White Wolf Wiki

Viorica, otherwise known as the Scarlet Witch, is a member of the French Tremere, based in the county of Anjou in France. She is the Regent of Tours's chantry.


The cruel French Tremere known as Viorica is the master of the Tours's chantry of the House Tremere, put in position by the powerful Goratrix. She was one of the childer of the Councellor of France, LeDuc.

Originally of Lupine heritage, she was cast off and hateful of werewolves. She was Embraced by LeDuc as a solution against the Lupines in the Rouen area. She quickly displayed her talent, particularly by creating two lupine-gargoyles.

In the following years, she became closer to Goratrix and was sent to Tours.

She has an earpiece which contains the spirit of the "demon of Desire", Vassago.

Her nickname of Scarlet Witch comes from her scarlet dresses, made of the magical blood of her victims.

Character Sheet[]

