White Wolf Game Studio 1993-94 Catalog is a free catalog by White Wolf.
It lists the following cancelled books/products for Ars Magica (see below): The Medieval Handbook, The Tribunals of Hermes: Stonehenge, The Tribunals of Hermes: Loch Leglean and Dawn of Darkness. Both The Medieval Handbook: Aetas Europa and Lion of the North: Loch Leglean Tribunal were published under Wizards of the Coast when they picked up the license in 1994, but Dawn of Darkness and The Tribunals of Hermes: Stonehenge have never seen the light of day.
What is White Wolf?[]
White Wolf is a company dedicated to redefining roleplaying. Since its birth in 1986, White Wolf has tested the boundaries of gaming, seeking to do what no one else has or dares.
Award winning games like Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse revolutionize roleplaying. They don't simply help you create adventures, they help you tell modern stories of tragedy and personal horror. Today the story is important and games devoted to storytelling are essential. White Wolf seeks to fill that need, with our highly acclaimed Storyteller game system. With it we strive to rekindle the embers of long-forgotten traditions. We seek to revitalize storytelling, once performed around campfire and in medieval court, but since usurped by impersonal print and film.
We seek to help you make your tales of adventure and romance into more than mere roleplaying events, but into the epics they would have been centuries ago. Revolutionary new games like Mage: The Ascension, The Masquerade, and in the future, Wraith and Changeling seek to broaden the horizons of storytelling in a modern age.
What is White Wolf? It's cutting edge. It's revolutionary. It's rebellious. It's the future.
Telling A Story[]
What are the weaknesses of roleplaying? What diminishes your character and breaks down your adventure? You invest a lot of time and creativity into your characters and adventures. Isn't it disappointing that your efforts are rewarded with token treasure and paltry experience points? In traditional roleplaying, your characters gets better with sword and gun, but doesn't grow as an individual.
Somewhere along the line, roleplaying had lost sight of the story. Read any story. It's characters change and grow, they become self-aware and vibrant. They don't simply become better with sword or gun. It's the story that enables character development. It's the story that needs to be reintroduced to roleplaying.
That's what White Wolf seeks to do. We strive to capture the drama, tragedy, pathos, humor and horror that makes a great story. With our Storyteller game system we try to help you create and tell compelling stories. With storytelling games like Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and now Mage: The Ascension and The Masquerade (all set in the World of Darkness), we concentrate on the story itself, as a medium for theme and mood, in which characters realize who they are, not what they can do.
With the Storyteller game system, you can aspire to any narrative achievement, but not on paper nor around a campfire. Your achievements are reached as a group, Storyteller and players contributing to the development of a tale, a story of pain, anguish and revelation.
Mage: The Ascension[]
- Mage: The Ascension
- (4000) $25.00* ISBN 1-56504-065-1
- Mage, the third in the Storyteller Series, is destined to be a hit with players of Vampire and Werewolf, as well as with anyone interested in powerful magicks wielded by magnificent wizards. As a modern mage, you explore the meaning and potential of reality, attempting to shape the future of mankind against terrible adversity. Technomancers, Marauders, Paradox spirits and rogue wizards all seek to impose their own will upon the world and you. Belonging to the World of Darkness, mages may travel far beyond to other realms and dimensions. Theirs is power beyond human and even vampire and werewolf comprehension. The question is, do you control your power or does it control you?
Ars Magica and the Order of Hermes 3rd edition offer insights into the medieval origins of Mage's own Order of Hermes.
- Loom of Fate (4002) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-082-1
- The first story for Mage. Characters find themselves woven into a pattern of tragedy and usury where free will threatens to unravel the very threads of the Tapestry. This first supplement for Mage can be played either independently or as a continuation of the story in the rulebook.
- The Chantry Book (4003) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-084-8
- The character's Chantry can be the center of many stories and provoking events. This book expands dramatically on the information presented in the rules and allows players to create a vibrant, fully-realized Chantry for their mage characters. The effects of every decision are explored, including the decision to place the Chantry in the Umbra or on Earth.
- Mage Screen (4001) $8.00 ISBN 1-56504-081-3
- This Storyteller screen compiles the most important information needed to run Mage and puts it all at your fingertips. At a glance are the powers of the Spheres, rules for Paradox and much, much more.
- Technocracy: The Progenitors (4201) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-083-4 (Is really ISBN 1-56504-111-9 instead)
- Ever since the mage Copernicus changed the entire structure of the universe in 1543, reality has been under the sway of the Technocracy. One of the five Conventions of the Technocracy is the Progenitors, mages who have turned genetic science to their will. Mortals look forward to the day when genetic engineering is possible. For The Progenitors, that's living in the past. This sourcebook takes a closer look at these mages as it explores their motivations, organization and special powers.
