The Vinculum, also known as the Blood Bond, is the artificial love and loyalty spawned by feeding from the same vampire three times. Part of the Kindred's ill regard for tasting the Vitae of other vampires is this sinister and addictive effect. Kindred who consume the blood of another vampire become subjected to a unique state of emotional control, increasing in intensity with each drink. A powerful but artificial infatuation is made for the vampire from whom three draughts are taken. Humans can become subject to the blood bond as well; a Vinculum is often involved when creating Ghouls.
He who is bound in such a way is known as the Thrall, while the vampire to whom a thrall is bound is called the Regnant, or Domitor.
A thrall is not a complete slave of his master, but he comes close to one. He constantly feels the artificial love, affection, and loyalty imposed by the bond, even if he simultaneously hates his domitor for demeaning or enslaving him. Among those who are weak-willed, naïve, mentally unstable or even willing, the blood bond grants them the feeling of a singular, forceful devotion.
Ironically, a mutual form of protection can shape from this. Kindred under third-stage blood bonds are immune from the vinculum of others, with all lesser bonds immediately breaking. Kindred who deliberately drink of each other's blood for this reason create what is known as a Perversion, a criminal practice in some cities for being seen as a danger against the Elysium's protocol of power and control.
Many sires bind their childer. Many Princes impose bonds on criminals. Every vampire views the bond differently. Some abhor it. Some find it a regrettable inevitability. Some revel in it. Most fear it.
Breaking the Vinculum is a difficult task. No matter the stage, blood bonds last a year from the most recent drink before slowly disintegrating. Outside waiting out the year, methods for diffusing the bond — save for an overwhelming third-stage bond — are unreliable myths at best. Death of a domitor is sometimes seen as the only option left. However, certain Coils and Scales of the Ordo Dracul are said to be capable destroying the blood bond, though at deathly costs.
- VTR: Vampire: The Requiem Second Edition, p. 99-100