W20 Icons of Rage is a 2024 release for Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
From the seller's page:
- Every Garou has a story.
- Some stories are brief. They unfortunately end with an inexperienced werewolf rushing in to face more than they can handle. As the Apocalypse approaches, these stories are depressingly common.
- Most stories are longer. They tell of werewolves who grow into their roles, who perform their duties, who live and die in honorable service to their packs, septs, and the Nation.
- Yet other stories also exist. These tales may be long or short, but they tell of Garou who overcame their challenges, who became pinnacles of their auspices and whatever goals they pursued. They tell of those Garou who we should hold up as examples to what can be accomplished even in the face of the onrushing Apocalypse.
- These Garou are the Icons of Rage.
- Icons of Rage includes:
- Twenty-four fully detailed characters complete with their backgrounds, traits, and story hooks to use in your chronicles, as allies, contacts, mentors, or even antagonists.
The Icons of Rage[]
The Warriors[]
Those Changed under the light of the Full Moon carry the legacy of a nation of warriors, and to burden to be tougher, faster, and stronger than any who came before. To be an Ahroun in the time of the Apocalypse means more than just being a fighter. In the time of war the Garou Nation looks to the Ahroun for leadership to take them into battle.
- Unique Gift: One On One - Level 6 (Jonas Albrecht)
The Lorekeepers[]
The Gibbous Moons keep the stories and lore of the People, but they're also keepers of the stories not yet told. The Galliards mourn the loss of so many Garou alongside their peers, but they also give hope to the Nation, hope that the enemy may be defeated and the Apocalypse may yet be averted, or at least won.
The Seers[]
Those chosen by the Crescent Moon still search for secrets that may give advantage to the Garou over their foes. The Theurges understand that even after millennia of fighting and stories and experimentations the Garou are still blind to many of Gaia's secrets. Even as the world possibly comes to an end, the seers continue to quest, for knowledge is power, and even facing the Wyrm, much less defeating it, requires more than fang and talon.
The Pathfinders[]
The New Moons are more than just tricksters and fools. These Garou are those who search for new ways in the darkness, who question the meaning of what came before and what can be done to avoid the same mistakes and tragedies of the past. Others frequently overlook the Ragabash, or take them for granted, but only the most foolish Garou dismiss them entirely. If paths still exist for the Garou to avoid the Apocalypse and bring Gaia back from the brink without first needing to wade through death and destruction, the Ragabash will be the ones to find the way.
The Judges[]
The chosen of the Half Moon are empowered to make decisions on behalf of the People. The other auspices have battles to fight, stories to sing, secrets to use, and new paths to consider. Each of these is valuable to the Apocalyptic war effort, but each is only part of the whole. The Philodox are the Garou who bring the pieces together, who decide which aspects have the most merit, and how the Nation delivers its most effective final push against the forces of the Wyrm, in Gaia's name.
Background Information[]
- Dedication is made towards Leah Sheales by Matthew Dawkins.