- Michael Kaluta Mage Portfolio (4400) $19.95 ISBN 1-56504-090-2
- A collection of over-sized black-and-white pin-ups, depicting the Traditions and ways of mages, from one of comics' most famous artists.
- Digital Web (4004) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-091-0 (Is really ISBN 1-56504-106-2 instead)
- Enter the cyber-Realms of the Net, a techno-magical construct where the hacker mage is god and reality is measured in megabytes. Here, the Virtual Adepts and the Technocracy wage a covert war among the cornerstones of the Information Age, where Paradox is suspended and no secret is safe for long... Includes a detailed background setting for the Net and four scenarios in the cyber-Realm.
The villainous Haight, from the pages of Werewolf's Valkenburg Foundation, endangers mages' lives and realities in The Chantry Book.
*All prices are suggested U.S. retail
Ad for Wraith[]
- The Storytelling Game of Death and Damnation
- The 4th in the Storyteller System
- Coming in Summer 1994
Blood Pit (8000) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-097-X[]
Blood Pit is the game of gladiatorial combat played by electronic mail. Each turn you manage five warriors who enter into individual or team fights against warriors of other managers. You choose strategies for your warriors and direct their training program so they'll get better and avoid permanent injuries.
To enter the Blood Pit just send $10 to White Wolf Connect. We'll send you everything you need to get started, including a rulebook and computer disk. The price also covers ten free turns by electronic mail (a value of $10). Turns thereafter are only $1. That pays for all five warriors on your team. All you need is an IBM computer, a modem and a fighting spirt.
- White Wolf Connect
- (***) ***-**** (data only)
- 14.4K V.32BIS, 8/N/I, 24 hours
The Masquerade (5000) $35.00 ISBN 1-56504-067-8[]
Very few games seek to redefine the conventions of roleplaying, but The Masquerade is one that does just that, no holds barred. As the name suggests, this is a spin off from Vampire, being set in the same World of Darkness, but is a game all to itself. There's no table nor dice involved in The Masquerade. In this live-action roleplaying game, you assume the role of your character as soon as you step through the door, enacting every action, movement and gesture. For the purposes of the game, you are your character. You are the vampire.
The Masquerade boxed set includes everything you need to play, including volumous Character and Story Books, a full-length story, a copy of Book of the Damned, an ankh necklace to signify your Kindred existence, cards, and "blood capsules" for that extra touch of realism.
The Masquerade is truly a new direction in roleplaying, one that will captivate both players of Vampire and newcomers to the World of Darkness.
Vampire's Book of Nod tells of the birth of vampires and may be used as an actual prop in your Masquerade games.
- The Players Kit (5002) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-092-9
- This package for players of Mind's Eye Theatre provides further rules, tricks and tools for vampires. Now more than ever, the fate of the story is in your hands.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse[]
Werewolf: The Apocalypse (3000) $20.00 ISBN 1-56504-027-9
The forces of creation and destruction clash in this storytelling game of Savage Horror. Gaia, the earth mother, is wounded. The minions of the Wyrm eat away at Her, digging up the earth and rending Her form. Gaia cries for aid and Her children - the Garou, the werewolves of legend - answer the call. The Garou must use all their shapeshifting power and Rage to fight back against the onslaught of corruption and evil.
The end is nigh, for the Wyrm is winning. The 13 Tribes of the Garou must learn to put aside their own rivalries for the greater good. Only courage and valiant action can save the world from Apocalypse
How can werewolves wreck havok upon the world of their enemy, the vampires? See Under A Blood Red Moon, Dark Alliance: Vancouver and Vampire's Chicago By Night 2nd edition.
- Rite of Passage (3002) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-036-8
- From the wilds of Central Park in Manhattan to the depths of the Northwest Territories, this introductory adventure thrusts the players; characters into their first challenge as Garou. Can they survive the assaults of blizzards, enraged Garou and evil Banes to prevent the Black Spiral Dancers' dark plot from hatching?
- Werewolf Screen (3001) $8.00 ISBN 1-56504-035-X
- A Storyteller screen with all the charts and tables needed to run Werewolf. Also includes an insert with details on Umbra combat, including new Gifts and rules for binding spirits into fetishes or Talens.
