White Wolf Wiki

White Wolf Inphobia #53 was published in March 1995.


List of White Wolf Ads:[]

Rage CCG (Pg. 1)[]

Coming May 5th from White Wolf Game Studio. Displays a different design layout of a character card (Sofya Softkiller) before the final release.

Ice Hockey in Hell (Pg. 11)[]

White Wolf Inphobia is online!

White Wolf Fiction Ad (Pg. 42-43)[]

Delve Deeper Into Your Fear

White Wolf Ad for Technocracy: New World Order (Pg. 68)[]

Coming March from White Wolf Game Studio.

Shirts Pins Book Attitude White Wolf Ad (Pg. 69)[]


By Ken Cliffe. Discussion of CCGs, such as Magic and Jyhad, with the soon to be released Rage from White Wolf.

Calling All Britons[]

"You're at the newsstand and you've picked up this magazine, but what the hell is it about? This is White Wolf Inphobia, a cheesy rag devoted to playing games - from board to roleplaying to card to war to computer - and fan culture in general. What's "fan culture?" It consists of the cool people (maybe weird to you) who are into everything freaky from comics to cult movies and Industrial music to collectible cards.

Why does there need to be a magazine about all that stuff. 'Cause a lot of "cool" stuff that comes out is really crap, and someone needs to spread the word. In these pages we champion what's fun and slam on what sucks.

Give this issue a try. We think you'll want to be standing here next month."

From the Pack[]

Letters From Our Readers.

Industry Wired[]

By Teeuwynn.

Going to the Devil[]

"Late last year, Minister James Horning, a Pennsylvania fundamentalist activist declared Werewolf: The Apocalypse an "evil, Satanic influence." Minister Horning has been urging his Christian brethren to take action against a local game store, Dragonfire Comics, Games and Hobbies [Everything old is new again.]

Fortunately for White Wolf fans everywhere, the folks at WW have managed to hold their evil cackling and maniacal glee in check long enough to put out a few new releases! Lined up for Mage is Technocracy: New World Order. Sea of Shadows, the Tempest sourcebook, is ready for Wraith: The Oblivion, and DC By Night, a Vampire: The Masquerade citybook, spotlights our nation's capitol."

Howling at the Moon[]

Responses to "The Power to Create by Reverend David C. Hicks" in White Wolf Inphobia #52 by John Hagen and Chad Wyman.

Beyond the Parents' Basement[]

By Chris McCubbin. Chris responds back to Harlan Ellison.

Interactive Toolkit 3[]

By Christopher Kubasik, Art by James Daly. In his ongoing exploration of roleplaying, Chris shows us the way to truly rewarding characters. inning doesn't necessarily mean surviving.

Wanted by Cracken ..Update[]

By Timothy D. Jacques, Art by Mike Chaney. The Empire has fallen, but the Republic's problems have only begun. Here are two troublemakers for characters to look for, but once they've caught 'em, they may not want 'em.

Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh[]

By John Scott Lewinski. There's a new Candyman movie out this month and we've got a scoop or two on it. Will it lose its flavor after a minute in your mouth or provide real chewing satisfaction?

The Brain Thief[]

By Joe Williams & Kathleen Williams, Art by Steve Bryant. Check out this complete adventure for Khaotic, the new and probably only schizophrenic roleplaying game. The story is written by the game's authors.

We've Been Run Out of Town[]

"White Wolf is moving its office. Once upon a time we resided in majestic Stone Mountain, GA. Now we're in bigger and less personal digs - we even have our own bullpen, forcing people to live and work like cattle.

Here's our new address: (Clarkston, GA)

Send all submissions, subscription cards, lovely compliments and condolences here."

Out of Character[]

By James A. Moore. This time Jim talks to Matt Costello, designer of 7th Guest and author of a bunch of novels and roleplaying books. Matt ears a lot of hats and lends one to Jim to help him write up this interview. Interviewee: Matt Costello.

Beyond The Pale[]

By Ralph Murat Young, Art by Erin Dixon. A death cult seeks to bless all the living with Oblivion. You're a wraith and already dead, and even you aren't safe. Find out why in this article for Wraith: The Oblivion.

Monkey Boy: Comix, Zines & Other Cool Crap![]

By Larry Snelly with Chris Staros on Backup. Games are cool, but comics are too. Find out what's new and irritating about comic industry from one of its goober-turned-jaded fanzine writers.

Into the Dark[]

By James Lowder. Column on cheesy, weird and cult movies: The Universal Mummy.

Excerpt of Paint It Black by Nancy A. Collins[]

Vampire fiction is on the come-back, and White Wolf has it: part one of an excerpt from Nancy Collins' latest novel about this cool bloodsucking chick. She's real old, see, and...

From Nancy A. Collins' forthcoming novel Midnight Blue.

The Silicon Dungeon[]

By Jim Trunzo.

Reviews of Magic: The Gathering, Deck Daemon 1.2, CardMaster and The Goldtree Engine: Role Playing Software System.

The White Wolf EAC[]

By Annie Schultz. You Belong in a Zoo.

Capsule Reviews[]

Reviews of AD&D: Planes of Chaos, AD&D: More Spells from Aldernon, Call of Cthulhu: Mysteries of the Worm, Cthulhu's Heirs, Kult: Taroticum, Rifts: Mindwerks, Star Wars Adventure Journal (Volume 1, Issue 1), Star Wars Galxy Guide 4: Alien Races and the Super Deck! CCG.

Kids and Gaming[]

By John Scott Lewinski. Remember what getting into games was like? Maybe you're there now. Well, take a look at what it's like for kids today - captured on videotape, even.

Apocalypse Cow[]

By Christopher Painter. We didn't get enough the first time, so Chris Painter has gone back to his gamma-rayed drawing board and continues the freakish adventures of Cly and the Scrot-man. That's right, it's part two of Apocalypse Cow!

Top Twenty Games List[]

January 1995:[]

On the Horizon[]

  • Next Issue is April and with that comes April's Fools Day.
  • Rage, White Wolf's own collectible card game.
  • So You Wanna Be a Vampire by J. D. Wiker.
  • The Jail of Night by Paul Beakley, a World of Darkness and Kult crossover.
  • The Yanks Are Coming by Jim Parks, an article on Castle Falkenstein.
  • Paint it Black by Nancy Collins, Vampire fiction from Nancy's latest novel.
  • Out of Character by James A. Moore. Jim talks to Mick Garris.
  • The Interactive Toolkit, Part IV, by Christopher Kubasik.
  • At Your Door by Bob McClain.
  • Apocalypse Cow, Part Three, by Chris Painter.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


From "Beyond The Pale By Ralph Murat Young":

  • The White Lady (Malfean)
  • Society of the Pale (Cult/Group)
Previous book:
WW: White Wolf Inphobia 52
White Wolf Magazine
White Wolf Magazine Issues
Next book:
WW: White Wolf Inphobia 54


  1. Quickly re-titled to City of Darkness: Unseen.