Volchecka Ibarruri is an Ahroun Black Fury. Her first name means "wolf-lover", her last name is a tribute to a Spanish revolutionary. She is a young Fury who is waging a war against the wolf-hunters of Alaska. She often doesn't kill her victims outright, she often simply maims them and leaves them bleeding on the outskirts of the nearest town as a form of psychological warfare, deterring other would-be wolf hunters. The authorities believe it to be the work of environmental terrorists, but she is in fact, working entirely alone, even disdaining the aid of other Garou. Her apparent immunity to cold and her seeming ability to control arctic storms have lead to speculation that she serves Wendigo.[1][2]
Volcheka was born to an Alaskan pack of Kinfolk wolves, and the Furies expectantly watched her and her littermates from afar. She was among Garou almost immediately after her First Change, and there she learned why the humans hunted her and her kin. Once done with her Rite of Passage, she left the Furies to return to the woods.
Her first name means "wolf-lover"; her last name is a tribute to a Spanish revolutionary. This up-and-coming young Fury wages a personal war against the wolf-hunters of Alaska. She rarely kills her prey; she prefers to maim them and leave them bleeding on the outskirts of a nearby town. Her psychological warfare has already taken a toll on the hunting trade....
The Alaskan authorities fear a band of radicals has taken up terrorism in the forests, but Volcheka wages a lone crusade, even disdaining the help of other Garou. Her immunity to the Arctic cold and seeming ability to control winter storms leads some to believe she serves the Wendigo totem. Wendigo Garou in fact refuse to work against Volcheka, preferring to aid her efforts from afar. Volcheka already seems to be a legend; more Furies know of her by reputation than can ever claim to have met her.
To date, Volcheka hasn't met any fomori, Black Spiral Dancers, or other obvious minions of the Wyrm. If any come after the wolves and territory under her protection, they will have a hard fight on their hands.
Volcheka's breed form is that of a healthy dark-gray wolf. When she shifts to Crinos, there is an almost silvery cast to her coat. Her Homid form is thing and attractive, although very feral-seeming. Her hair is a mane of black streaked with white, and she sometimes aunts the Fury glyph on her forehead when hunting. Her eyes remain yellow in every form.
Character Sheet[]
- ↑ WTA: Black Furies Tribebook, p. 59
- ↑ WTA: Litany of the Tribes Volume 1, p. BF: 59