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The Torg & PBM Issue of June/July 1990.


White Wolf Magazine and Lion Rampant Ads:[]

Blood Pit Ad from Emprise Game Systems (Pg. 19)[]

White Wolf Magazine Ad (Pg. 51)[]

Leader of the Pack!

Lion Rampant Ad (Pg. 63)[]

The Challenge $14.95 LR5001

Campaign Book, Fantasy Volume 1 (Pg. 64)[]

Coming in June from White Wolf Publishing.


By Stewart Wieck; recapping all the reviews in White Wolf Magazine to date.

The Final Countdown[]

By Martin Wixted, a huge adventure for West End Games’ new “Torg” written by a West End designer. Art by Richard Thomas.

PBM Corner[]

By Jim Townsend; Play-by-Mail for beginners – how it works, what you do, and more.

PBM Game Reviews[]

By Stewart Wieck; reviews of six different PBM games – at least one of them is bound to suit your tastes.

  • Alamaze
  • Battle Cry: Lord Series
  • Empires for Rent
  • Galactic Power
  • Ruler of the Galactic Web
  • Supremacy

Shadowrun Archetypes[]

By Stephan Wieck; four new character types for use with FASA’s fantasy/cyberpunk game. Art by Richard Thomas.

Capsule Reviews[]

By Stewart Wieck; brief looks in a new format at four new products.

Reviews of:

  • The 1990-91 Who's Who Among Play-by-Mail Gamers
  • Omnigon
  • Stormbringer (4th edition)
  • Worlds Beyond

Belter Rules (insert)[]

Troupe Style Role-Playing[]

By Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen; here’s a way to enliven what may have become old hat.

Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo; lengthy looks at several new science fiction computer games.

Reviews of:

  • Mines of Titan
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  • Breach 2
  • Mechwarrior

Tabletop News[]

By Ken Cliffe; several science fiction miniatures are examined by Ken’s careful eye.

Reviews of:

  • Space 1889 Miniatures
  • Shadowrun Miniatures
  • Warhammer 40,000 Miniatures


By Scott Sigler; a halfling shire is between a rock and a hard place – and you’re trapped with them! Art by Richard Thomas.

Feature Review: Torg[]

By Stewart Wieck; a look at what the author feels is THE role-playing product of the year (decade?).

Cyberpunk Reviews[]

By Stephan Wieck; the continuation of last issue’s feature. Products from ICE and R. Talsorian are reviewed.

Reviews of:

  • Cyberspace
  • Edge-On
  • Hardwired Sourcebook

On the Horizon[]

A quick look at what’s coming next issue.

We've decided to revive this column which tells you what is coming in the next issue of White Wolf Magazine. For a while we ran on such a tight schedule that we sometimes couldn't predict what would appear in the next issue. But now we have our act together. Next issue is our annual Fantasy Issue.

  1. A one-on-one fantasy adventure called "Class Reunion." It's been ten years since you "graduated" from your hometown militia (i.e. you served the required five years) and your class is having a reunion. You're the only one who went on to better things. What do your old friends think of you now?
  2. An adventure for Ars Magica written by Lion Rampant. In "The Golden Ship" the disappearance of two ships leads to the troupe north in search of a legendary artifact.
  3. A preview/review of palladium's huge 1990 release, "Rifts." The game promises to tie together the wide assortment of genres which Palladium's products already cover.
  4. The return of "The Scope of Magic." Several interesting new spells from a single author.
  5. Results of our Reader Survey (this was included in last issue). Shame on you if you haven't returned it yet. Drop everything and...
  6. An expanded "Capsule Reviews."
  7. Reviews of a couple PBM games that didn't make this issue.
  8. Plus, a new contest in "On Your Mark."

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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