White Wolf Inphobia #52 was published in February 1995. Came with Heavy Gear card sheets.
White Wolf Ads:[]
Ice Hockey in Hell (Pg. 12)[]
White Wolf Inphobia is online!
White Wolf Fiction Ad (Pg. 68-69)[]
Delve Deeper Into Your Fear
- Death and Damnation Dec. $4.99
- Vampire Diary: The Embrace Jan. '95 $14.99
- City of Darkness: Bloodshot Mar. '95 $5.99 [1]
- Truth Until Paradox Jan. '95 $4.99
Ad for White Wolf's Rage CCG (Backcover)[]
Coming May 5th from White Wolf Game Studio. Displays a different design layout of a character card (Sofya Softkiller) before the final release.
By Ken Cliffe.
From the Pack[]
Letters From Our Readers.
Industry Wired[]
By Teeuwynn.
On The Move[]
Several artists traded places last autumn (when this column was written)...
In other leapfrogging news, former White Wolf editor Brian Campbell is now on the West Coast with Wizards of..., presiding over Jyhad.
February Fever[]
White Wolf releases the first product in its new Black Dog "mature roleplaying" line! HOL is actually a re-release of Dirt Merchant Games' randy sci-fi RPG, which has its own "unique" slant on gaming. [Look for it in brown paper wrappers everywhere!]
This may be the shortest month of the year, but White Wolf's still long on releases! Due in stores now is Clanbook: Assamite for Vampire. Werewolf ups the ante with two - count 'em, two - tribebooks, giving readers the lowdown on the Fianna and the Get of Fenris. Of course, Mage and Wraith aren't sitting out! Ascension's Right Hand, a sourcebook on consors for Mage, and Love Beyond Death, the book that brings romance to the Shadowlands, are also available! [Does LBD come with a dozen long-stemmed dead roses?]
Times They are a Changeling[]
Ian Lemke moves from overseeing White Wolf's Mind's Eye Theatre line to shepherding an even "wylder" bunch of critters [Wilder than LARPers? Ian, you brave boy!] Yes, Ian is the latest WW Developer. Even as you read this, he's undoubtedly hard at work in the darkest bowels of White Wolf, beginning his work as Changeling developer! [And cackling with mad glees, typical White Wolf staffer that he is.]
Virtual Lore[]
Virtual Lore is here![2] Virtual Lore is a new gaming mag dedicated to dark fantasy and horror roleplaying. Virtual Lore offers 96 pages devoted solely to source material for gamers with a hankerin' for moody and scary games. The quarterly magazine's second issue appeared in stores last month, with the third issue due yo appear in - you guessed it - April! It costs $6.00 per issue. Anyone interested in checking out a copy should contact the CaBil at P.O. or through e-mail.
Howling at the Moon[]
The Power to Create by Reverend David C. Hicks.
Harlan Ellison Responds[]
Back in #50 Chris McCubbin said a few things about author Harlan Ellison. As the header says, he responds here. Keep low and don't raise your head.
Cinema in Lew of Substance[]
By John Scott Lewinski. This issue marks the first installment of our movie scene column. John's a screenwriter, has insidious ties to Hollywood and is a gamer; he'll tell al and from our angle.
Discusses various upcoming movie projects, some which never happened. Such as: Tristar's Godzilla, James Cameron's Spider-Man and a Live Action Gigantor movie.
Beyond the Parents' Basement[]
By Chris McCubbin. Getting it wrong: Movie reviews.
Interactive Toolkit 2[]
By Christopher Kubasik. In his ongoing evaluation of roleplaying. Chris wonders why store-bought adventures suck and offers some solutions.
Fear and Loafing: Wave Your Freak Flag High[]
By Nancy A. Collins.
Doggy Stylin'[]
By Jim Parks, Art by Brian LeBlanc. Think Kindred are sexy? They ain't got nothin' on werewolves! Learn all about love and sex in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Hey, get off my leg!
Sex & Anime[]
By the Staff of Protoculture Addicts. Adult Japanese animation and sex go hand in hand. Find our all he messy details from the writers of one of the following's Canadian fanzines.
