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White Wolf Magazine #10 was published in May 1988.


White Wolf and Lion Rampant Ads:[]

Announcing White Wolf Magazine (Inside Front Cover)[]

"the game variant magazine"

Ars Magica Ad (Pg. 38)[]

Looking for a role-playing system that encourages role-playing? Looking for rules that turn a character into a real person and an adventure into a real story? Then take a look at... Ars Magica

A game aboust wizards and their companions, written by and for gamers who love a good story. $14.95 + $2 p&h. MN residents add 90 cents sales tax.

White Wolf Back Issues (Inside Back Cover)[]

Limited Edition White Wolf T-Shirt (Black with white logo: S, M, L, XL) $6.00


By Stewart Wieck. Some notes from the editor, New contest deadline, issues available, Etc.

Author Spotlight on Stanely Weinbaum[]

By Melinda Stewart. A classical SF author, Stanley Weinbaum, takes center stage under our spotlight.

Buy Jupiter[]

By Iaasc Asimov. A wonderful short story by the great Dr. Himself. Why do the aliens want Jupiter? A war outpost?

Nutz & Voltz[]

By Merle and Jackie Rasmussen. A complete role-playing game! In the role of a robot, cyborg, etc. You will find adventure in things once very ordinary.

Review: Expendables[]

By Stewart Wieck. Get a short introduction to this fun SFRPG.

Building a Better ‘Mech[]

By Brian Henning. Having trouble creating your own ‘mech? Don’t know what to wityh with when you are finally done? Here are the answers.

Segemnt Jorune[]

By SkyRealms Publishing, Inc. The first of a regular column which will provide Jorune material straight from the creator’s mouths.

Review: Star Wars[]

By Richard Thomas. Last year finally saw the release of a RPG for this wonderful SF mythos. How did it turn out?

White Wolf Contest #2 (revised)[]

By White Wolf Staff. Keep working on those traps, the deadline has been extended.

The Moon on Skulls (part 2)[]

By Robert E. Howard. The second of three parts of a novella by the man who created modern heroic fantasy.

Grislick Mountain[]

By Stephan Wieck. Here is the adventure which appeared in White Wolf #1. Since WW #1 is totally sold out and out of print, we thought many of you new readers would enjoy seeing this.

The PBM Reviews[]

By various authors. Look here for reviews and mentions of several excellent PBM games. We encourage you to give PBM games a try.

Reviews for:

  • Duelmasters
  • Earthwood-Sea Kings
  • Family Wars
  • Heroic Fantasy
  • It's a Crime
  • S.A.B.R.E.
  • Scramble
  • Starsaga
  • Starweb
  • State of War
  • Warp Force Empires
  • Xenophone

On the Horizon[]

A look at what’s coming next issues.

Well, it had to happen sooner later. Sure, we manage to fit some fantasy material into every issue, but just wait until you see #11. This one is chock full of fantasy material. Just look at wha'ts coming your way in two months:

  1. Three, yes 3, adventures. One of these is exclusively for the Warhammer Fantasy Role-play system while the others are presented so that they may be used with any system. "Peril at Stopover" will cause even the most hardened warriors of WFRP to tremble in fear, "Burglury" puts a player one-on-one against the GM. And "A Worm's Price", by often published Thomas Kane, has an Oriental world of intrigue for you.
  2. The conclusion to Robert E. Howard's "The Moon of Skulls" will come your way next issue. How will Solomon Kane save the day? Or will he save it at all?
  3. We will be proud to present an article straight from the designers of the new Ars Magica game which tells you how a wizard's guild should be handled. Incorporating much of the philosophy of their game, Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen present the wizard's convenant.
  4. "The Scope of Magic" will return next issue with several new spells to delight you and dismay your enemies. Some of the spells will be reprinted from an excellent publication called "The Spells of Aldernon" by Anthony Arment.
  5. Long promised, but forever cancelled, "Items for Any Realm" will make its redebut in issue #11. It will contain some VERY potent items.
  6. Sometime after issue #8 appeared we received an excellent short story submission. "Tayl of the Black Unicorn" by Richard Disbrow will appear. This is a story well worth reading.
  7. You should have seen it mentioned at various points throughout this issue, but you have not yet heard enough about the new Ars Magica game by Lion Rampant. This system will be given a long hard look and we will see exactly what the game offers.
  8. Other fantasy related products will be reviewed as well. Are you familiar with "Pandora's Dice Wheel"? The products of the Adventurers' Guild? "Talislanta"? "Ironhenge"? Find out about all these in issue #11.
  9. And finally, as a prelude to some superhero material which will appear in our Halloween (ie. horror) issue (#12), the newest superhero RPG, "Enforcers", will be reviewed.
  10. "Enforcers" co-designer Gary Bernard also supplies some additional information for this game of super-powered characters.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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WW: White Wolf Magazine 9
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WW: White Wolf Magazine 11 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!