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White Wolf Wiki

Wendell Delburton, aka Crusader17, is an Imbued member of the Avenger creed. He is a friend of Justine (Justme322). He had an encounter with Oracle171, an Infernalist.

In Time of Judgment, Wendell encounters Lucifer in Wichita, Kansas. Lucifier's weapon fatally impales Wendell in the throat. This death is dated to August 5, 2003 on the WTOJ ticker.[1]


Crusader17 is known on hunter-net as a hammer head, a diehead, a remorseless, relentless killer who lets nothing get in his way - not bloodsuckers, not skinchangers, not even common sense. A loner, he rarely hooks up with other hunters. When he does, however, he insists on doing things his way. In this case, "his way" means spending weeks or even months setting up a single burst of violence that reaches surreal levels. What he lacks in bravado, he more than makes up for in scope and frequency. He often stalks up to a dozen of them at once, tightly scheduling each demise. It's said that in Houston, he destroyed three rots in 24 hours - working solo.

The few hunters he's worked with thin he's either the greatest among them - or something even sicker and more depraved than their enemy.

Delburton's posts make his evangelical Christian beliefs crystal clear. To him, there's only Good and Evil, Anything that seems ambiguous is an illusion crafted by Satanic wiles to confuse those who would insist on following "merely human" ethics.

Crusader17's posts have implied that even before becoming imbued, he traveled the U.S. "doing the Lord's work." Based on his rabidly pro-life.sig file ("The ongoing murder of the unborn is the American Holocaust"), some readers have speculated that his taste for killing extended to clinic workers. But of course, there's no way to be sure.

Even if it is true... can the imbued afford to cast out a fighter of such determination and skill?

Character Sheet[]

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity (Sniper Fire) 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits (Reacting to Unexpected Danger) 4
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Computer 1, Dodge 3, Drive 2, Firearms 4, Intimidation 2, Investigation 3, Melee 3, Research 2, Stealth 3, Security 3, Streetwise 1
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Arsenal 2, Berserk 5, Contacts 2, Resources 2
Edges: (Vengeance) Impact, Trail, Smolder; (Defense) Ward, Rejuvenate
Zeal: 9, Conviction: 5, Willpower: 6

