White Wolf Wiki

Vikram Singh, "Ashram242" is a hunter of the Redeemer Creed.


Vikram is a native of Delhi, India, and the son of low-caste workers. Always a devout Hindu, he leavened his periods of hard work with holy pilgrimages, traveling the paths laid down by the gods. On one trip - to the source of the river Ganges, the place where the Lord Shiva rests in meditation of the world - the Heralds saw fit to reveal the diseased to him. After praying for guidance, he was given to understand that he should abstain from all meats and alcohol, and to prepare a shrine for healing and purification on the trail where he was awakened, so that the diseased could travel to it to display their willingness to be healed.

After returning to Delhi, Vikram learned that not all of the diseased were humble; some mingled with the Brahmins and other important people. He worked tirelessly to spread the word of Lord Shive to the diseased who displayed proper submission, teaching them how they might regain their righteousness. He was quite open about his abilities at first. A nighttime attack convinced him that perhaps Lord Shive intended him to be subtle in his work, and he has become a much more cautious. Despite this, Vikram has gained considerable standing in his community as a holy man. People seek him out for advice, wisdom and for help healing injuries. Between Hindu scripture, knowledge of the way of the world, and his sight, he can usually tender good advice. Local people also rally to his defense if h is endangered, and one or two are usually with him at all times.

Because Vikram does not denounce high-caste monsters - that is not yet his place, he feels - he's not much of a nuisance to the creatures of his home. The day will come when he might surprise them, but he does not foresee it. His wife knows that he has had a vision, and cannot decide whether he has become holy or gone mad, but she has seen the results of his power to heal. She does miss eating meat, though.

Despite being only 24, Vikram tries to follow the ideal of the stern, loving father with the diseased, and with other chosen. His faith is unshakeable, and he believes that any truly worthy being should do as he has done: abstain from meat and alcohol, journey in the proper season to the source of the Ganges, and visit the shrine that he bult along the way. Without at least some indication of following this path, he is reluctant to help anyone, although he might be persuaded.

