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White Wolf Inphobia #55 was published in May 1995. Came with a wallet-sized Rage Card List.


List of White Wolf Ads:[]

Rage CCG (Pg. 1)[]

The Werewolf: The Apocalypse Collectible Trading Card Game. Features cards: Circular Attack, Off-Balance Attack, Wyrm Skin and Syntax.

Ice Hockey in Hell (Pg. 11)[]

White Wolf Inphobia is online!

Changeling: The Dreaming (Pg. 81)[]

Changeling: The Dreaming the fifth and final game in the Storyteller series, on sale in July. Full color throughout. Also, be on the lookout for Changeling Cantrip cards, a new addition to the Storyteller system that adds a whole new level of play to your Changeling chronicle.


By Ken Cliffe.

The HOL Truth[]

"Due to a printing error, credit for the interior artwork for "Vampire Diary: The Embrace" was misplaced. The incredible (yes, we're sucking up) artwork was given birth to by Todd Shaughnessy, Daniel Thron & Elliott."

From the Pack[]

Letters From Our Readers.

Industry Wired[]

By Teeuwynn.

Time To Dream[]

"...and time for a change! Yes, faeries are openly rampaging around White Wolf at last! This month, WW debuts the last in its series of Storyteller RPGS. Changeling: The Dreaming introduces the Sidhe to the World of Darkness! Now you can become one of the darkling, Arcadian creatures hidden for so long from the rest of the world! Changeling is the first Storyteller game to debut before the August GenCon game fair. Don't rip up those airline tickets to Milwaukee just yet, though; there's still reason for all you White Wolf fans to head to Milwaukee this summer. Mage Second Edition debuts this August, and Mage Developer Phil Brucato has really worked his magick on the book! [So that's why Phil's been chanting (or is that ranting?) in his office night and day!]

The World of Darkness is not idle this month, either. Savage Attack, the player's guide for WW's new Rage collectible card game, leaps onto shelves [for your howling pleasure, right?]. Wraith brings us its Year of the Hunter book, The Quick and the Dead, providing players and Storytellers alike with all they need to know about paranormal investigators and other ghosthunters. And Fragile Path: Testaments of the First Cabal is a book of stories recounting one of the most important events in the history of the Traditions."

The Winds of Change[]

"...have blown over a number of RPG companies this past spring. Andrew Greenberg, developer of White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade game line and co-writer of Viacom's CD-ROM game, Dracula Unleashed, left the company in April to become a partner in HDI, a computer game company located near Atlanta, Georgia. HDI has already produced several popular computer games (Merchant Prince and Hammer of the Gods), and Andrew will undoubtedly bring his own uniquely twisted vision to future projects! [Look out, HDI!] Taking over the Vampire line is Jennifer Hartshorn, former Wraith developer. Don't worry, Wraith isn't being neglected. I expect to have news on its replacement developer in the next issue."

Howling at the Moon[]

Ed McKeogh discusses the death of the superhero in modern comics.

Beyond the Parents' Basement[]

By Chris McCubbin. Son of More Songs for a Gothic-Punk World.

Silly Rabbit! Comics Are For Kids![]

By Chris J. Staros. Why does the general public still think that comics are for kids? What can we do to change the public's mind or is the general public right?

1994 Origins Awards Final Ballot[]

21. Best Professional Gaming Magazine: White Wolf Magazine (White Wolf)

The Jail of Night[]

By Paul Beaskley, Art by Steve Bryant. What could be more depressing than a World of Darkness/Kult crossover? How about one of five parts? In part two of the series find out just how little you know about Garou when they become a part of Metropolis!

Lore Magic:[]

The Dream Realms: (Garou and Dreamspeakers are adept at it.)

  • Level 1: See through Dreams
  • Level 1: Manipulate Dream
  • Level 2: Summon Dream Creature
  • Level 2: Bind Dream Creature
  • Level 3: Expel Dream Creature
  • Level 3: Exorcise Dream Creature
  • Level 4: Dream Walk
  • Level 5: Create/Destroy Dream

Fear and Loafing[]

By Nancy Collins, Art by Ash Arnett. American Gothic Horror.

Violence in Amine[]

By the staff of Protoculture Addicts. Back in issue #52. Canada's anime addicts tackled the subject of sex and Japanese animation, it wasn't pretty. This time they take a swing at violence and anime.

Cinema In Lew of Substance[]

By John Scott Lewinski. A movie column.

Immortal: The Invisible War: Lethe & Avatars[]

By Ran Ackels. The folks at Precedence Publishing offer some insight into eternal life in Immortal: The Invisible War. When you live forever, some things are best forgotten.

How to Rule the World[]

By Kevin Hassall, Art by Robert Lewis. Ever thought about being a world leader? How about the world leader? We may have found the way. Even if you can't use it, your roleplaying character might.

Out of Character[]

By James A. Moore. After stalking for months and begging for autographs, our own Jim Moore finally pins down James O'Barr, creator of The Crow. What will O'Barr say to get Jim off his back? Interviewee: James O'Barr.

Into the Dark: Spring Romance[]

By James Lowder. A column on cheesy, weird and cult movies.

Rage Card List[]

Rage the collectible card game has hit the streets, but do you dare give it a shot? This list of every card in the game should make getting addicted easy, and there won't be any track marks!

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo.

Reviews of Under a Killing Moon, Menzoberranzan, Shadows of Cairn, System Shock, Ecstatica and Death Gate.

The White Wolf EAC[]

By Annie Schultz. Bang for Your Buck.

Capsule Reviews[]

Reviews of Champions: An Eye for an Eye, Earthdawn: Terror in the Skies, Mutant Chronicles: The Freelancer's Handbook/Game Master's Screen, Rifts Mercenaries, Star Wars Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters, and Terror T.R.A.X..

Miniatures reviews: Acropolis Science Fiction Miniatures and Shatterzone Minatures.

Play-By-Mail Reviews: Centurion, Lords of Destiny 2nd Edition and World War IV Third Edition.

Graffiti: Comic[]

By Doug Wheeler, Leif Jones and Dan Schaefer. Check out part one of our newest four-part comic. Who is Graffiti, and why is his art "to die for"? Also lettering by Aileen E. Miles and coloring by Larry Snelly.

Top Twenty Games List[]

March 1995:[]

On the Horizon[]

  • Out of Character by James A. Moore. Jim talks to Harlan Ellison.
  • Tank Girl's Chums: The Aborigines by Angel Leigh McCoy
  • Croatan Tribebook by Bill Bridges. This month marks the release of Croatan Song, White Wolf's graphic novel about the death of a werewolf tribe. This article makes all of its pretty pictures useful in your Werewolf game.
  • Pit Fighting by Graeme Davis.
  • The 1994 Wolife Awards.
  • The Jail of Night by Paul Beakley.
  • Feature Review: Psychosis by Cullen Bunn.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


Previous book:
WW: White Wolf Inphobia 54
White Wolf Magazine
White Wolf Magazine Issues
Next book:
WW: White Wolf Inphobia 56

