White Wolf Wiki

With the addition of some Bata’a, the practice of Voudoun has gained significantly more influence in the Traditions. These former Disparates have many allies among the formerly strictly loyal Council members. The Dreamspeakers and the Verbena both have Voudoun practitioners and related types as members. The Ecstatics have the Erzuli Jingo and the independent Houguns and Mambos. The Euthanatoi have the Ta Kiti. In addition, there are the Bata’a who have recently splintered, with many joining four separate Traditions.

The Akashic Brotherhood has accepted Akashic Capoeira practitioners who apply the principles of Do to Brazilian and Caribbean cultures instead of Asian mysticism. The Celestial Choristers include Voudoun practitioners who believe all spirits serve a single divine entity. The Hermetic Ex Miscellanea House includes Voudoun priestesses, the Virtual Adepts have “cyberhouguns” who serve Electric Loas, and even the Sons of Ether have among their numbers Voudoun practitioners with an interest in dimensional entities and parapsychology. It is not surprising that members of these various subgroups are petitioning the Council for full recognition as a faction, if not a full Tradition in their own right. In the past, the Council has been Euro-centric; perhaps the inclusion of a Voudoun-based Tradition with help create a more globally-oriented Council.