- Rage Across New York (3100) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-040-6
- The Wyrm has its talons firmly embedded in the Empire State. The Garou must do their best to survive in a world of corruption and evil. A Chronicle setting for Werewolf, detailing the people and places of New York. Includes a battle map and cut-out figures for detailed combats.
- Ways of the Wolf (3050) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-044-9
- In the deep wilderness, the wolves still howl. The lupus Garou answer tat call. The werewolfs of feral stock are quite different from their Homid brothers. The wilderness is their domain, where they can run free on four-legs and howl their ecstasy and rage to the moon. A sourcebook on the Lupus-Garou, the werewolves born of wolf stock, including information on wolf behavior and hints on how to play a feral werewolf, including sample characters.
- Book of the Wyrm (3200) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-041-4
- The Wyrm's minions ae spread across many worlds, both Realm ad Umbra. Their faces and tactics are legion. This sourcebook provides information about many of the Wyrm's allies, from Banes to Black Spiral Dancers. For use in any Werewolf Chronicle. Detailed statistics for a plethora of Wyrm monsters.
- Valkenburg Foundation (3101) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-047-3
- The Garou cannot recover every cub. Those that suffer the First Change without the support of their tribe are lost. These Lunatics run alone in a cruel world of madness - until the Valkenburg Foundation steps in. The characters are recruited to become the Questing Pack and hunt down lost cubs, those who endanger themselves and the Veil with their madness. But, something cats a shadow on the Foundation. Can the Pack recognize the danger within and avert it in time? Valkenburg Foundation is a story supplement which includes five stories designed to be run in chronological order.
- Under a Blood Red Moon (3102) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-049-X
- The Garou are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore - it's time to rage against the Damned! A Vampire/Werewolf crossover, this supplement provides a story wherein Garou characters can destroy Chicago, or vampire characters can try to save their necks during the Garou assault. Includes rules for that mot loathsome of beings, the vampire Garou, those werewolves who have been Embraced into the world of the Damned. (Under A Blood Red Moon coincides with Chicago By Night, 2nd edition.)
- Werewolf Players Guide (3202) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-057-0
- A book teeming with new information on the Garou: pack structure, moots and the mysteries of each tribe. The other shapechangers are introduced, from the allied wereravens to the hostile werecats. Includes: new Gifts, Rites, Fetishes, Talens and Totems. Also, new character Traits, such as Merits and Flaws and essays on storytelling in the game of Savage Horror.
- Drums Around the Fire (3400) $8.00 ISBN 1-56504-058-9
- A tradeback anthology of new "Legends of the Garou" stories, including many of the more popular hero tales and yarns told around the fire to scare the pups. From heroic tales of Glory, Honor and Wisdom to a dark sage of the Black Spiral Dancers, these stories enrich the mythic tapestry of Garou culture.
- Rage Across the Amazon (3104) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-061-9
- A Chronicle book detailing the Amazon War, the Garou's guerilla war against Pentex Inc. in South American rainforests. Besides armies of Pentex marauders, the Garou must face the wrath of the native werejaguars - for old hatreds die hard. The Amazon is an important battlefield in the war against the Wyrm's corruption; victory or failure here will greatly decide the fate of other natural sites. Includes extensive encounters and maps for the battlefields of the jungle war.
The chronicle of Samuel Haight, begun in Valkenburg Foundation, continues in Rage Across The Amazon.
- Dark Alliance: Vancouver (3103) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-059-7
- A Vampire/Werewolf crossover. A Chronicle book detailing the people, places and plots around Vancouver, a hotbed of Garou and Kindred unrest. The Vancouver Compact is threatened - war between the Kindred and Garou is imminent. The players, both vampire and werewolf, must work together to stop the Wyrm from destroying a decades-old peace. Includes a new vampiric bloodline: clan Bushi from Japan.
- Umbra: The Velvet Shadow (3204) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-076-7
- The sourcebook on the Umbra, the spirit realm where many battles of the Apocalyse are fought. This book details its denizens and Realms, from the awesome Celestines to the hell-pits of the Inferno. Expanded information on traveling in the Umbra and the odd encounters to be had here.
- Caerns: Places of Power (3201) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-066-X
- A sourcebook detailing the sacred sites of the Garou, those places where the Gauntlet is weak and the spirit world is just a "sideways" step away. Includes complete information on many caerns around the world, including the living caern of the insidious Black Spiral Dancers.
- Rage Across Russia (3105) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-077-5
- The Iron Curtain has fallen but a more dread curtain has risen to engulf Russia. A spiritual blight spreads over the land, extinguishing all magic in its path. As their caerns die out, the Garou must stop the blight before it destroys their last strongholds. A Chronicle book detailing the dark plots in the Mother Land ad the shadowy evil behind them.
