Below are the Gifts available to the White Howlers tribe.
(See also Black Spiral Dancer Gifts)
List of Gifts[]
Revised Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blood-Scent: Part of the White Howlers' reputation as excellent trackers stemmed from Gifts such as this one. The Garou with this Gift finds it childishly easy to track down any human, beast or supernatural being whose blood she has tasted. The Howlers parlayed this Gift into the tactic of letting a wounded enemy escape, only to unerringly track him to his lair and the rest of his clan. Today, the Black Spiral Dancers continue this practice, although without the aid of the Blood-Scent Gift.[1]
- Haunting Howl: One of the howl-Gifts peculiar to the tribe, this eerie cry often echoed across the desolate moors prior to a While Howler raid. In the years since the White Howlers' fall, this cry has become more alien and forlorn.[2]
Level 2[]
- Lion's Bite: Lion's children learned many things from their patron, including some hunting tactics more familiar to big cats than to wolves. The Garou with this Gift gains an unerring ability to bite down on the throat of his prey, choking it unconscious or to death, or even crushing its windpipe as lions do.[3]
- Pain-Strength: The White Howlers were hardy enough to shrug off the effects of pain, but some learned the trick of letting their pain fuel them. The wounds of a White Howler actually gave him strength, allowing him to achieve great feats of might at the cost of his own blood.[4]
Level 3[]
- Blooding Fury: The Fianna often wondered if the White Howlers were the masters of their Rage, or if Rage was the master of the White Howlers. This Gift only added to the Fianna's trepidation. By wounding herself, the Garou is able to tap into a fresh reservoir of Rage, for good or for ill.[5]
- Sense of the Deep: Up until the Fall, Lion's tribe was convinced it was their duty to Gaia to hunt down Her enemies even beneath the surface of the earth. This Gift aided them in their endeavors to fight Wyrm-things in their own burrows. A werewolf with this Gift is at home in a subterranean environment, almost moreso than above ground.[6]
Level 4[]
- Maddening Howl: The supernatural quality of the White Howlers' howls was what gave them their tribal name, to say nothing of their reputation. This howl-Gift represents one of their worst howls, a terrible ululating wail that bends the minds of those who hear it to the breaking point. This is a terribly dangerous Gift for modern-day Garou to use, as only White Howlers are immune to the howl - and there are none of those left.[7]
- Visions of Slaughter: This frightening curse derived from the White Howlers' unusual practices of bonding with the ghosts of slain animals. By marking a person with his spit, blood or other bodily fluids, the werewolf can curse his victim to be haunted with visions of any animal or individual killed by his actions (or inaction). Even animals can be driven to distraction by visions of prey animals that are always within view, but cannot be touched. This Gift is of course of little use against the innocent, but against the soldiers, shapeshifters and vampires that werewolves most commonly face, it has terrible power.[8]
Level 5[]
- Mad Strength: Garou under the spell of this Gift become even more terrifying when they succumb to their Rage. When driven to the breaking point, the werewolf's strength is greatly increased, allowing him to wreak even more destruction on his foes. Werewolves affected by this Gift undergo a bodily change when berserk; their thews bulge and twist in disproportionate ways, giving them an almost monstrous appearance.[9]
- White Fire: This forgotten Gift is the last link to the sacred bone-fires that the White Howlers kept before their Fall and conversion to Balefire. The werewolf can hurl a stream of blinding white fire from his hand, searing the flesh from the bones of his foes.[10]
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blood Scent: A Garou with this Gift finds it easier to track down any human, beast, or supernatural being whose blood she has tasted. Those who possess it often wound an enemy and then use this Gift to track their quarry back to its den. A hound-spirit teaches this Gift.[11]
- Death Sight: As the Silent Strider Gift: Visions of Duat.[12]
- Desperate Strength: As the Bone Gnawer Gift.[13]
- Haunting Howl: One of the howl-Gifts peculiar to the tribe, this eerie cry often echoed across the desolate moors prior to a White Howler raid.[14]
- Primal Anger: As the metis Gift.[15]
- Sense Wyrm: As the metis Gift.[16]
- Shining Sigils: When this Gift is active, glowing sigils representing the Garou's tales of Renown appear upon their skin or pelt. The marks shine a luminescent woad-blue, although each Renown bears its own subtle inflection of color. Glory sigils appear nearly purple where blood-red veining interlaces with the blue marks. Honor's blue sigils gleam with silver and white highlights. Wisdom's marks, on the other hand, are underscored with inky shadows, the cobalt deepening to nearly blue-black. Temporary Renown appears as reinforcing details on the permanent Renown symbols. This gift is taught by a lune spirit.[17]
Level 2[]
- Howls in the Night: As the Galliard Gift.[18]
- Howl of the Banshee: As per the Fianna Gift.[19]
- Lion's Bite: Lion teaches his children many things, including some combat tactics that are more at home amongst the big cats than the canids. Garou with this Gift gains an unerring ability to bite down on the throat of their prey, crushing its windpipe, choking it to unconsciousness, or even strangling it outright. This Gift is taught by avatars of Lion himself.[20]
- Pain-Strength: The White Howlers were hardy enough to shrug off the effects of pain, but some learned the trick of letting their pain fuel them. The wounds of a White Howler actually gave him strength, allowing him to achieve great feats of might at the cost of his own blood.[21]
- Spectral Authority: As the Philodox Gift: Call to Duty, but allows the Garou to command any ghost she knows by their full name. Unlike Call to Duty, this may only be used on a single ghost at one time. This gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.[22]
Level 3[]
- Blooding Fury: Those who fought alongside them often wondered whether the White Howlers were the masters of their Rage, or their Rage was the master of them. This Gift is one of the reasons for that concern. By wounding herself, the Garou is able to tap into a fresh reservoir of Rage. This gift is taught by a fire-spirit.[23]
