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The Science Fiction Issue of April/May 1989.


White Wolf Magazine and Lion Rampant Ads:[]

White Wolf Magazine Ad (Pg. 4)[]

Leader of the Pack!

White Wolf Magazine Ad (Pg. 53)[]

These back issues are going fast!

T-shirts (S, M and L sizes for only $7 each, grey or black shirt)

Ad for Lion Rampant's Whimsy Cards (Pg. 55)[]

A storytelling aid for any RPG. $3.95

Ad for Ars Magica (Pg. 59)[]

Ars Magica, The Art of Magic $14.95


Stewart Wieck discusses a force behind the early science fiction who should not be forgotten.


Some more letters from the readers, including a reaction to some art in issue #14.

Cammarata's Irregulars by Edwin King[]

A mercenary unit for use with the new High Colonies game.

Life's a Beach by Stellar Games[]

A SF adventure for the Expendables game.

The Turzig Jousts by Ramon Moore, Art by Robert Berry[]

Another SF adventure. This one introduces a new race for the Manhunter game.

Segment Jorune by SkyRealms[]

More information on how to get your character to Jorune.

The Star Wars Scene by Stewart Wieck[]

Reviews of some recent products for Star Wars RPG from West End Games.

Let the Dice Decide by Sean Stevenson[]

Random character generation rules for Star Wars RPG.

The White Horse by Richard Thomas (writer and art)[]

A fantasy adventure involving a rather immobile horse.

People of the Land by Chaosium, Inc.[]

These Chaosium designers present a cult for use with Runequest.

Demon Killer by Steve Tymon, art by Richard Thomas[]

The great novella continues with part III. It's a truly spectacular fight scene.

Skill Mastery by Jonathan Tweet[]

Ars Magica utilizes a skill based system. These rules explain how to master a particular skill.

The Silicon Dungeon by Jim Trunzo[]

Jim takes a look at great computer game, Dungeon Master.

On Your Mark by Stephan Wieck[]

The winners of the scenario outline contest.

Capsule Reviews by Stewart Wieck[]

A look at a handful of very different SF games.

Reviews for High Colonies, Manhunter and Space: 1889.

Writer's Guidelines[]

We welcome unsolicited submissions. Read over the guidelines and send something our way.

On the Horizon[]

A look at what's coming next issue in the annual PBM issue.

White Wolf Magazine #16 is the annual PBM issue. It will contain the following features and articles.

  1. A listing of many of the PBM games currently on the market.
  2. This issue had no "PBM Corner" for a simple reason: Jim Townsend is hard at work preparing the extra special column for the PBM issue.
  3. There will be numerous reviews of PBM games. The games that will be reviewed include the following: Gameplan, Venom, Destiny, The Next Empire, The New Order, and Space 101.
  4. Another review will shed light on a game which has been greatly anticipated. The 2nd edition of AD&D has been released. The new system will be given a critical look.
  5. Another intriguing cult from Chaosium for Runequest will appear.
  6. "Demon Killer" continues with part IV.
  7. The 2nd edition of ADD lacks a perception attribute, so we rectify that situation with a short article.
  8. The fantasy adventure for the issue comes from Roger Baker (his Burglary" appeared in issue #12). This adventure, "The Search for Mabar", is a one-on-one adventure just as "Burglary" was.
  9. There will be a lengthy list of new spells for use with the Warhammer FRPG.
  10. Plus, all our regular features will be here. Segment Jorune, On Your Mark, The Silicon Dungeon, and more.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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