- Black Furies Tribebook (3051) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-093-7
- The first of the Werewolf Tribebooks kicks off with a look at the Black Furies: their legends, history and ways. Includes a 7-page comic book and five character templates. Heavily illustrated.
- Bone Gnawers Tribebook (3052) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-094-5
- The second Tribebook looks at the Bone Gnawers their eclectic history, legends and behavior. Includes a 7-page comic book and five character templates. Heavily illustrated.
Vampire: The Masquerade[]
Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Edition (2002) $25.00 ISBN 1-56504-029-5
Seize the night in the storytelling game of personal horror. The vampires live their unlives in a world of deadly archons and treacherous Tremere, where ancient Inconnu play their games against a backdrop of horrid diablerie. Into this maelstrom come the neonates, striving against all odds to maintain both their freedom and their souls.
The storytelling game of Vampire has already fascinated thousands of gamers and provides the anchor for the entire Storyteller series. Winner of the 1991 GAMA Origins award for best roleplaying game and the 1992 Casus Belli trophy for premier roleplaying game. Hardcover.
- Storyteller’s Screen 2nd edition (2003) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-055-4
- The Vampire screen comes complete with a 16-page collection of classic character archetypes that may appear anywhere in your Chronicle.
- The Storytellers Handbook (2222) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-024-4
- This major reference work is ideal for anyone who plays Vampire. It includes new rules, greatly expanded sections on enemies and a cornucopia of ways to expand and improve your Chronicle.
- The Hunters Hunted (2205) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-020-1
- A complete catalog of all those who seek to kill or control the Undead, including their methods, motivations and secret agendas.
- Milwaukee by Night (2202) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-017-1
- This sourcebook details the inhabitants of Chicago’s northern neighbor, and provides Storytellers with additional information on involving Lupines in Vampire.
- Alien Hunger (2100) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-015-5
- In the midst of the Rocky Mountains, an ancient plot transforms mortals into Vampires, pawns of a greater power. This Jump Start kit is subtitled “Denver by Night”, as it provides information about the Kindred politics of the Mile High City.
- Blood Bond (2103) $8.00 ISBN 1-56504-002-3
- The tie that binds is the tie that kills! This story supplement explores the horrible consequences of the most passionate relationship possible between Kindred.
- The Succubus Club (2104) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-011-2
- This supplement details, from top to bottom, the major hangout of the Anarchs in Chicago. Six stories set in and around the club are included.
- Awakening: Diablerie Mexico (2005) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-018-X
- This fully illustrated adventure takes the characters deep into the heart of Mexico, where the ancient evil awaits in a decayed temple.
- A World of Darkness (2220) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-019-8
- There is far more to the Gothic-Punk world than anyone dares imagine. Learn the dark secrets of Russia, the Far East and other deadly lands.
- A World of Darkness: Mummy (2221) $13.00 ISBN 1-56504-026-0
- From the depths of Ancient Egypt rise the ever-dying: the tortured Mummies. This sourcebook comes with a complete adventure which can spin off into an entire Chronicle.
- Who’s Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition (2250) $16.00 ISBN 1-56504-039-2
- From the flames of the Inquisition sprang the two warring factions of the Undead – the Camarilla and the infamous Sabbat. This first 9” x 12” portrait book details those Vampires who came of age during this time of horror, including Vlad Tepes himself and the rise of the Tremere.
- A Players Guide to the Sabbat (2055) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-042-2
- The most feared Undead organization in existence, the Sabbat is the primary foe of Vampire players. This book provides extensive information on this terrible sect, including history, new clans, and rules for running one of the Sabbat.
- The Anarch Cookbook (2207) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-048-1
- The ultimate how-to book for the undead. Learn everything you need to know about surviving and prospering in a world of vampire princes, cunning primogens and unending jyhads. Overthrow the rulers, unshackle your chains and free the downtrodden - all in one book. A sourcebook for players and Storytellers alike.
- Clanbook: Brujah (2051) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-032-5 (Is really ISBN 1-56504-038-4 instead)
- The first in a series of supplements detailing all the clans, Clan Book: Brujah provides needed information about the violent Brujah. Intellectuals and anarchists, gang leaders ad visionaries all fit into this most frenzied of breeds. Not only will this book include clan history, leaders and legends, but substantial information is included on how to roleplay one of these characters. Useful for Players and Storytellers alike.