- Ley Lines: As the Fianna Gift.[24]
- Sense of the Deep: Up until the Fall, Lion's tribe was convinced it was their duty to Gaia to hunt down Her enemies even beneath the surface of the earth. This Gift aided them in their endeavors to fight Wyrm-things in their own burrows.[25]
- Territory: As per the Red Talon Gift, although homid and metis White Howlers can mark a land as their own by carving sigils in stone in the area. Stones marked in this way can be used over and over by the Garou who carved them. The duration remains the same; the werewolf reactivates the gift by adding additional details to the stone in question.[26]
- Waking the Dead: This gift creates a shadowy representation of a fallen individual (human, Kin, or Garou) and allows the werewolf to ask it a few questions. The shade created is neither a ghost nor a spirit, and possesses no knowledge that was not known to the individual before their death. This Gift can only be used once on any given corpse. This Gift is taught by a raven-spirit.[27]
Level 4[]
- Call Elemental: As the Uktena Gift. This Gift was used to create many of the dolman mounds and hilled fortresses used by the Pictish tribes during the White Howler's association with them.[28]
- Collapse the Barrow: In a land plagued with subterranean Wyrm-pits, the ability to destroy the structural integrity of an underground lair was priceless to the White Howlers. By using this gift, the werewolf is able to collapse an earthen or stone structure or tunnel in upon itself, making it much more difficult for it to be re-used for evil purposes. This Gift is taught by a badger-spirit.[29]
- Hero's Stand: As the Get of Fenris Gift.[30]
- Maddening Howl: This howl-Gift represents one of the White Howlers' worst weapons, a terrible ululating wail that bends the minds of those who hear it to the breaking point. Only White Howlers are immune to the howl - even in modern-day settings.[31]
- Visions of Slaughter: This frightening curse comes from the White Howler's practice of bonding with the ghosts of slain animals. By marking a person with his spit, blood, or other bodily fluids, the werewolf can curse his victim to be haunted with visions of any animal or individual killed by his actions (or inaction). Even animals can be driven to distraction by visions of prey animals that are always within view but cannot be touched. This Gift is, of course, of little use against the truly innocent, but against the soldiers, shapeshifters, and vampires that werewolves most commonly face, it has terrible power. This Gift is taught by serpent-spirits.[32]
Level 5[]
- Fog on the Moor: As the Fianna Gift.[33]
- Gaia's Vengeance: As the Red Talons Gift.[34]
- Howl of Healing: The White Howler tribe is closely knit, sharing a bond rivaled by few others. This tie allows them to channel healing in a fashion others can only aspire to. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Lion's brood.[35]
- Mad Strength: The greatest White Howlers were even more terrifying when they succumbed to their Rage. When he is driven to the breaking point, the werewolf's strength is massively increased. Werewolves affected by this Gift undergo a bodily change when berserk; their thews bulge and twist disproportionately, giving them an almost monstrous appearance.[36]
- White Fire: This Gift calls on the sacred bone-fires used by the White Howlers to ensure that the fallen return to the cycle rather than becoming ghosts or worse. By summoning this holy fire, the werewolf can hurl a stream of blinding white flames from his hand, searing the flesh from the bones of his foes. A White Howler ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.[37]
Collapse the Barrow Gift from White Howlers Tribebook. Art by Brian LeBlanc.
Pain-Strength Gift from Past Lives. Art by Jeff Rebner.
- WTA: Past Lives, p. 87-89
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 396-397
- W20: White Howlers Tribebook, p. 65-67
- W20: Auspice Gift Cards (Howls in the Night)
^ Level One
Blood-Scent | Past Lives | p. 87 |
Blood-Scent | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 65 |
Death Sight | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 65 |
Desperate Strength | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 396 |
Haunting Howl | Past Lives | p. 87 |
Haunting Howl | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 396 |
Primal Anger | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Sense Wyrm | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Shining Sigils | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 65 |
^ Level Two
Howls in the Night | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Howl of the Banshee | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 65 |
Lion's Bite | Past Lives | p. 87 |
Lion's Bite | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 65-66 |
Pain-Strength | Past Lives | p. 87-88 |
Pain-Strength | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Spectral Authority | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 66 |
^ Level Three
Blooding Fury | Past Lives | p. 88 |
Blooding Fury | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 66 |
Ley Lines | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Sense of the Deep | Past Lives | p. 88 |
Sense of the Deep | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Territory | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 66 |
Waking the Dead | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 66 |
^ Level Four
Call Elemental | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 66 |
Collapse the Barrow | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 66 |
Hero's Stand | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Maddening Howl | Past Lives | p. 88-89 |
Maddening Howl | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Visions of Slaughter | Past Lives | p. 89 |
Visions of Slaughter | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 66-67 |
^ Level Five
Fog on the Moor | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 67 |
Gaia's Vengeance | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
Howl of Healing | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 67 |
Mad Strength | Past Lives | p. 89 |
Mad Strength | Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition | p. 397 |
White Fire | Past Lives | p. 89 |
White Fire | White Howlers Tribebook | p. 67 |