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Wallace Sims, "Dole7" is a Hunter of the Defender Creed.


Wallace Sims is not what you would expect of a computer nerd. Wallace was blessed with intelligence, but to him it has always seemed much more like a curse. Wallace's father and grandfather worked in the steel mills near Sheffield, England. He expected to follow suit. A regular job and good pay. That would have been enough. Yet, his parents and friends noticed the difference in him; he could do better. The more they pushed him to excel academically, however, the more he rebelled by picking fights and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Once Wallace was finally out of school and ready to start at the mill, disaster struck: His father had secretly entered him in competition for a scholarship, and he won. Wallace obediently went away to school to please his father but couldn't take the pressure. A few fights later, he was kicked out.

Family relations fell apart after this final disappointment. Not even the death of Wallace's father turned the son around. He grew even angrier at the lot that life had dealt him. More often than not, he sat at home and drank or went 'round to the pub. He even turned his back on his friends in time, to get away from the life he wanted to forget.

Finally, under threat of being cut off the dole, Wallace grudgingly signed up for a retraining class for laid-off workers. Surprisingly, he enjoyed computers and soon outstripped his classmates. He might have stuck with it, but the instructor singled him out for extra attention, so he quit. But this time, rather than make the same old mistake, he stole a computer and some books with which to continue to teach himself.

Within a few years, Wallace's name got around on the net, and he was offered jobs designing databases and websites. He managed to keep his business quiet, since he was still living off the dole. Then a hacker broke into his machine. Rather than infuriating Wallace, the intrusion intrigued him. Keeping the hacker out became a game, and the anonymous person began to leave hints about technique and how Wallace could do the same against others. He had found the best teacher he had ever known, and his skills improved by leaps and bounds.

Then, one day, the tutelage came to a crashing halt. When Wallace booted his machine one morning, there was a crackle of electricity and a message appeared on the screen: "BEHOLD THE MASTER!" Suddenly an image flashed of a hideous creature, an amalgam of man and machine, slavering as it pecked at the keyboard with cracked, pointed nails.

Wallace shoved his computer to the floor in terror and fled his flat. He stayed away for days, uncertain of what to do and whom to turn to. Finally, he worked up the courage to return to his home. As he approached, a car pulled alongside him. The driver rolled down his window and called in a snide tone, "Wallace, your latest project is late." As the man removed his sunglasses, Wallace saw the metallic, reflective eyes of the creature that had appeared on his screen. Amazingly, people on the street saw nothing and went about their business.

Wallace ran for his apartment. Surprisingly, his machine was still on and working where he'd left it on the floor. Repeated line after line across the screen was "KEEP THE EVIL AT BAY." Wallace immediately set to keeping his intruder out, once and for all. The electronic battle heated and he had to replace fried modems and fused motherboards. But such defeats didn't deter him. If he was going to free himself at last, he'd have to prevail. Finally, the attacks ended. He had won and could keep his monstrous intruder outside the wall.

Not only that, now he knew about them....

Wallace has never "heard" the Messengers. He has discovered the burgeoning hunter community online and suspects the Heralds have contacted him electronically, although he doesn't know how they do it. His experiences with creatures online have taught him how to elude and confound them, sometimes in ways that not even he understands. He has confided some of his secrets to fellow site moderators, but otherwise devotes himself to assisting fellow "imbued" online, primarily ones who demonstrate a similar calling for protecting what little they have, whether in life or online. The Vigil website and list are the results.

Character Sheet[]

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 2, Intelligence (Puzzle Fiend) 4, Wits (Sharp-Tongued) 4
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Computer 4, Dodge 2, Intimidation 2, Intuition (Inspirational Flashes) 4, Investigation 1, Leadership 1, Melee 1, Research 1, Science 1, Security 3, Streetwise 2, Technology 3, Traps 1
Backgrounds: Patron 3, Resources 3, Stronghold 3
Edges: (Defense) Alram, Lock, Brand; (Visionary) Foresee, Pinpoint
Zeal: 7, Vision: 3, Conviction: 6, Willpower: 7
Derangement: Paranoia