- Clanbook: Gangrel (2052) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-046-5
- Number two in the clan series, this sourcebook brings life to the deadly shapeshifters of vampiric lore. These wanderers and outlanders are both hated and feared by their Kindred, and for good reason. Includes character templates, clan traditions, new traits and more.
- Book of the Damned (5001) $5.95 ISBN 1-56504-068-6
- Designed as both a handy resource for current players and an introduction for newcomers, this softbound trade-sized book presents information about the Gothic-Punk world of Vampire. The book contains a mixture of new material and important information summarized from the rulebook.
- Chicago by Night 2nd edition (2203) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-051-1
- A sourcebook for one of the most active cities in Kindred society, this is all you need to submerge your characters in the evil, intrigue and action that underlies shadowy Chicago. this revised edition provides all-new information on the war with the Garou.
Werewolf's Under A Blood Red Moon is the companion book to Chicago By Night 2nd edition.
- The Vampire Players Guide 2nd Edition (2206) $22.00 ISBN 1-56504-053-8
- This revised book of character information introduces new clans, bloodlines, Disciplines, rituals, abilities, archetypes and more. Boost your chronicle's roleplaying with Merits and Flaws. Increase the intrigue with expanded descriptions of the clans and prestation. Up the body count with new weapons ranging from swordcanes to howitzers.
- The second edition gives you even more. It includes additional bloodlines, Disciplines and systems for playing mortals or, on the other extreme, characters with no Humanity. Finally, all-new essays on roleplaying help round out this invaluable players aid. Hardcover.
- The Sabbat Storytellers Handbook (2225) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-045-6 (Is really ISBN 1-56504-054-6 instead)
- A Players Guide To The Sabbat introduced this deadly sect. The Sabbat Storytellers Handbook takes the gloves off, revealing the truth about this horrendous organization. From its ghoul families to its inner politics to its demonic ties, everything a Storyteller needs in included within these pages.
The diabolical return of Werewolf's Samuel Haight, from Valkenburg Foundation, occurs in The Sabbat Storyteller's Handbook.
- Clanbook: Malkavian (2053) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-052-X
- Touched by the divine. On the fine edge of sanity and madness. A crazed bunch of loons who should be lined up and shot. All these and more have been used to describe the Malkavians, who add more spice and excitement to Vampire than anyone else. Now, Clanbook: Malkavian presents this special clan in all its demented glory.
- Clanbook: Nosferatu (2054) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-064-3
- The Beast which hides within most vampires appears on these Kindred in all its vileness. Horrifying ugly and relegated to the sewers and darkness by their beautiful brethren, these undead have created an entire world under that of mortals. They play their own dark games, both more grotesque and beautiful than those of other vampires.
- Dark Colony (2212) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-056-2
- New England: legendary home of witches, ghosts, eldritch monsters - and some of the most brutal vampires in existence. The region has been invaded once more. Now there is a third power added to the great Camarilla-Sabbat war. Can the characters defeat these ancient Kindred, or will they become pawns?
- Book of Nod (2251) $8.95 ISBN 1-56504-078-3
- The secrets of the Kindred have remained a mystery for centuries, even to vampires themselves. However, legend claims a book records the birth of the undead - the Book Of Nod. This pocket-sized book, which may be used as a game prop, offers invaluable insight into the origins of vampires for players of Vampire, Werewolf, Mage and The Masquerade.
- Diablerie: Britain (2010) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-074-0
- The second story in the Diablerie series, this one introduces players to Blood Justice - the way vampires treat those who feat on their Kindred. It also takes them to England, where they learn the true horrors of diablerie.
- Berlin by Night (2214) $15.00 ISBN 1-56504-075-9
- The mortals of this divided city have been reunited, but not so the undead. Two princes claim one of Europe's most important cities, and their wall will not fall so easily. They carry out their own war as storm clouds gather to the east.
- Clanbook: Toreador (2056) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-095-3
- With one foot in the world of the undead and one in the world of mortals, the Toreador enjoy the best (and worst) of both worlds. Their unique perspective lets thm see what is hidden from other vampires - much to their misfortune.
- New Orleans by Night (2209) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-096-1
- No city speaks more deeply to the heart of the vampire than fabled New Orleans. They flock here in droves, touring, feeding and sometimes surviving. New Orleans is not safe for kindred or kine. They city's frenzied festivals are often just a cover for intense desperation. None fell it more than the Damned.
- Into this crazed mix of kindred, witch-hunters, mages, werewolves, werealligators and Setites comes Samuel Haight, continuing his insane quest for power. Will the characters stop him - or gladly come to his aid?
