White Wolf Wiki

Whisperers are the weakest and most common form of akathartos.


Unlike the common view of demons as powerful corruptive forces, Whisperers are only capable of manifesting in much more innocuous forms — a voice, minor coincidences, dreams, discarded writings, and the like. These beings are not capable of direct manipulation so much as nudges and suggestions.

Should a Whisperer manage to gain more power, a goal they all share, then it will acquire a greater foothold in the world. This power is usually acquired via some form of moral violation by a target. These moral violations generally require choice (an evil that was truly necessary is not sufficient), extremity (i.e. a Morality ≤ 5 violation), some harm to a victim, malice, and/or a lack of remorse.

It is worth noting that more powerful akathartoi never lose the subtler capabilities of a Whisperer and are capable of returning to that form for their own purposes.


