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Vincent Day is one of the most distinguished Paladins of the Sabbat.


Born as the third son to a lord, Vincent's life seemed to be destined for the church. Having no interest in becoming a priest, he fled to France and joined the Templars. Soon he was on his way to the Levant to battle heathens, but the brutal stalemate that they had to endure gnawed as Vincent's faith. When the Templar's were forced to retreat, he went to Rome to find solace. During this time in 1307 CE, Philip IV accused the Templars of heresy and Vincent left the order as fast as he could, returning to England and the side of his father.

When he was Embraced, he finally saw the truth of Cainites influence running rampart in the world, centered among a few influential elders who centralized all the power for themselves. While he was a Ventrue of a distinguished lineage, descended from Mithras himself, Vincent seemed to gain nothing from that reputation. His sire taught Vincent enough to act as both a guardian and a messenger. Vincent was often sent on long, dangerous journeys to deliver important missives to other Ventrue throughout Europe.

When the Anarch Revolt came, he joined with true fervor, vowing to end the oppression of the old over the young. When the Camarilla was founded, Vincent only laughed. It was the same oppression as before, only with another mask. Full of anger and idealism, he joined the nascent Sabbat, earning himself a name as a warrior. When he left England for the New World, he was vital for the founding of the Path of Honorable Accord, which he still upholds. He serves the General of the Sabbat Inquisition as Templar and Paladin and his reputation makes him one of the most feared among this station.

Ironically, he often finds himself in the role of messenger once again, delivering secret letters to Sabbat Cardinals and Prisci in various Sabbat cities. Cardinal Strathcona of Canada, a fellow Ventrue antitribu, often calls on Vincent to be his envoy when the Regent calls for a council. Vincent’s other patron is the elusive seer, Vasantasena, who sends him on unfathomable missions from time to time, but Vincent admires her longtime dedication to the Sect. Younger Sabbat often wonder why a Cainite as old as Vincent would choose to serve others. And yet, one look into the cold eyes of Vincent Day, and they see someone who has honed himself into a weapon, determined to one day bring the battle to all who would oppose the Sect.


Considering the time of his Embrace - after twenty years after Templars' charges, Day must look much older. It is possible that he was a ghoul for some time.

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