Wasp the Vengeful Builder is a pack Totem found in suburban areas.
Wasps make their homes under the eaves of houses, outside swimming pools, in hollow logs in backyards and anywhere else they find suitable. They can build a new nest in less than a day, and when called to defend it, they are vicious. A pack that follows Wasp the Vengeful Builder will be industrious in the improvement and defense of its home, and the packmembers will never forget a slight. The pack's living quarters probably swarm with the insects, even during colder months, but the Uratha never seem to get stung.
Attributes: Power 2; Finesse 5; Resistance 2
Willpower: 4
Essence: 15 max
Initiative: 7
Defense: 5
Speed: 17 (species factor 10)
Size: 1
Corpus: 3
Influences: Perseverance *; Wasps *
Numina: Material Vision, Unspoken Communication (as the Gift)
Bonuses: Crafts 1 (given); Stealth 1 (given); Essence pool - 4 points (story)
Ban: The pack cannot let visitors into their home without inflicting pain upon them, even something as minor as an overly firm handshake.
Cost: 12
WTF: Territories, p. 118