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Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Fang And Claw Vol. 2: Call of the Wyld is a graphic novel published by Moonstone.


From DriveThruComics:

"Werewolf The Apocalypse" is about anger over the loss of what the shapeshifting werewolves (the self-named "Garou") hold dearest: Gaia, the earth itself.

Corruption from without and within has caused the destruction not only of the garou's environment, but also of their families, friends and culture, which extends in an unbroken line to the very dawn of life. No matter how righteously the garou hold themselves, no matter how they prey on their destroyers, the corruption spreads.

Now the time for reconciliation is past. This grave insult against Gaia can end in only one way: blood, betrayal... and rage.

Contained within are stories of three of the thirteen different werewolf "tribes" (societies), filled with raw emotion and sweat-stained desperation. This volume collects: Fianna, Get of Fenris, PLUS THE NEVER BEFORE SEEN Glass Walkers!

"... amidst all this action, Joe gentile has been able to give the reader an insight into the more tragic aspects of being Garou; the taboos, disappointments and personal weaknesses; the frustration of having the dual nature of both wolf and a human, and the frustration of not being understood by those close to you." - RPGunited.com

"... characters are darkly emotive and each carry a certain mystic quality about them. Each work is worth checking out and especially so for those who enjoy horror or who play the game." - SlushFactory.com

"Werewolf" is both horrific and simultaneously quite spiritual, and it is refreshing to see both aspects given equal treatment here." - TheSmallPress.com


Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Fang And Claw Vol. 2: Call of the Wyld contains Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Fianna, Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Get of Fenris and Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Glass Walkers.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Glass Walkers wasn't published as a single Graphic Novel as the other Tribe Comics were. Therefore making it the only one to be not printed in color. It can now be purchased as a single issue through DrivethruComics.

It is unknown how far in the developmental process Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Red Talons was. Since most World of Darkness projects were shut down due the Time of Judgement line at the time.


The Legend of "Werewolf The Apocalypse"[]

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Fianna[]

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Get of Fenris[]

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Glass Walkers[]



  • "Hound Dog" Colin - Fianna, Wolfshead Band/Pack
  • Stuart Brown
  • "Four String", Fin - Fianna, Wolfshead Band/Pack
  • Erin MacCloud - Female Fianna, Wolfshead Band/Pack
  • Risa the Eclipse - Female Fianna, Wolfshead Band/Pack
  • Bran - Fin's Sister, Kinfolk
  • Samhain - Wyrm-tainted, works for Endron and can command humans to obey his orders

Get of Fenris:

  • Lightning Strikes - Get of Fenris Ahroun
  • Blackstone of the Two-Faces - Female Get of Fenris Ragabash
  • Arrow to the Heart - Get of Fenris Philodox
  • Silver Tongue of the Many Masks - Get of Fenris Galliard
  • Blood Seeker - Get of Fenris, Wyrm-corrupt
  • Talon - Get of Fenris, Arrow to the Heart 's uncle
  • Lazarus - Get of Fenris
  • Hammer's Rage - Get of Fenris, Arrow to the Heart 's father
  • Karin Jarlsdottir

Glass Walkers:

  • Cypher-Breaker - Female Glass Walker, Umbral Pilot
  • Cyber Smith, "Doc Reigel" - Ex-Glass Walker
  • Ghost in the Machine - Female Glass Walker
  • Luna's Link-Up - Glass Walker
  • Taste the Blood - Red talon
  • Knight of the Moon - Wendigo
  • Julia Firewall


Tellus, GWNet,

Previous release:
WTA: Apocalypse (book) Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
Game Books
Werewolf: The Apocalypse books
Next release:
WTA/WTF: Werewolf Translation Guide Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!