- Tim Bradstreet Vampire Portfolio (2252) $20.00 ISBN 1-56504-079-1
- A collection of magnificent over-sized illustrations from the original Vampire artist, depicting the harsh, cruel and romantic character of the World of Darkness.
Ars Magica[]
Ars Magica 3rd Edition (203) $25.00 ISBN 1-56504-021-X
The ultimate game of medieval magic. The mystical Order of Hermes, born after the fall of Rome but descended from more ancient magical traditions, quietly thrives in the midst of an ignorant feudal world. Mighty wizards work their art in an effort to gain insights into the truths of reality, or simply to gain power over mundanes. Beware, threat of Church, faerie, sword and the Infernal looms on all sides.
Ars Magica's award winning magic system has been billed as one of the most elegant in roleplaying. Found here are the origins of Vampire's Tremere and Mage's Order of Hermes.
What happens to the Order of Hermes in modern times? Look to Mage to find out.
- Parma Fabula (204) $10.00 ISBN 1-56504-023-6
- The storyguide screen for Ars Magica which contains character sheets and grimoire pads.
- Mistridge (902) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-022-8
- This art-intensive story supplement for Ars Magica brings to life the famous Mistridge covenant of the Mythic Europe setting.
- Deadly Legacy (811) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-025-2
- In this story supplement, a dangerous noble lures your young covenant across Mythic Europe in pursuit of an ancient legend and priceless treasures. Beware those who seek the same goal...
- Mythic Europe (600) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-028-7
- This invaluable Saga supplement details Mythic Europe, the world of Ars Magica, in all the grandeur and romance that medieval Europe demands, including a full-color map of the realm. No troupe should be without this sourcebook.
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream (500) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-033-3
- Crusading warriors and angry faerie powers attack your young Covenant. If you can weather their assault and learn the mystery of the terrible Captain Hagen, you might survive to see the Summer Season. This story supplement details the first section of the acclaimed Four Season Tetralogy.
- The Maleficium (1019) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-034-1
- A stunning book filled with surreal illustrations, this long-awaited Ars Magica 3rd Edition supplement depicts the Infernal Realm of Mythic Europe.
- The Hidden Paths: Shamans (250) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-037-6
- With this vital Ars Magica 3rd Edition supplement, players and Storyguides are finally able to create shamans – wizards and spirit masters who stand outside the Order of Hermes. All of the rules for shaman character creation are included, as is in-depth background information on the animistic tradition.
- Pax Dei (1021) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-043-0
- The companion to Maleficium provides players of Ars Magica 3rd Edition with previously unknown lore about the Divine Realm.
- Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia (750) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-045-7
- The first in a series of Tribunal books, this much needed supplement explores the Spanish society of the Order of Hermes, that of Iberia. This book is essential for Sagas set in Western Europe, and is a must for both players and Storyguides.
- The Wizard’s Grimoire (660) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-063-5
- Presented in this great work are glorious spells, strange magical items, enigmatic lore and insightful magical advice collected from the notes, libraries and sanctums of Magi from all over Mythic Europe. No longer is your magical education limited to own paltry arcane facilities. Now the learning of powerful and strange Magi is yours to wield. No player of Ars Magica should be without this volume of new magical powers, trappings and game ideas.
- Tribunals of Hermes: Rome (751) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-050-3
- This lavishly illustrated sourcebook delves into the dynamic and dangerous Tribunal of Rome, where merchants and wizards mingle in crowed streets, and intrigue threatens life and limb at every turn. Players who intend to explore the realms of Mythic Europe should not be without this second book in the Tribunal series.
- Twelfth Night (503) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-069-4
- The dramatic part four of the Four Seasons tetralogy. This epic Saga supplement allows characters to stage the death of their own Winter Covenant to renew the cycle of life, bringing about rebirth into Spring. This book of transformation is ideal for ending old and beginning new Sagas.
- The Medieval Handbook (1500) $20.00 ISBN 1-56504-071-6
- A map of medieval Europe shows the lay of the land, but what were the world's people like? This lavishly illustrated book explores the society, culture and lifestyle of Mythic Europe's citizens, from the lowest serf to the highest noble. This informative volume is useful for all fantasy roleplayers, delves into medieval society's relations with the Order of Hermes, specifically making this book for all Ars Magica players.
