberpunk 2020 2nd edition, Middle Earth Roleplaying: Gorgoroth, Nightlife RpG, Pendrgon 2nd edition, Reich Star RPG, Torg: The Destiny Map, Torg: The Possibility Chalice and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: The Restless Dead.
In the Shadow of the Magi[]
By Robert Dodge, Art by David Miller. Ars Magica - Some mysterious incidents in and around your covenant have caused many to grow even more fearful of your presence. You must discover the source of the troubles before the Church or local lords investigate the matters.
Tabletop News[]
By Ken Cliffe. Miniatures Reviews - The photographs are back and Ken looks at some fantasy and Napoleonic figures. Plus, A Brush With Destiny provides tips on preparing miniatures bases.
Charmed, I'm Sure[]
By Chris Hind. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - The world in WFRP is magic-poor, but this article provides a way for characters to either make or cheaply acquire a very useful item.
The Silicon Dungeon[]
By Jim Trunzo. Computer Game Reviews - Computer game reviews return in this issue and Jim looks at three new games. Two fantasy games and a Buck Rogers SF game are highlighted.
Computer game reviews of Spirit of Excalibur, Drakkhen and Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday.
PBM Corner[]
By Stewart Wieck. PBM Game Reviews - There are a number of open-ended fantasy PBM games on the market that offer the opportunity to play a single position for several years. A pair of such games are featured here. PBM Reviews: Dark Blades and The Land of Karrus.
For Your Information[]
By Stewart Wieck. News Article - The production of lead miniatures could be threatened by a bill under consideration in Congress. You can help by examining the petition that is printed here. Proposed Amendment to S. 2637 and H.R..
Items for any Realm[]
By Ben Robbins. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - A pair of interesting new magic items with detailed backgrounds for use in AD&D.
On the Horizon[]
A look at the features coming in White Wolf Magazine #25, the superhero issue of 1991.
The next issue of White Wolf Magazine is our annual superhero issue.
- 1. Material for the following superhero games: Champions, DC Heroes and Enforcers.
- 2. An adventure for the most superheroish setting in West End Games' Torg - the Nile Empire.
- 3. A follow-up article to this issue's "Tome of Three Witches" for Unicorn Games' Quest of the Ancients.
- 4. A Rolemaster adventure from a mysterious ICE personality.
- 5. The winners of our adventure outline contest will be announced and a new contest will begin.
- 6. And of course, all our regular features will continue.
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
From "In the Shadow of the Magi by Robert Dodge":
- Pitchka (Corrupted apprentice Magi, disguised as Friar Velou)
- Remelcurian, the Magus (Magi)
- Churreyls, Seducer of Magi (Demon)
- Chelsea, the Village Reeve (Female Human)
- Gribby, the Miller's Wife (Female Human)
- Rupar, a Brave Peasant (Human)
- Old Natan, an Elderly Peasant (Human)
- Hill Giants
- Tremere (a nearby peasant village)
Previous book: WW: White Wolf Magazine 23 ![]() |
White Wolf Magazine White Wolf Magazine Issues |
Next book: WW: White Wolf Magazine 25 ![]() |