Rolemaster Experience: Simplified[]
By Andrew K. Alton, Art by Alex Sheikman. Do you play Rolemaster? Do you have a headache? Let us help with an article on simplifying the game's experience system. We ran it past the folks at I.C.E., and they liked it.
By David Michael Meyers, Art by William Tolman Pace. If there's a glimmer of hope in the World of Darkness, it must be love, right? Wrong. Learn how immortality has a price in this story for Vampire: The Masquerade.
Heavy Gear Fighter: A Rookie's First Fight[]
By Dream Pod 9. The folks at Dream Pod 9 provide us with completely new and unique cards for Heavy Gear Fighter, their mecha card game. Learn how to use these new babies to kick your friends' asses - in a loving way, of coruse.
A Vintage Year for Vampires[]
By Bill Bridges. Vampire movies are all the rage, and our own Bill Bridges watches and reports on one that you may not find at Blockbuster. Jugular Wine is the latest release from independent filmmaker Blair Murphy.
Leaded or Unleaded: Violence in Roleplaying[]
By Steve Hatherley, Art by Ron States. In this month of Love, learn how to downplay violence in your games. Let's make it a kinder, gentler world, 'kay?
The Silicon Dungeon[]
By Jim Trunzo.
Previews of Dark Forces from Lucas Arts, Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager from Strategic Simulations Inc., Bloodbowl from Microleague Interactive Software, Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger from Origin and Menzoberranzan from Strategic Simulations Inc.
Reviews of Alien Legacy and Sabre Team.
By Sam Chupp. White Wolf's Internet Representative offers the lowdown on how to get on the net and what game stuff to look or once you're there. Don't forget that genuine human contact is good, too.
White Wolf Information Sources[]
- Newsgroups: alt.games.whitewolf
Mailing Lists:[]
- Vampire
- Werewolf
- Mage
- Wraith
- Street Fighter
- The Storyteller's Circle
The White Wolf EAC[]
By Annie Schultz. A Recycling "Animal" or Parts is Parts.
I talked to artist Henry Higgenbotham during GenCon '94. If you've picked up a recent White Wolf book, you're probably familiar with his work. Henry designed the death mask for Wraith's The Face of Death, the cover art for Wraith itself and Loom of Fate for Mage, and various covers for FASA. His TSR projects include box covers for Dungeon Master, The Players Survival Guide and Plains of Law for Planescape. Henry has also designed some jacket artwork for the Michael Moorcock Eternal Champion series. Finally, he has designed fetishes and three-dimensional works for Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
Capsule Reviews[]
Reviews of Advanced Third Reich, BattleTech Compendium: The Rules of Warfare, Heavy Gear Fighter: Showdown in the Badlands, Lost Souls: Cemetery Plots, Macho Women with Guns 3rd edition and Superchess.
Miniature Reviews: Elemental Dragons and Julie Guthrie's Fantasy Personalities.
Apocalypse Cow[]
By Christopher Painter. We didn't get enough the first time, so Chris Painter has gone back to his gamma-rayed drawing board and continues the freakish adventures of Cly and the Scrot-man. That's right, it's part one of Apocalypse Cow!
Top Twenty Games List[]
December 1994:[]
- 8. Wizards of the Coast - Jyhad Starter Display
- 12. Wizards of the Coast - Jyhad Booster Display
- 14. White Wolf - Gypsies
- 16. White Wolf - Book of Madness
- 19. White Wolf - Jyhad: The Eternal Struggle
On the Horizon[]
- Chris McCubbin responds back to Harlan Ellison's letter.
- Beyond the Pale by Ralph Murat Young, an article for Wraith: The Oblivion.
- The Brain Thief by Joe Williams & Kathleen Williams, an adventure for Khaotic.
- Paint it Black by Nancy Collins, her latest novel about Vampires.
- Wanted by Cracken: Updates by Timothy D. Jacques.
- Kids and Gaming by John Scott Lewinski.
- Out of Character by James A. Moore. Jim talks to Matt Costello, designer of 7th Guest, author of a bunch of novels and RPG books.
- The Interactive Toolkit Part III by Christopher Kubasik.
- Monkeyboy by Larry Snelly.
- Part Two of Apocalypse Cow by Chris Painter.
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
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