- The Tribunals of Hermes: Stonehenge (752) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-072-4
- Picking up where Mythic Europe leaves off, this book explores the territories of Mythic Europe's Stonehenge Tribunal. Now you can travel England's every reach, meeting its every wild, corrupt, and deluded Magus. What legends of England are true? What part do her wizards play in the future of the Order of Hermes? Now you may find out in this latest installment in the ongoing Tribunal series.
- The Tribunals of Hermes: Loch Leglean (753) $12.00 ISBN 1-56504-073-2
- Scotland has always been a land of mists, mystery and magic. Now you may unlock its secrets with the latest in the Order of Hermes Tribunal series. With this book you can set your Covenant in a richly detailed land of adventure, or may use the book for fantastic travels throughout the highlands, meeting barbaric and faerie Magi alike. And jut what is the beast within the loch?
- Dawn of Darkness (601) $18.00 ISBN 1-56504-070-8
- At long last the truth behind mysterious House Diedne is revealed. What terrible secrets lay at the House’s destruction centuries ago? What terrible evil have the House’s survivors been brewing? What horrible revenge waits to be sprung upon an unsuspecting Order of Hermes? This long-awaited supplement answers all these questions and may change the very direction of your Ars Magica Saga.
Second Edition Books[]
The following books are designed for Ars Magica 2nd edition, but are fully compatible with the 3rd edition.
- Covenants (1010) $10.95 ISBN 1-56504-005-8
- The Order of Hermes
- (1020) $14.95
ISBN 1-56504-009-0(Really had no ISBN to speak of) - The Stormrider (0802) $9.95 ISBN 0-96277-903-2
- Faeries: A Complete Handbook of the Seelie
- (1015) $17.95 ISBN 0-96277-905-9
- Medieval Bestiary
- (1017) $14.95 ISBN 1-56504-009-0
- Mythic Places (1016)
- $9.95 ISBN 1-56504-014-7
- More Mythic Places
- (1018) $9.95 ISBN 1-56504-016-3
- A Winter’s Tale
- (0502) $12.95 ISBN 1-56504-001-5
- Pact of Pasaquine (0812) $12.95 ISBN 0-96277-908-3
- Black Death (0813) $12.95 ISBN 1-56504-013-9
Where does the Tremere's dabbling in undeath lead them? Vampire spells the wizards' fate.
Tales From The Pack[]
Due to popular demand, White Wolf is releasing a line of fiction novels set in the desperate and dangerous World of Darkness. Not only do these tales of terror and tragedy offer new insight into a different world, but they be integrated into your Chronicle, adding color and depth to the stories you tell.
These first three anthologies introduce characters both within and around the city of San Francisco. The first, devoted to Vampire, includes stories by recognized vampire authors such as S.P. Somtow (author of Vampire Junction and Valentine). The second book is a collection of Werewolf tales that will explore the Bay Area beyond the urban setting of San Francisco. The third in the series is one of the first forays into the world of Mage, exploring that game's strange realm of wizards and modern magick.
Look for these anthologies in game and book stores near you.
- The Beast Within (11001) $4.99 ISBN 1-56504-086-4
- Prince Vannevar Thomas rules San Francisco, Casablanca of the Kindred world, but must deal with unruly anarchs, plotting primogen, devious hunters and ignorant neonates. Stories by S.P. Somtow, Matthew Costello, Lois Tilton, Lawrence Watt-Evans and others.
- When Will You Rage (11002) $4.99 ISBN 1-56504-087-2
- Outside the urban Bay Area are the redwood forests. These places are not marshalled by mortal law, but by the Garou, the werewolves of Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Do even the Uktena of the Sept of the Western Eye fully understand the Cataclysm they claim to control? And what is Sam Haight doing on the West Coast?
- Truth Until Paradox (11003) $4.99 ISBN 1-56504-088-0
- Dire portents look for San Francisco. The recent earthquake (in The Beast Within) may not have been an entirely natural phenomena. Mages, the subject of Mage: The Ascension, who know what's going on have gathered to take advantage of the situation. Those who don't comprehend arrive to investigate.
More Anthologies[]
Beginning in March 1994, White Wolf will also release anthologies of high quality fiction not related to the World of Darkness. The first such anthologies are titled Borderlands, a series Locus has said is "very much the dark fantasy series to follow." Borderlands 3 will be printed for the first time as a mass market paperback in March. Edited by Tom Monteleone, it includes stories by Andrew Vachss, Poppy Z. Brite, Kathe Koja, Whitley Strieber, and others.
New paperback editions of Borderlands and Borderlands 2 appear in May. These anthologies feature stories by Harlan Ellison, Karl Edward Wagner, Joe R. Lansdale, F. Paul Wilson and many other notable authors.
