White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Walker37 was one of the Imbued and a user on hunter-net. He was anti-police, believing the police force to be controlled by rots and untrustworthy. He was killed by rots during a mission to Pittsburgh.


Walker37 worked with Witness1 in Pittsburgh to determine whether the experiments Fyodor described in Hunter Apocrypha were actually carried out. The two discovered that not only had the experiments been carried out, but that Fyodor's subject was a fellow Imbued whom he tricked and kidnapped. They also discovered a second victim that had not been reported publicly. Walker37 shot a door to open it, which attracted police officers. The officers were rots and killed him on sight. Witness1 told them that Walker37 had kidnapped him and was planning to torture him, setting him up for Fyodor's crimes.