Memorable Quotes[]
- The Icons of Rage
- Blackpaw - Galliard
- The Warriors
- Jonas Albrecht
- Jacob Morningkill
- Greyfist
- Vsshkrang - Wyrm Beast
- Nightmaster
- Yuri Konietzko
- Tamara Tvarivich
- Evan-Heals-the-Past
- Zhyzhak
- Lena Bloodclaw Baneslayer
- Rebekah - Black Fury Elder, Sept of the Rock Cut
- Silvermane - Homid, Lena's Packmate, Died
- Rotclaw - Theurge Black Spiral Dancer
- Furyfang - Lupus, Lena's Packmate, Died
- Lawkeeper - Homid, Lena's Packmate, Died
- Alia - Metis, Lena's Packmate, Died
- Donovan Jericho - Silver Fang, Lawkeeper's Mentor
- Nina Freeman
- Astrid Broken Claw - Get of Fenris, Nina's Grandmother
- Garth Larsen - Get of Fenris Philodox
- Horns-of-Pain - Garou, Nina's Close Friend
- She-Who-Walks-Alone
- Jack Hanson - Vampire, Caitiff, Died
- Rico Contreras - Garou
- Randal "Webstalker" Vabderleest - Glass Walker Elder
- Liam "Hunts-in-Blood" Mitchell
- Alex Mitchell - Liam's Girlfriend
- Lucy Mitchell - Liam's Daughter
- Jeremiah Casaubon - Vampire, Prince of Birmingham
- Jonas Albrecht
- The Lorekeepers
- Song-of-Victory
- Laughing Fang - Red Talon Ragabash, Song-of-Victory's Packmate
- Shadow Cry - Red Talon Theurge, Song-of-Victory's Packmate
- Blood-Flows-Hot - Red Talon Ahroun, Song-of-Victory's Packmate
- Death-That-Growls - Red Talon Ahroun, Song-of-Victory's Packmate
- Tahir Pedram - Glass Walker Philodox
- Hōāch'i Dádé'gha, He-Carries-the-Wind-With-Him, Full-of-Wind
- Braided Threads - Glass Walker Theurge, Hōāch'i's Packmate, Pattern Recognition
- Teeth-at-the-Heels-of-Trouble - Silent Strider Ahroun, Hōāch'i's Packmate, Pattern Recognition
- The Herald of the Serpent - Black Spiral Dancer Galliard
- Water-That-Is-Born
- Dog-Salmon-Eats-Soapberry - Wendigo Theurge, Water-That-Is-Born's Packmate, Pollen-on-the-Breeze
- Bright Yellow Flower - Stargazer Philodox, Water-That-Is-Born's Packmate, Pollen-on-the-Breeze
- Thunder-Fights-the-Wind - Feline Daylight Pumonca, Water-That-Is-Born's Packmate, Pollen-on-the-Breeze
- Naomi-Eight-Devils (formerly Never-Ate-Dogs)
- Nose-to-the-Wind - Red Talon
- Mamu
- Murriyanyadhaa - Bane
- Manda Fake-Knee - Bone Gnawer Galliard
- Summer Blood-Eye - Black Spiral Dancer, Sept Leader of the Hive of Corrupted Flesh
- Angus Christian - CEO of Consolidex-Australasia, Murriyanyadhaa's Pawn
- Amber-Dreaming
- Cernonous
- Grek
- Darius
- Jumps-the-Fence
- Wungala Rose
- Inanna
- Monash
- Tjinderi Knowing-Smile
- Ced - Gumagan Mokolé
- Song-of-Victory
- The Seers
- Mari Cabrah
- Inoue "Sword-of-the-Storm" Nari
- Inoue Akihiko - Nari's Twin Brother, Died
- Inoue Clan
- Charlotte "Keeper-of-the-Key" Lee
- Dancers-on-Silver - Silver Fang, Charlotte's Father, Died
- Melissa Lee - Silver Fang Philodox, Charlotte's Sister
- Ryan Mitchell - Kinfolk
- Sabrina "Walks-the-Worlds" Jameson
- Misha - Shadow Lord Theurge Elder, Silent Bay, Sept Leader
- The Jamesons - Sabrina's non-Garou family
- Henry - Get of Fenris Ragabash, Sabrina's Packmate, The Harvest Moon Pack
- Maria - Silent Strider Ahroun, Sabrina's Packmate, The Harvest Moon Pack