Borderlands 4 is scheduled for publication in September.
- Borderlands (11801) $4.99 ISBN 1-56504-107-0
- Borderlands 2 (11802) $4.99 ISBN 1-56504-108-9
- Borderlands 3 (11803) $4.99 ISBN 1-56504-109-7
- Borderlands 4 (11804) $4.99 ISBN 1-56504-110-0
- All edited by Tom Monteleone.
White Wolf Magazine[]
- White Wolf Magazine ISBN 9-93797-720-7
- $3.50 an issue, $24.00 for a 12-issue subscription
- Two-time winner of the Origins Award for best professional roleplaying magazine, White Wolf Magazine has for years been a mainstay among thousands of gamers. In its pages are contained articles and adventures, reviews and previews, and coverage of games both big and small. With a brand-new look, including color interiors, new hard core, controversial and topical themes, but many of its already popular columns - including “Capsule Reviews” and “The Silicon Dungeon” - White Wolf Magazine will always be the industry’s leading independent publication.
- And now you can enjoy White Wolf twice as much as before. In 1994 White Wolf magazine goes monthly. That’s 12 issues a year to read and collect.
Also Available From White Wolf:[]
- White Wolf Adventures
- (1002) $9.95 ISBN 0-96277-904-0
- An anthology of some of the best adventures from the pages of White Wolf Magazine. These seven adventures are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying system.
- Campaign Book (1001) $7.95 ISBN 0-96277-900-8
- This generic fantasy roleplaying supplement provides enough information on six fascinating campaign settings to run at least six adventures in each. That’s thirty-six adventures in a single product!
- The Challenge (1101) $10.00
- ISBN 1-56504-008-2
- A fast-paced, down-and-dirty brawl, this boxed card strategy game pits you against friends and enemies alike – only the strong will survive!
- Story Paths (0110 & 0111)
- $4.95 ISBN 0-96277-901-6 & ISBN 0-96277-902-4
- Story Path cards – The Path of Horror and The Path of Intrigue – are used by player and Storyteller alike to take control of or add spontaneity to any game, taking stories in new and fun directions.
Vampire T-Shirt[]
- L (2500) $15.00
- XL (2501) $18.00
- White on black with art by Tim Bradstreet
Vampire Clan Shirts[]
Seven in all, there’s one shirt for each clan, each adorned with stunning artwork by Tim Bradstreet. Sizes: L and XL
- Brujah (2601) $15.00
- (2602) $18.00
- Gangrel (2604) $15.00
- (2605) $18.00
- Malkavian (2607) $15.00
- (2608) $18.00
- Nosferatu (2610) $15.00
- (2611) $18.00
- Toreador (2613) $15.00
- (2614) $18.00
- Tremere (2616) $15.00
- (2617) $18.00
- Ventrue (2619) $15.00
- (2620) $18.00
Vampire Clan Pins[]
Seven in all, there’s one pin for each clan, each adorned with the clan symbols depicted in the Vampire rules and clanbooks. Pins may be purchased separately or in a collection of three of each of the seven clans (for a total of 21 pins), with a decorative backing card.
- Brujah single (2701) $4.95 ISBN 1-56504-099-6
- Gangrel single (2702) $4.95 ISBN 1-56504-000-3
- Malkavian single (2703) $4.95 ISBN 1-56504-101-1
- Nosferatu single (2704) $4.95 ISBN 1-56504-102-X
- Toreador single (2705) $4.95 ISBN 1-56504-103-8
- Tremere single (2706) $4.95 ISBN 1-56504-104-6
- Ventrue single (2707) $4.95 ISBN 1-56504-105-4
- Set of 21 (2700) $100.00 ISBN 1-56504-098-8
Werewolf T-Shirt[]
- L (3500) $15.00
- XL (3501) $18.00
- White on black with art by Tony Harris
Mage T-Shirt[]
- L (4500) $15.00
- XL (4501) $18.00
- White on black artwork of high wizardry, by Michael Kaluta
White Wolf Product List[]
These Items Are Available To Your Local Game Or Hobby Store, Please Use This Form As An Order List For That Store. We Are Proud Of Every Item In This Catalog And Would Like To Make Each Product Available To You, Our Customers. If For Some Reason Your Store Cannot Get A Particular Item, Feel Free To Place Your Order Directly To White Wolf At *-***-***-****, Or Write To Us At The Address Below. To Further Support Retail Stores, We Cannot Ship Mail Order Product Until Two Weeks After Initial Release.
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