The Science Fiction Issue of April/May 1989.
White Wolf Magazine and Lion Rampant Ads:[]
White Wolf Magazine Ad (Pg. 4)[]
Leader of the Pack!
White Wolf Magazine Ad (Pg. 53)[]
These back issues are going fast!
T-shirts (S, M and L sizes for only $7 each, grey or black shirt)
Ad for Lion Rampant's Whimsy Cards (Pg. 55)[]
A storytelling aid for any RPG. $3.95
Ad for Ars Magica (Pg. 59)[]
Ars Magica, The Art of Magic $14.95
Stewart Wieck discusses a force behind the early science fiction who should not be forgotten.
Some more letters from the readers, including a reaction to some art in issue #14.
Cammarata's Irregulars by Edwin King[]
A mercenary unit for use with the new High Colonies game.
Life's a Beach by Stellar Games[]
A SF adventure for the Expendables game.
The Turzig Jousts by Ramon Moore, Art by Robert Berry[]
Another SF adventure. This one introduces a new race for the Manhunter game.
Segment Jorune by SkyRealms[]
More information on how to get your character to Jorune.
The Star Wars Scene by Stewart Wieck[]
Reviews of some recent products for Star Wars RPG from West End Games.
Let the Dice Decide by Sean Stevenson[]
Random character generation rules for Star Wars RPG.
The White Horse by Richard Thomas (writer and art)[]
A fantasy adventure involving a rather immobile horse.
People of the Land by Chaosium, Inc.[]
These Chaosium designers present a cult for use with Runequest.
Demon Killer by Steve Tymon, art by Richard Thomas[]
The great novella continues with part III. It's a truly spectacular fight scene.
Skill Mastery by Jonathan Tweet[]
Ars Magica utilizes a skill based system. These rules explain how to master a particular skill.
The Silicon Dungeon by Jim Trunzo[]
Jim takes a look at great computer game, Dungeon Master.
On Your Mark by Stephan Wieck[]
The winners of the scenario outline contest.
Capsule Reviews by Stewart Wieck[]
A look at a handful of very different SF games.
Reviews for High Colonies, Manhunter and Space: 1889.
Writer's Guidelines[]
We welcome unsolicited submissions. Read over the guidelines and send something our way.
On the Horizon[]
A look at what's coming next issue in the annual PBM issue.
White Wolf Magazine #16 is the annual PBM issue. It will contain the following features and articles.
- A listing of many of the PBM games currently on the market.
- This issue had no "PBM Corner" for a simple reason: Jim Townsend is hard at work preparing the extra special column for the PBM issue.
- There will be numerous reviews of PBM games. The games that will be reviewed include the following: Gameplan, Venom, Destiny, The Next Empire, The New Order, and Space 101.
- Another review will shed light on a game which has been greatly anticipated. The 2nd edition of AD&D has been released. The new system will be given a critical look.
- Another intriguing cult from Chaosium for Runequest will appear.
- "Demon Killer" continues with part IV.
- The 2nd edition of ADD lacks a perception attribute, so we rectify that situation with a short article.
- The fantasy adventure for the issue comes from Roger Baker (his Burglary" appeared in issue #12). This adventure, "The Search for Mabar", is a one-on-one adventure just as "Burglary" was.
- There will be a lengthy list of new spells for use with the Warhammer FRPG.
- Plus, all our regular features will be here. Segment Jorune, On Your Mark, The Silicon Dungeon, and more.
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
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