White Wolf Wiki

Madame Varvara is an Unseelie Satyr and one of the best known madams in Washington, D.C. in the Duchy of Dogwood.


Madame Varvara

Varvara's bordello caters to the rich, the famous, the powerful, and the desperate fae. Wantonly Unseelie, she is a frequent visitor and paid informant of the Shadow Court. She is privy to some of the most explosive secrets in the halls of power and not just pertaining to national security. she knows what kinks all the important folk have and is more than willing to supply them with whatever they desire... for a price, of course.

Lately, she has been conducting a little experiment at the request of Duke Siva and Duchess Kali. She has been enchanting mortals who come to the bordello and cutting their sexual fantasies with a dose of dross. The resultant explosion of Glamour is enough to fill up every changeling in a six-block area. The aftermath has proved a disappointment, though. Many fall prey to extreme Banality just after such a treatment and a few have attempted suicide. Of course, if the Shadow Court can find a way to harness that Banality to its own ends, well... who cares about a few pitiful human lives?


  1. CTD. Kingdom of Willows, p. 133.