White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

The Well of the Void is the physical manifestation of Oblivion, located at the center and bottom of the Labyrinth.


In a real sense, the Labyrinth exists to serve Oblivion, and as such it can manifest anywhere within it, at any time. The Well of the Void is a specific, fixed location at the bottom of the Veinous Stair in Stygia. Spectres have carved out niches in the sides of the Well, and its rim and walls are traced with crystalized memory, appearing as veins of white matter running through the black stone that makes up the rest of the Labyrinth. Wraiths linger around the rim of the Well, some working up the courage to descend, others waiting for a sign or portent.[1]

In 1999, Void Engineer Xerxes Jones descended into the Labyrinth with a relic nuclear weapon, intended to detonate it as an experiment. The use of a similar relic weapon on Enoch by the Hierarchy cause Jones' warhead to detonate early, nearly on top of the Well of the Void, killing him and triggering the Sixth Great Maelstrom.[2]