- The Spirit of Untamed Roads - Spirit
- The Pathfinders
- Dalaja Aashray Tahanee, They-Shelter-the-Shoots
- King Palmarstan Nayar - Silver Fang, House Blood Red Crest
- Lord Blue Moon - Silver Fang, House Blood Red Crest
- Ripple Sangma - Silver Fang, House Blood Red Crest
- No-Shadows-Cast-at-Noon - Silver Fang Ahroun Metis, House Blood Red Crest
- Glen Seize-Trouble
- Karlos - Glen's Cousin
- Ben Spears-the-Web - Glen's Packmate, Crow-Biting-Ferals Pack
- Jasmine - Glen's Niece, joined Free-X
- Adrian Carver
- Duke Phillip Batternburg - Silver Fang
- Matt Low-Bar - Glen's Packmate, Crow-Biting-Ferals Pack
- Lisa Twigg-Snapper - Glen's Packmate, Crow-Biting-Ferals Pack
- Kat Among-the-Sick - Glen's Packmate, Crow-Biting-Ferals Pack
- White-Eye "Walks-Among-Man"
- Sayo Chen
- Cameron "Hermit" Ward - Legendary Children of Gaia Theurge
- Jin Singh - Ahroun
- Dina "Traces-the-Circle" Mokhtar
- Hadem Twice-Changed - Stargazer Philodox
- Aya "Marks-the-Prey" Saeed - Black Fury Elder, Sept of the Bloodied Stair Sept Leader, Dina's Mother
- Dalaja Aashray Tahanee, They-Shelter-the-Shoots
- The Judges
- James Fromm
- Morgan - James' Cousin
- Grisel Thunderjaw - Get of Fenris Pack Alpha, Cannibal, Died
- Manu Baez - Homid Bone Gnawer Ragabash, James' Packmate, Vagabonds of Glory Pack
- Cecilia Gomez - Homid Children of Gaia Theurge, James' Packmate, Vagabonds of Glory Pack
- Two-Throats - Metis Galliard Children of Gaia, James' Packmate, Vagabonds of Glory Pack
- Pedro "Pusher" Franco - Glass Walker, Died
- Noemi Cabrera - Shadow Lord, Died
- Rage-of-the-Lost - Uktena Lupus, Died
- Attacks-at-Midnight - Glass Walker Ahroun
- Samuel "Skinner" Haight
- Celine Kelsoe
- Kira Rebel - Human, Aware of werewolves thanks to Celine, Celine's Ally
- Kira Rebel - Human, Aware of werewolves thanks to Celine, Celine's Ally
- Hestia "Arm-of-the-Erinyes" Black-Eyes
- Samantha Saves-the-Soul - Hestia's Friend
- Jamie Heart-Eater - Silent Strider Ahroun, Member of the Erinyes
- Tuteesh Dei Yik
- Ch'éenx'ée'l, "Ghost-on-One-Side" - Legendary Wendigo Theurge
- Blue-Elk-Drinks-Rain - Ahroun Wendigo, Tuteesh's Packmate, Frozen-Breath-Along-the-Surface Pack
- Viola the Knife
- Vlad Volaschky - Viola's Father, Died
- Nada Volaschky - Viola's Half-Brother, Shadow Lord
- Ekatarina Sun-Hider - Shadow Lord Philodox, Varna Sept
- James Fromm
- The Warriors
- Blackpaw - Galliard
Abomination, Abyss, Alexandria, Altjira, Amazon, Amazon War, Ancestor, Asia, Asunción, Australia, Bane: Ferectoi, H'ruggling, Nexus Crawler, Scryer; Belize, Birmingham, Blue Retreat (Glen's Monastery), Bozeman, Brazil, Britain, British Columbia, Budapest, Caern/Hive/Protectorate/Sept: Bawn, Bison Rock Caern (Wyoming), Caern of Hallowed Tree, Dragon Nest, Emerald Palace, Hive of Corrupted Flesh, Hunter Valley Protectorate, Jindabyne Sept, Kata Tjuta Protectorate, North Country Protectorate (Vermont), Open Sky Sept (Stargazers, Indonesia), Riverina Protectorate, Riverina Sept, Sept of Antigone's Wrath (Thebes), Sept of the Bloodied Stair, Sept of the Drowned Wolf (Koma Kulshan, Washington), Sept of the Green (Central Park), Sept of the Rock Cut (Rock Cut State Park, Illinois), Sept of the Stone Bridge (Mixteco Bajo), Sept of the Unbroken Stone (Libya), Sept of Unquiet Dreams (Paraguay), The Silent Bay (Wyld Caern, Portsmouth), Tasmanian Protectorate, Varna Sept (Black Sea); Woman-At-Arms (Mari's Dojo), Camps: Bacchantes, Earth Guides, Web Walkers; Central America, Chicago, Chimerling, Cliath, Cult, Cyber Realm, Dead Man's Hand (Werewolf Hunters), Deep Umbra, Den Parent, Digital Web, Dionysion Hotel, Dionysus, Dreaming, Dreamtime, Durham, Egypt, Elemental, Embrace, Emerald Mother, England, Europe, Everywhen, Fera: Balam, Bastet, Bunyip, Daintree Gumagan, Gumagan, Mokolé, Pumonca; Fetishes: 'Akihiko, Blade of Thunder', Black Crown, The Key, Someone Else's Feet, The Seven Swords, Silver Crown, Umbral Compass; First Change, First Team, 'Florida, Paraguay', Fomori, Fostern, Free-X (See-Dream World Studios, X-Ceptionals), Geomid, Geomid Network, Grand Klaives: Burning Fury, Kin Foe, Solemn Lord; Greece, Hakken, Harano, Haven, Helios, The Hidden Cabin (Penumbra), 'Hollowtop Mountain, Montana', Illinois, Impergium, Incarna, India, Indonesia, Istanbul, Jaggling, Japan, Jindabyne Council, 'Jurong, Singapore', Kangaroo Island, Keeper of the Land, Khasi Hills, Kinfolk, Klaives: The Dayblade, The Purifier; Koma Kulshan, Kyoto, Leech, Libya, Litany, London, Los Angeles, Luna, Lune, Maeljin Incarna, Malfeas, Mali, Manhattan, Many Crows (Volaschky Family Property), Master of Challenge, Master of the Rite, Meghalaya, Mixteco Bajo, Mockery Breeds: Kerasi; Mojave Desert, Montana, Montreal, Moon Bridge, Moon Path, Mount Arago, Mozambique, Net Spider, Neuro-Dynamic Laboratories, New Hampshire, New South Wales, New York, New York City, Norway, North America, Oaxaca, Packs: Crow-Biting-Ferals (Team CBF; Glen's Pack), Death Dealers (Astrid's Pack), Erinyes (Hestia's Followers), Frozen-Breath-Along-the-Surface (Tuteesh's War Pack), Guardian's Rage (Mari's Former Pack), Hallowed Tree Pack, The Harvest Moon Pack (Sabrina's Pack), Pattern Recognition (Hōāch'i's Pack), Pollen-on-the-Breeze (Water-That-Is-Born's Pack), Sword of the Storm (Nari's Pack), Vagabonds of Glory (James' Pack); Paraguay, Pathstone, Pentex Subsidiaries: Consolidex-Australasia, Developers Forestry Group, Dasos Logging; Penumbra, 'Portsmouth, New Hampshire', Prince, Prophecy of the Phoenix, Queensland, Ranch Apocalypse, Rockford, Ronin, Seventh Generation, Silver Fang Houses: House Blood Red Crest, House Crescent Moon, House Wyrmfoe; Singapore, Sokhta, Songline, South America, Spirit, Sydney, Tasmania, Thebes, Thunderwyrm, Totems: Bear, Chimera, Cockroach, Crane (Crane-of-War), Falcon, Grandfather Thunder, Griffin, Ngalyod, Turtle; Tripoli, Truthcatcher, Uluru, Umbra, Vampire, Vancouver, Veil, Vermont, Washington State, 'Wéinna, British Columbia', Wyrmcomers, Wyrmhole,
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