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White Wolf Wiki

Volkas Shustack is "helper" for Mages.

Quote: Coming through, buddy!


Volkas Shustack was born in Lithuania, but left that country when he was six, smuggled aboard a plane in a streamer trunk. He arrived in Boston and was promptly fetched by an Americanized extended family. They largely ignored him until he was of age to drop out of school and start working to feed his nephews, nieces, grandmothers and grandfathers. He became a small-time thief, discovering the ins and outs of Boston's hyper-chaotic street system, exploring every back alley and shadowy thoroughfare that he could. One of his most lucrative angles was stealing bicycles from tacks and parking meters and selling them. He always kept a few of the nicer bikes for himself, and he used them on his petty crime sprees.

His foray into crime ended when he had a close call with a shooter and he decided to go "legit." He didn't leave the criminal world wholesale; he operated as an under-the-radar bike messenger, carrying packages for shady characters and corporations. Willing to carry just about anything for the right price, Volkas wound up transferring packages and envelopes for a few high-paying clients - not to his knowledge, they were warlock clients. One day while picking up a black box with rounded edges, he was caught in some kind of struggle. Some weird shit happened to the space around him and before he knew it, he was pulled in and spit own the other side - of town.

Since then, he's seen and heard some pretty strange things. He doesn't know exactly who or what he's dealing with, but he knows they can do some pretty freaky stuff, and that they have deep pockets.


Tall and lanky, Volkas leans his head forward and zips down city streets. He has quick physical reactions and a vulpine face.

Character Sheet[]

Equipment: Trek cycle, helmet, gloves, pepper spray, handful of stolen credit cards
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity (Quick Reactions) 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits (Swift) 4
Abilities: Alertness (Responsive) 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 3, Investigation 1, Security 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 1, Resources 2
Willpower: 5

